Sunday, August 21, 2016

Don’t ask me why because really I don’t know

But it’s one of those things that the spiritual world requires me to do now and again.
To this point I can say that it’s got something to do with being home and home is where my shoes are.

Now, I did change watches, but that really didn’t help with the time dynamic it all. It’s got to Plano and other aspects of Texas.

So I guess I’m going to get animated but things are slowing down because of aspects of Germany and the so-called spaceship enterprise.

Which probably has something to pharmaceuticals aspects of capitalism and banking if you understand the dynamics of Jeffrey economics!

All right, I’m currently in the production phase for what I’m hoping to be tonight’s programming. We’ll just have to see, Germany) down then we have issues with deep space and by the way that was Germany slows me down, as well as deep space and now were hung up with the so-called Japanese affairs. You see things, as they go in production, very so I add things here and there according to how the script plays out. Now I know some of you don’t know what to watch tonight so I’m trying to provide some type of entertainment somewhere. And I’m protected by political speech, religious speech, and other types of speeches if you circle the globe or look at the map.

You know I have a lot of twin footage and I would kind of like to throw some of that in but that would be to Harry although the twins are that Harry. But that’s got to do with late-night programming and past TV talkshow hosts and family affairs.. Well it looks like Japan finally came to town and I know everyone’s getting ready to go to work and go to school and all that other stuff so I’m just throwing this in the mix so you can enjoy yourselves as you get ready for school and go to work.

I find myself in a very interesting place this given moment. I have successfully completed the production and have the entire thing in the so-called proverbial bag. I knew it was going to be a big file but this is a little bigger than I thought and a little longer. It weighs in at about 41 minutes and eight seconds that would give you approximately 18 minutes of commercial time if you wanted to insert commercials within the context of this programming.

Me, I really don’t care, I’ve Artie made my so-called two cents worth.

Anyway I’ve had to seem excusing that was my mistake can someone give me a take to please.


Regardless of the facts I’m done with the production and I’ve sent a legal team over to Google to negotiate the so-called posting price for this feature presentation. You see this is not a made-for-TV movie it’s a made for me movie which gets back to the starship enterprise and who really is at the office? This gets back to whether or not her mother is really a doctor and do these kind of doctors have any business being in your vagina?

It always circles around it gets back to vaginas which gets back to other aspects of late-night programming and people sitting on their hands and doing nothing.

And yes world this has everything to do with you and I’m sorry Russia, trust me I’ve got plenty of programming but I thought the so-called capitalists needed there little 18 minute reprieve into our pockets.

Meanwhile back at the ranch there processing the film for export which means it’s going through various aspects of compression which gets back to zippers and zips and other aspects of Wisconsin.

Yes the so-called grad student did make an impression but did you see her girlfriend!

Man oh man the things this teacher could do in that classroom!

Meanwhile the states of compression are at 41%, 27%, and 28% respectively…

Some may accuse me of lying because it’s clearly 42% by the time I find the button to make an image so if you subtract that time lag you’ll realize it really was 41% not 42 despite the so-called photographic evidence if you call the screen print photograph.

I tried to visualize it more as a variable in the fine art world.

If you think about it I’m classifying this is fine art when in fact I know there’s a high degree of bull shit in play but that’s the magnificence of my artwork!

Were somewhere in the 80s and the 90s in relationship to the concept of compression. That is in reference to imports and exports and Jeffrey's overall economic theories.

I thought I would type directly into this given cell because it makes formatting much easier.

So let me help the so-called critics out and if I ever do make it to the TV Guide this will give them some added information so that they can accurately represent this incredible bit of cinema.

Awoke up today and I realized I was going to have to get animated or specifically as good have to throw some animation your way. And I knew I could teach you something but more importantly I needed to coach you on and therefore I went directly to the coach and pass Charlie Sheen at the bar....

When you get something to Francis Ford Coppola and then my son saying you can't count on him for much but his daughter has worked out well. Those are not his exact words but it does capture the spirit of the so-called dynamic.

Of course this opens the door to another aspect of saying I live and the so-called lounge singer....

Feelings nothing more than feelings....  Feelings of love...

Happen my baby having my baby......

What a wonderful way of showing me that you love me....

If your child needs a daddy....

Why, some people may be asking themselves, why, I apparently in the last rock 'n roll encoding sequencer left on the planet, according to the starship intercourse and various forms of processed dairy products.

I'm telling you is that Wisconsin thing and the fact that we let the Mormons in of the picture at all....

And maybe Donald Trump is right, maybe we need to build to walls one along the Mexican border and one along the Canadian border and then let Canada and Mexico work out the bridge work for themselves...

