Saturday, January 25, 2014

1000s partB

I own this program , I've owned it before,
@ HAND MS!!!! IT ALWAYS  irritated me because it misbehaves this is an example of how it misbehaves.
You know this gets back to something in the archive which gets back to the University of Texas at Dallas which is really in Richardson.  That's to do with water and the fact that Richardson gave the universe tea special water rights.  Which gets back to graduate school which gets back to how this place got grounded.
It has think I'm kidding, but I'm not, which gets back to a great man, I actually worked with a very great man only the head of department didn't like am and that wanted to throw him out on his past.  They had an opportunity because he was helping students, much like I do, or I did, and he was helping a young woman and he kissed her hand or something like that.  I believe it was on a weekend, she was doing a project and he was helping her and she did something he appreciated and he kissed are.  She filed a sexual harassment complaint with the university which led to this man retiring.  All one make it clear he was a great man and the head of department not only fucked him she did me as well.
This has to do with a never university in fort worth and then hiring a type of malfunction from Plano or possibly North Dallas although I think it's actually play no taxes.  Anyway they hired this woman who was a total goof.  I met her at another school in debt and Texas intent in Texas a OK if the universe to more taxes into it and Texas.  I used to teach there, there was a man that someone called a turtle who died in his office.  Which gets back to lesbians which gets back to Allen.
You guys realize this really does all connect and makes sense and I really am telling a story the problem is I'm not lying enough.  You know Tom cruise I think you have a special place in heaven!  Right next to Adam carolla and Howard stern!  I don't know why I love you like I do.

This is the book I'm currently reading

 this is another book that I haven't started yet

This is a book I started but I stopped reading it. this is very unusual for me, if I start something I almost always finish it whether I like it or not, that's my nature, which explains why I did what I did to some women that walk the earth.  If I start something I'm going to deliver and I'm going to give you the satisfaction of it.  Even if I don't care for myself!  Now, I stopped reading this book, there's no reason for me to explain its but I awoke one morning thinking about it and I need to tip my hat because I'm a polite person.
Here's the deal, this book may have a great deal of value, it's about a woman who has some type of special place in England because she's married to some old guy who has a special place in England, when she married sea and she's like night teen and he's like 78.  Which gets back to things I imaged yesterday.  You'll have to trust me on that.  Anyway, I remember almost everything I read in this book, although my brother doesn't consider listening to be reading.  He does have a point.  On the other hand if I'm going to read and we're all in a canoe in a particular type of stream that's full of sewage.  Or if you're in taxes it could be radioactive waste water.  If you're in taxes if you're in the state of Texas next to Austin or anywhere around any city in the state of Texas you could be drinking radioactive waste water.  It's got to do would do that well and has to do with Great Britain if you do buttons and your wife teaches at Cambridge.
Which gets back to 1984 letter which gets back to other issues.  Opec ice had OK.  I love that malfunction.  I said OK, she's married to this man that teaches her how to get what she wants in a very slight way.  You know I can say lot of nice things about this book because this book actually had great potential.  The problem with a book has to do with sex drugs and rock and roll and the pace of it and you need to get to the sex drugs and rock and roll and a little quicker step.

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