If you're hanging around my back door...

His name is Gordon and her name was Jordan so she said she was from Wisconsin but Wisconsin's very close to Canada so she might be a Canadian spy centric infiltrate the so-called radioactive dump in New Mexico with her girlfriend was actually from the Soviet Union.

That's right I said the Soviet Union, there are those there who do not believe it should of been dissolved and want to reunify the so-called Soviet state they also think that Hitler wasn't such a bad guy after all and if Mussolini could fix the Italian trains and let's all go hide in Spanish caves and talk about books and various forms of anarchy.

Then I could buy you some flowers and talk about income tax.

Now I haven't looked at the material yet but it is done processing it still could be too large and I have other tricks up my sleeve because I've a lot in common with Bullwinkle.

Now, readers note, I am going to touch upon some adult issues as should be obvious.

Now for the so-called intellectual groups I am actually doing real-time password coding so good luck with that. 

By the way, for the record I really did make a Western omelette this morning for the entire family although my son didn't want any I still made the thing and it was very good a lot like my chili and other aspects of my so-called culinary dynamics.

Anyway we have movies on location and my lawyers have worked to deal out with Google so would compress the thing down to about 26 MB so I can put 41 minutes and eight seconds into 26 MB...

By all means, good luck and good fishing and welcome to the coding world and the new entertainment media..

Dr. DIS Media Services

DDISMS  I'm not sure I'll have to sink to the boys and nomenclature and have them review the thing like as we got it the acronyms to work right with all of the other acronyms. Reminds me, has anyone seen my acronym coding book?

If anyone was wondering, the other day I was speaking about back to dynamics in various aspects of women in my life. This gets back to the unusual research I do and it's unusual so-called directions and the world's misinterpretation of my research and development.

And you can't blame that on and you can't really blame it I said you cannot blame that on Japan or China but we could blame it on Taiwan if you know anything about the University of Texas that resides in Dallas but fact is enriched in Texas is in Richardson Texas....

You TD  UTD, I left your biscuit on the sidewalk next to the bus station, no, I really do I really did. The Gov. of Texas and the two preceding governors before him are the ones that pushed for the current restrictions concerning feeding the birds and state taxes therefore I chose to be University by the bus stop with the top half of my desk with the top half of my desk...

Biscuits and gravy...

You see you only see the top half of my biscuit, but why seemed the only place me because one sided dice the other side's fire.

You know I get easily distracted as I was talking about machines and women and I was trying to demonstrate that Japan has a unique way of teaching that women about the dynamics of vacuum cleaners...

That's the nature of this type of that is the nature of this tight rope < at hand!

Warm aspects of Bob...

Which gets back to the truth or should I say the consequences and should we really play golf with Bob Barker...

I've always appreciated his approach with the so-called beautiful woman who works with or at least what they used to say.

Since were talking about Bob with you talk about Bill and then we can talk about Steve you know Steve I took you and your wife and put you guys are different type of cave in fact I restructured the whole compartment you reside in...

Of course this leads back to David's Garris and his sister by the way that is said Garris....

It's tempting, you know the thing is on this box right now like easily reach for IT! 

Meanwhile back at the production facility the professor reviews the so-called post and wonders if he should've gone to Washington with this.

"Does someone want to explain to me how this happened"

" Sir, you have the automatic echo switch deployed. "

"Automatic echo switch, is someone shitting on me or does this thing really exist?"

" Jeffrey, it's the switch on the left-hand side of the console next to the puff tissues. "

"You mean this switch you mean this switch you mean this switch you mean this switch....."

" Yes sir, that's the automatic echo switch, you ask for it when we were making revisions to speed up processing. "

"I did?"

In unison, the entire production facility response

" Yes, you did. "

"Well, it's clear to me that the so-called people in power give you guys a little more space around some the things that you say then they're giving me."

" Jeff, when you say that the function of your own hand? "

"Does someone want to tell me who in the fuck is this guy."

" He's from the psychiatric unit, just in case you tried to get Charles Bronson to do anything. I mean really, and you had a look at that thing, that's what I call a high degree of decay. "

"Speaking of decay, we have any other operatives in New Mexico?"

Saturday, August 20, 2016

1 = is easy another not so much

We can talk about the news and getting to the heart of the matter or square jaws.
But people talk about Spielberg and Lucas a little too much!

All right, the easy level, I’m changing watches, a little more complex, it’s got to do with this check I saw!

Yes, quite poetic, no not Shakespearean it all, so were going to twist and rotate and look at another aspect of the so-called English situation. And say hello to complexity!

I will insert the small film here, this is all from August 19, 2016 starting from the very early part of the day and then moving into, just after breakfast.

But the so-called, changing of the watch ceremony, became much more complicated, I suppose it has to do with Bullwinkle.

My birthplace just called, I was unable to receive the message before it timed out, which gets back to something I’m supposed to explain to you. Yes, I’ve been quiet, so to speak. But not unproductive, in fact contrary to that point, which gets back to how I entered this state that I’m in at the present moment. You see, it’s naturally that it would be different, at first I didn’t know why, and then I realized why. I didn’t cross a river and I didn’t go over a bridge I merely covered some ground and that made for different dynamic one entered the so-called state. Let’s blame it on New Mexico, because we can and because it is New Mexico’s fault and that’s where the red river starts.

Or we could blame it on Pee-wee Herman and the aspects of tequila and riding bicycles.

I’ll let you all discussing cover that in your own private meetings meanwhile I’ve got to deal with this check I saw.

Yes it’s about grades and nuclear science and aspects of New Mexico as well as parts of Colorado and Utah and yes we going to Minnesota and Wisconsin which gets back to more politics and who has a communist flag in their garage!

Man this is a slow so-called change your pitch and remember I’m dealing with all kinds of revolutionary issues concerning the aspects of details if you know anything about what I’m talking about you realize I’m dancing on another floor altogether. And I’m waiting for the Buffalo girls, to come out, and the floors just separating, but that’s the nature of basketball and the dynamics of Mr. Jones because Mr. Jones back in town is got ventilated slacks that is to say he has or he’s God if you know anything. But you know that’s a malfunction I would normally correct but if voice recognition is going to behave on that level then we’ll let the so-called spirits work in that arena.

Me personally, I would not invest in that company whatsoever, they are disgusting group of people, they’re called nevus but they’re just like into it and all the other so-called binary fucks, which gets back to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and why I curse a lot!

Meanwhile the so-called conversion affect is it 76 and 74% as been about 19 hours in Jeffrey time if you know anything about Jeffries timepieces. It’s important that you know this and it’s important that you see what I did New Mexico concerning Jordan and her father Jeffrey, the artist and other aspects to watching dogs and trees turning blue.

She probably doesn’t know who Aretha Franklin is either or either or potato or a taught to or could I say the Lone Ranger and chemo Sabe!!!

For the record, Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Lucas, I didn’t have white line issues until I added the so-called watch dynamic to the effect because we have to deal with England as we have to deal with England and the so-called language dynamic.

Which means you going to have to do some homework and if you do some homework you’re going to realize these in England have radically changed over the past 24 hours!

Blame it on Shealy Lewis and Julia Dreyfuss as well as George Clooney and aspects of Georgia and Florida and bridge building as well as a River runs through it and all of that other stuff because I really do a fishing pole but I acquired when I was at the airport, some time ago.

Enjoy the film! By the way I did not shoot Lincoln but I have moved to that single long as well as changing my watch and other aspects of voodoo if you know what’s on the line, Mr. and Mrs. Texas, in fact I’ve done more than that. No, you will let me feed the birds, but I can feed the bus, and I am concerned about the environment so I’ve given a particular tree my two cents voodoo after I put the other sent concerning Lincoln on the yellow line if you know anything about what I’m screaming about and sometimes ice cream about ice cream that’s amazing because I said sometimes ice cream sometimes I yell loudly and that would be a different word.

That’s why it’s not a good idea to invest in this certain kind of dynamic.

It’s like public radio, now in fact, if you had all the files, you’d realize I dance around the so-called public arena, quite frequently. And all they do is stop Vietnam because they discuss my so-called sleight-of-hand trick, which was unusual, even for me, but the fact that they would capture it and comment on it is beyond belief.

Which gets back to the whole dynamic of capturing and hanging yourself over a piano!

It makes me think, what is this neighborhood really about?

If I can change the dynamics in England with merely the brush of my magic wand that I need to address the so-called dynamics of the neighborhood as well as the dynamics of this girl I viewed. That’s a different variation on watch dynamics and the spiral staircase if you know anything about the other stuff.

Title:   Posty has static.3gp  

If you think about it, we really don't have to blame it on England, in fact I like this direction that's why I carry a compass. We can blame it on Australia, I mean think about it, here is this nation which is actually a continent and are they really carrying their load, I mean in terms of a planetary perspective. I mean think about Denmark, they clearly carry 10 times more than the total sum of what Australia carries and although Denmark aspires to be a continent that's not quite there.

Which has something to do with royal families and the whole dynamic of whose royal and who's not and the so-called aspects of Kings and Queens. You know this gets into a different dynamic of filmmaking.

But right now you guys need to do some homework and address the dynamics of your grades as the so-called teacher was saying.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Blue Tree Y Leslie Odom with The Roots

Hay 19 that’s Aretha Franklin, he doesn’t really look at me he just swirls his finger and makes a line and tells me that Julia Roberts is going to come and she’s going to correct my misconceptions concerning Georgia and the so-called Florida bridge that goes from Atlanta to Miami via Omaha.
Jimmy then smiles exposing his green teeth, I think about his wife and that commie flag he has in his garage.

No, he can’t remember the Queen of soul and that gets back to issues with blue trees.
It’s like I’ve been saying all along, America’s gotten lost concerning rock ‘n roll and the so-called passcode secrets but maybe, just maybe, I could fire something up concerning the original source code and a handful of the original marbles and we can change the things that role if we rocked it.

And by the way I really do have the world under my Or perhaps the Is over or should I say the world is over my cap.

You know I did make tequila chili last night, seriously! My first wife said it was the best chili she had never eaten which he doesn’t remember the Queen of soul eater or should I say either or should I say potato or tomato….

OR Should we call the thing off?

 U say 1 say But new things can walk!

 But where is James Brown?

James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown

And yes I do need notebooks as well as headphones have you heard about Ohio I knew a woman who worked on vacuum cleaners from there. I mean she lived here or should I say she lived around town but she was originally from Ohio and she did work on vacuum cleaners.

I say this because she's one of the few women that understand the dynamics associated with machinery.

We had a lot of things in common and that can be good or it can be bad but it's not Aretha Franklin but it's not the silent either the asylum.

I say this because there's an inside line and an inside track if you know anything about the code and who codes and the dynamics of mental health.

It also gets back to some key penis with nurses that's not exactly correct but it's an interesting malfunction you know what I'm relate stand.

I'm just saying when it comes to some doctors and some nurses I might have some ideas and some real-life experience.

While yes, I do know what my hair looks like despite how many times, and my wardrobe doesn't change that much very often.

You can get exhausted, it's okay, I've got peanut butter!!!

So come on, everyone embrace that enter voodoo doll and let's get a groove thing going Shelley. Get a groove thing going, shall we!

You can still get to work on time!

Blue trees in the so-called blue tree syndrome has everything to do with the issues with the root of certain dynamics and why America's losses direction concerning rock 'n roll.

This is why we all need to start questioning the dynamics of late-night television and the overall dynamics of the television industry and therefore media.

Did I tell you I was in Cuba, the other day, I'm serious. I'm also serious about the girl from Ohio that understands machinery and knows why I get so concerned when I dress malfunctioning vacuum cleaners...

Not that she would know who Aretha Franklin is but she might, this gets back to the other girl, in fact there are a handful of several unique so-called numbers.

I'll hold my tongue but if you need to hold something, just let me know, there's still time to make tonight a beautiful thing.

Sir were speaking to an audience that’s not going to understand what you’re talking about

4 readers reference

I can do all kinds of magic now were about to go into a dialogue of the so-called script which is fine.

But before that I need to show you magic and how magic works and how magic works in the my life and how I can dance with all kinds of things.

Now, we’ll be talking about the so-called underworld, and this is not a spiritual thing it’s a manned made thing it’s called the hand of man! Which is going go back to the museum and the spiral staircase and another aspect to my spiritual being with someone I named John of the dynamic of John but whoso is actually a fraction of my own.

I mean that spiritual world I’m talking about and the spiral staircase is something altogether different.

Anyway you were talking about aspects of making good grades and making a 100 and then giving it even more of your effort will say hundred and 10% that aspects of other numbers and other magic and how these things come to dance around because well, I’m a dancer and punctuations not my forte but if you want to get to work on time I personally don’t mind Canadian rock ‘n roll, in fact I even like it!

It has to do with electricity and things that are alive!

But then again I’m kind of crazy as the persons involved are about to tell you.

Back to the script:

At one time he was the highest-paid actor in the world, and you can tell me people aren’t going to know what I’m talking about!

Sir, you and I know what he’s talking about. But I must confess that I would not know what he was talking about in less I studied the man as I’ve done. Now the team on both sides of the pond, and yes I could say my one sexes with a compass if the trains on time and you get to work.

Stop that, it’s one thing when you’re dealing with sticks and stones it something else when you go to those Fucking Canadians exhalation point!!!   They never should have been given a rock ‘n roll passcode or permissions whoever heard of a Maple leaf rendering anything from Bo diddly correctly! And this bastard has the gall to bring up the blue tree syndrome!!!  How dare him!!!!

Well, sir, he does have a point and well he has gotten away from our so-called grip.

You know what he’s doing, is referring to that bastard in Russia that American freezing terrorist that would be treason but Iselin keeps getting in the way!!!

It might be better sir if you took your sunglasses off!

Don’t tell me that, you know how much beer I can buy!

Yes sir, but that’s irrelevant, I mean we’re talking about something altogether different.

You mean his family, his family affairs, and the aspect of Charles Bronson!

Well, yes sir, but should we really divulge that, after all Russia is on the line and China is on the wings so he’s got roots in the so-called M zone!

Nobody gives a rats ass about Mongolia, he can take all of his wild horses and all of his nomads and shove them up his retarded artistic ass hole. You tell me nobody knows anything about Charles Bronson while I’m going to tell you that nobody knows anything about Mongolia!

Yes, I see what you’re saying and I understand but this crazy teacher speaks to quite an audience and it’s an audience that were going to have to address sooner or later.

Are you referring about love and getting love is this some type of perverted rock ‘n roll passcode that you’re using from the teacher’s dialogue.

No sir, I would never do such a thing, everyone knows that rock ‘n roll is essentially evil and bad and everyone knows there is static in the frequency modulation zone. That’s why we do our main stuff on a.m. and why we have Rush Limbaugh to count on. And forget about late-night television they cannot season or come up to the speed of his magnetism.

So you say we’ve got Russian issues and Chinese issues, can we count on Israel?

I don’t think so sir, this guy counts a lot and he has a bunch of magic numbers and he’s got this idea about a piece of artwork that’s a very old and he believes it someone from the so-called loss tribes. Specifically the two lost northern tribes which he believes ended up in Great Britain.

You mean England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, or do you mean the proper form of Ireland!

Sir this is not a black and tan issue!

Well then don’t think about getting a Guinness me because I like Guinness and they know I can pound like thunder because they witnessed it!

That has to do with the side of the sunrise and aspects of a map and different roads people travel on were not really talking about the here beer and were not exactly talking about nuclear science.

What you talking about, he met all those people who worked in the facility, the main unit.

Yes sir, he did, but don’t lose perspective, this man is focused on artwork and aspects of sexuality specifically those individuals who reside on the planet who possess vaginas, but don’t get me wrong he is flexible.

Knowing is not I said no he is not although would know that and what kind of dialogue is this and what kind of script is this.

Sir he’s already transferred those files, the script writing files. And he’s running with all kinds of scripts, yes we have Charles Bronson issues but remember this man embraces all kinds of things even those things he doesn’t like and let’s pray he doesn’t get dirty, he may be bald but he could still get dirty. I mean do we feel that lucky!

You can pull out your compass and you can go north or south or any direction you want to go but if you go into Kandahar Mexico you’re not allowed to perform rock ‘n roll that would be Canada although I have no idea what that other thing is.

It’s called a malfunction within voice recognition sir.

I know what it is, jackass, but you get a realize this thing malfunctions it does it was Sunday three of purpose.

Not exactly sir, and yes that was a malfunction, it is Thursday and if you’re trying to count we could say on Monday things will be all right.

Don’t you ever quote Jimmy Buffett to me!

Sir, neither of us knew who Jimmy Buffett was for anything about his music and until we started to address the rock ‘n roll passcode.

Granted, but we got to make sure the world thinks that this is fiction and not fact. Which means we’ve got address the dynamic of Mr. Bronson and somehow corral his ghost into the picture.
Sir we do want to bring the ghost of Charles Bronson into this film at all, that would be exactly what he wants us to do. This man embraces all artwork and brings any artwork and anything he deems to be worthy into his so-called arena. It doesn’t matter what the thing is and if the person he can like the person or not, he wasn’t really fond of Mussolini but he is fond of Hemingway which gets back to what we were discussing earlier the so-called Charles Bronson principle and can we successfully apply it as we did in a previous so-called dynamic of genetic patterning.

You think that will protect nuclear science?

No sir, that’s out of the basket, but she’s back in Utah and she will never see them again, we’ve made sure of that.

You mean she’s back in New Mexico!

Yes, technically that’s correct, but her handlers are in Utah and they have every aspect of her capture.

You mean they captured it like his so-called dark matter captured it.

No sir, his so-called dark matter captured us because his so-called dark matter is what we do and he happened to come across, will say he stumbled across. But he knew what it was just like that trader in Russia. And I wish I felt the same way about Mongolia as you do but this man understands wild horses and he understands nomadic behavior as well as the aspects of cavemen and all things animated.

These crazy, I said he’s crazy, he simply crazy.

That said, he still can walk to the place that houses four leaf clover like magic he still has that magic folded up in one of his dictionaries. This man’s odd, it’s now 4 PM so we don’t know what he can do.

He’s just a crazy lunatic!

He’s also an unusual teacher that reaches unusual dynamics and despite our best attempts at controlling his behavior in the neighborhood is still dropped a lot of things off. Yesterday, Wednesday he made the biggest download to the so-called blue tree syndrome that we’ve ever seen. We thought that if we told him he couldn’t feed the ducks that he would stop doing that but he didn’t.

But when he sent all forms of Texas to hound him like a dog and they kept him away from the so-called water and dropping his secret dynamics within knows so-called little puddles.

We did, but as you know he’s twisted that around as well. And he successfully accomplish what he needed to do and we know he’s going to do other things as well.

That’s why we’ve got to bring the Charles Bronson dynamic into full swing!

I wouldn’t use that word sir, it’s a part of his dark matter, you know that, and the last thing we need to do is ally ourselves with his dark matter is that enough research in that arena already.

Will things couldn’t get much worse than they are right now, we held him down with the so-called family issues and dynamic and now he’s resurfaced and he appears to be functioning properly despite her efforts at trying to hide his underwear.

Back 2 Nuclear Science

Yes I could collect him by know that’s not correct  [Timbuktu]
I always have a hard time finding a place to start.

I wouldn’t have chosen this but it keeps coming to the forefront.

It’s about 60% English, now I say that and I want to use the term UK but were really talking, most, about people from London. Having said that, you should be fully aware that there are sticks and stones all over the place and yes we will find ourselves in Scotland and brushing up to Wales and all parts of Ireland.

Having said all of this, we still have this outline, so-called 40%. And there are those that would argue that the 40% are actually closer to 100% because they are aware of the dynamics associated with Iceland, Finland, and Greenland. Because I’ve been spending a lot of time there especially today.

But what can we count on, this brings us to London, because they are dreadfully concerned about the timing of their trains. Let me add, this gets back to aspects of marijuana and cooking on a 12 inch block as well as other dynamics associated with various types of women and other types of people. I don’t know why this sentence has Sony green squiggly’s or should I say the previous sentence.

So I do a little addition put in a, and change your word from which to this and lo and behold the green squiggly’s depart.

All right we needs more commentary because I am concerned about the environment. The trees in this area, and I’m talking about the Dallas Texas area have developed some type of disease. The bark of these trees are extruding what would appear to be a blue sash but is in fact a changing of the bark. That’s the nature of the beast and the dog were dealing with. And if we were counting I could get animated and throw you something along the lines of a cat or a dog because sometimes finding certain numbers are little more stretchy then others.

Really need some commentary as well and you’re going to need yesterday’s film and yesterday’s artwork which is far too sophisticated for me to deal with right now. And you’re going to need aspects of New Mexico which I can’t reach for right now. Although I will illuminate them, as you will soon see.

I could say, Or at least certain aspects of it before I table that discussion but that’s got to do with other forms of cooking and what’s on the block and other aspects of magic and lizards.

I could say, as you will soon see, and deal with these lizards and aspects of magic as well as cooking on the block and making smoke and mirrors – although you could have problems reflecting upon the mirror.

Well I haven’t made an appearance and sometimes what you say, I give you a full load. It’s currently 2 PM, Jeffrey time, and we’ll see how long it takes for me to push this out.

For your information, I have no idea what it agreed to concerning Google, I’m just saying someone shot Lincoln and I could get animated. I do carry a bowl I do carry a bullet but I don’t have done I do not have a gun or should I say a real gun because I do have a BB gun and another air rifle.

My BB gun was made in Arkansas.

And if you’re in London and you want to take a train to Little Rock, the block. I said good luck or I could put you on the block in light your fire because we are talking about aspects of rock ‘n roll.


1.  if you’re dealing with the environment and your concerned with trees and aspects of part aspects of Bart that is to say the outer skin of trees and were going to have to look at the roots and this makes things even more complicated because of the lack of concern about the roots in this part of the world and their disregard for rock ‘n roll in general.

I will attempt to write late into site instead of doing a cut-and-paste text program from a text program. Yes it looks like an echo, because the program need to repeat myself only they didn't pull it off the second time I just waited for the thing to recognize what I said. So let's transfer of this we can transfer that but what I really came here to say is that the above five images were not supposed to be posted. I made those images for myself because I knew I was getting heat things up and a lot of stuff would be lost.

I then started coughing in the program asked me to cost more because it said would you say that again.

Meanwhile Denmark is asking itself, do we really need to build a railroad track Greenland Iceland and then Finland...

Something smells funny IT may have something to do with England, after all they are 60% of the problem.

Let's blame it on my dark glasses, but all in all, things are looking pretty good by the way I can do other tricks so this is more than just a typical dog and pony show. 

Yes, I'll do it for the English trains, the people in London want them to be on time so I will facilitate with punctuation, would you like to take a drag from my marijuana cigarette. It does mean will have to cross a line you know. And I don't always add punctuation it's just one of those things that I'm doing today while I'm rambling around London.

And I usually do get in trouble when it comes to aspects of Shakespeare although I must give it to the English, because a long time ago I had a compass and I lived on an island and the English understood my issues and when we played certain games, I couldn't get the words exactly right but I can describe the answer in detail and they weren't sticklers for that they usually awarded me credit.

So the least I can do is help you with your trains.

Which gets back to Italy and aspects of the second world war and, I'm told, Mussolini made the Italian trains work correctly.

You know this is a worldwide issue, I'm going to call it the blue tree syndrome..

And, so the world will know, I've been throwing all kinds of things around because the state of Texas will not allow me to feed the birds or at least that's what they put on the sign and whenever I attempt to go back to the river they disappear.

That's not exactly true but it's part of the problem.

And you know what it is true, I spoke about it yesterday as I was making movies and I spoke of my concern about saying certain things and then going to the hardware store.

I did go to the hardware store and I need to go again.

I'm doing other types of magic.

I'm a lot like Santa Claus because I carry with me a lot of magic dust but that's something else altogether.

Which gets back to Vietnam and other movies I made which I was never able to finish because I always got interrupted and because of the so-called magic people and aspects of public radio.

I could go on and on but I should tell you that somewhere along the lines there's an image with a small posted note is not really a posted note that since code. The writing...

All right I said the word note and then.

It did it correctly that time but not in the previous example.

I've given you something very important, it's in red letters and it's in a file that I keep certain types of coding. Code in.

We have more than one voice.

Anyway code has different meanings and works in different directions the example and giving you is called classic line code, it makes sense if you understand it but specifically it has something to do with Mercury if you know anything about a silver dime....

Four trains in northern Europe. That would be four trains in northern Europe and I'm sure there's more than four but then again, people tell me, the French trains have a lot of negativity so if you're counting we could have all kinds of additions and subtractions but if we go to Japan we can do multiplying and dividing.

So you may need a compass and I would advise a calculator as well.

Or if you go back to the magic pot on the deck you'll see I put a ruler there because I have to stir things up.


Readers and viewers note, yes we could call this a footnote if I was a kind of footnote person. Maybe I am and maybe not sometimes I feel one way and sometimes I feel another and sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a cave with the ghost of Ernest Hemingway who's pissed off at Stephen King who's trying to mock Hemingway style. If you're from Australia you would understand that this would be a big walk around in and out of the Bush but when I say Bush is capitalized like that it needs a family which means I'm fine with Stephen King because the Bush family has a thing for main events!

They also have a thing for avoiding taxes and Maine had a problem with that at one time!

Which gets back to my friend in Maine who can help me solve some problems, the next time he goes out for a walk I need you to fire the van up one more time and this time give it 100% of your effort, that would be 110% of your effort because I'm counting on aspects of things to work as well as aspects of cavemen and Cape women!

Which gets back to Jane Fonda!

Were not going to go there right now, actually came here to do something I've forgotten what it was, oh yes, it cannot see it exactly but I know what it's referring to when you want to talk about culture or you want to talk about pop music so let's talk about the voodoo that I keep in my left hand pocket!

It's clear, someone shot Lincoln and if you understand anything about animation where I could go on what I can do, it would be easy, I would bend your persuasion and I might look to you from I to a from I to I and of course you got it magnetic which gets back to the bear and aspects of volcanic behavior and what would appear to be flat ground. Which gets back to the Bush family and the vice president who was the vice president with the Bush family if you count it down. Anyways the cop gave so we have a picnic basket this made out of iron. I know that because they had to walk around and find something that would attract magnetism because they had a magnet and I needed to use a magnet to make an image that told the story.

I'm really one incredible visual artist because I tell stories visually and would film and with other aspects of artwork health, I said hell, I do with my wardrobe although I am having health issues if you know anything about the scripts and so-called things that come before the script or sounds that cats make.

Yes, dyslexia helped me develop this skill set, isn't it wonderful, I mean things are looking up and yes, I did find my sunglasses.. Yes we have two of those because it asked me to repeated and like a moron I did was gets back to capital city and aspects of the so-called state of Washington which gets back to multiple level dynamics we as I can talk about the state of Washington and I can go East Coast or West Coast or Hilton or Holiday Inn!!!

All right and showing you the voodoo betters currently residing in my left hand pocket but there's something else I came here to tell you about a footnote. It's got to do with my watch you see the watch I'm wearing right now, the one with the black leather band was shot with a bullet when I was in either, the state of Utah, Colorado, or New Mexico.

It's a psychotic killers that are in a further along the line post if you look up but then again you can look down and then again you could go to the United Kingdom and good luck for the so-called lawyer by the name of Thomas who know something about trains and lives in that area and know something about Utah and the fundamentals of Lennix and mainframes and flying this guy from England to Utah to do something that I could probably figure out in a weekend how to do and fix for next to nothing.

But let's not be sorrowful about that, are we not men, so let us not be mournful, after all we can all have our own planets just like Iceland and other aspects of sticks and stones and Puff the Magic Dragon as well as the so-called compass and other aspects of bridge building concerning Greenland, Iceland, Finland, and yes Denmark you will have to acquire a different set of footwear because you will be footing this bill if this is a footnote.

I really love dancing around Europe just like I love the wonderful horseman and no magic I said nomadic behavior but then again it could be no magic if you want to put INK to it or if you want to say something to her.

By the way they capitalized ink in the issue was done by the so-called hand which means we get back to a different variation on Saturday night live and other things associated with the bill and who's going to pick up this check. Meanwhile, if we got back to the script, you'd realize he's talking about finding iron so he can make a magnet and then work with compasses merely to show the so-called blue tree syndrome is weapons, that he keeps, in his left hand pocket.

And yes it is a bullet, and if you look you will see it's a rattlesnake bullet, and yes it's real and that you keep it, from time to time, in my left pocket but the time you need to watch for because were all watching watches and thinking about trains is the fact that I'm now carrying the bullet in my left hand pocket with a pocket knife and the gray magic lighter as well as things that makes sense.

And yes someone did shoot Lincoln.

And I study many things in the whole concept of nuclear physics has always been misunderstood and I have a different approach and knowledge in a different approach and understanding, I'm just saying you can build a bomb, and atomic bomb, without anything but his so-called radioactive if you know anything about frequency are amplitude.

That's why the best nuclear scientists have Volkswagen minibuses with a rack on top carrying surfboards. Which gets back to other aspects of wave behavior and a malfunctioning printer that's who knows where.

Which gets back to files I'm moving in gets back to all kinds of things. It's quite an archive and I have fractions I need little smidge it's a go back in time. I mean I've got pieces of real coding, 18% gray in fact, they go beyond 1998.

In fact there was a person of the funeral who saw some of my coding but I did with what's called a twin lens reflex camera, I had or should I say my father had a classic, I don't like using this word because it's incorrect but it's the truth concerning finances. My father got a classic twin lens reflex camera is a gift from his older brother, it was called a you she that would be a you should not exactly that it begins with why and they have a loose affiliation with Carl Zeiss.

Anyway it was called a 6 x 6 or 2.25 x 2.25 twin lens reflex camera that used 120 film. And despite the fact that it cost next to nothing to acquire it took outstanding images and so we have the so-called footwear in the so-called living headquarters that is being acquired or assemblage as well as a motion picture theater that was outdoors.

Now we talk about people that don't understand the people they don't know but I'm just saying at one time in United States of America we had outdoor theaters that you would drive to. They were great, of course it had to be dark for you to see the picture and they would time the thing, during summer, so that writing desk they would start the first feature and the really good outdoor theaters ran the program until after midnight.

Which gets back to who shot the Sheriff, I didn't shoot Lincoln, and the deputy, while who could say!

You could ask Eric but he would have no idea on whether or not the trains run on time but if you asked the ghost of Frederick go Fellini he could explain you about the timing of Italian trains under the dictatorship of the fascist Mussolini.

Not that anyone knows anything about Charles Bronson, Frederick go Fellini, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen King, the second world war, trains, and other aspects associated with cooking and the dynamics of the Mediterranean Sea.

Yes, it's an isotope thing and you can find certain kinds of isotopes and create certain types of reactions. I was telling my first wife, when we went to Utah, that the so-called Utah scientist created what they thought was a cold fusion reaction but it didn't produce a specific type of molecule or should I say element if you want to be specific.

You see when you create fusion, when you take two hydrogen atoms and make a noble gas, helium, it does all kinds of things to subatomic particles which gets back to nuclear science and other aspects of vaginas.

And yes were making movies on location:

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