Saturday, January 11, 2014

the amazing dynamics associated with Atheism

for the record that is called a code 0 it happened twice but I was only able to document it once because I didn't realize I was closing the entire tab. That has to do with my own personal weaknesses concerning the knowledge of working with binary issues. Yes I have a lot of problems and I'm kind of an idiot savant in other areas.

 Anyway somewhere I've written I want to say not too long ago that one pin and Teller did that is to say the entertainment entities now what I said you know what this is one time where I don't want to essentially be misunderstood and accidentally defecate on someone. So let's open another tab and hope I can work around my binary issues.

you know the cliché says a picture speaks let's see if you can understand.

 It's about triggers which gets back to something else I need to say but I'm going to say that, I've are descended another post, that is to say what I have to say but this time the title will be a repeat but not the substantial avalanche descending after it.

 Alright it's about triggers. I associate their trigger as being accidental because I believe, on their behalf, and this should be considered to be a good thing by the way!

 They accidentally triggered a type of cerebral event within my brain. The problem with this trigger is it was surrounded by intentional triggers. That's right, there can be intentional, what word do I want to use now, I actually know the word I want to use but I can't use it.

 In the kitchen I was trying to explain to the dynamics about freedom and bravery. I said many other things but I have a feeling that God would prefer I not go there. Now I want to make it clear I can go there and I can actually do what I feel should be addressed even though God would prefer I not to. I can do this because is not sinful in any way whatsoever. Let's just say when I say God would prefer I don't it's got nothing to do with the Bible and it's got nothing to do with sin it's got to do with a relationship.

 When I say it's got to do with the relationship I mean you have no idea!

 Which means you have no idea of the state you're in! Now this program can type those words in all capital letters I don't know how to make it do it but I just know it can do it. I'm using voice recognition with respect to the voice of the Dragon which happens after you walk into an icehouse.

 You'll just have to follow.

 But let's get back to the accidental trigger who was surrounded by intentional triggers and intentional triggers were being fired but I was in the safety zone or should I say I was pushing myself into that zone and then the accidental trigger happens and then other nonaccidental triggers happen and I throw the entire universe into a very unusual state of timeout.

 But even in this very unusual state of timeout God has a way of talking. I don't have a problem with that. Just don't write it down don't put it on a computer don't build anything associated with it just accept it and accept what it is and accept the fact that it should be written down in it should be saved and it should be interpreted and read by others but not in this environment!

 You don't understand the state you're in! I understand completely but she won't listen to me! I said you will not listen to me! Which gets back to a word I want to use and I can use now.

 I can use it because it has to do with a certain word.

 I can use it correctly in this term.

 The term is called sadistic behavior. I recently had a conversation with an insurance agent where I had to record a statement over the phone with him where I had to, shall we say swear, and then give my testimony. This happened in the year 2013 for the record. So if I did this in the year of 2014 you can wipe your brow you need not sweat over it yet. But if I did this in 2013 it's time for you to get a little right guard or perhaps you can use my deodorant that is called brute. Anyway I would start sweating. I'm going to use your real name.

 You know what let's stop right there.

 Once I had a problem with yes BRI! With the FBI did miss typed it the first time because I'm walking into a ring of that God doesn't want me to walk into. I want to walk into this arena but let's just say God would prefer I not. So for now, what makes me feel good is the fact I know I am one to walk into this arena in a clear field one day. And I will explain to you the incredible dynamics associated with satiric issues that reside here and there permission point!

 Let's be fair, you need a little help with this. Once I was having a problem we'll call it a once upon the time problem and in this once upon a time problem land a man dialed 911 and then the man called the FBI and the FBI wouldn't answer so the man hung up so the FBI called the man back in the man didn't trust the FBI so he told the FBI to give them their phone number. He checked the phone number and sure enough it was the FBI. And the FBI said, after the man had called him back, why were you so concerned, you know what let's not make that, let's might get it!.

 Someone calls you and says there from the FBI. You don't believe it, you have an understanding that you're in a pit of snakes and you're calling a snake. But the snake didn't answer so the snake calls back. You need to know if you're talking to a snake!

 Which gets back to Bob! Is Bob a snake or is Bob not a snake which gets back to a black guy which inspected who's throwing what kind of punch.

 Which inspected who's game is this!

 Which gets back to have I met a single righteous human being in the past, 20 years expression point!

 I'm going to tell you know, I said I'm going to tell you in oh. I said I'm going to tell you the letters in and the letters O I said I'm going to tell you know I said no!

 Now I'm very angry and I'm yelling at the Dragon because the Dragon will not appropriately express what I want to say without making me look like some type of idiot. Which gets back to the company that markets this product. You want to talk about said tenant issues. Now I'm so angry I can't get back to the real guys name that would give you.

 Which gets back to the FBI which gets back to Bob. Isn't the FBI? Is it Bob? Is it really some guy named Joseph Raythe!!!   By the Way, Joseph I spelled your  last name by hand I'm not sure it's right but then again I'm pretty sure I did do it correctly. When I saw your last name and I saw your name as it stands I knew I was dealing with some type of demonic creature. I knew that even before it had to do with your tone of voice and the questions you ask me.

 You asked me why I was in Plano Texas. Now, to the two magical people above, you did and accidental trigger, what he did is called an intentional shot to my head! In a strange way what Joseph was doing was trying to shoot me in my brain/point!

 Which gets back to nationwide auto insurance and who is on your side and Julia Roberts. You know Ms. Roberts you're in a little hot water and not hot water is a little deeper than you realize!

 In all fairness Ms. Roberts I got to explain something to you precisely I mean call this a message from God although God did not give me this message and God did not tell me to tell you this. I'm going to take upon myself to help you in your righteous walk.

 You do nothing to support or promote the dynamics associated with the industry called insurance!

 You don't want to walk with the devil Ms. Roberts and trust me you're walking with Satan, at least at times.

 You can think I'm kidding Julia but when I came to Garland Texas today actually I didn't come today I came a while back I carried with me a lot of media.

 Internet media mix, you are in deep deep water! And you're dragging a boatload of people down with you!

 Nationwide is not on your side and I do not know who Joseph is. But he has a background in the military or the police or some other aspect associated with Satan escalation point flat-out!!

 I put to there because missed one.

 I could tell you a lot of things made all be true but it would sound utterly unbelievable. But it would all be true every single word of it!

 This is things that you cannot capture. You can put me in an area and put cameras and surveillance on me 24 hours a day every day for the rest of my life and I will see and experience things that you cannot acquire knowledge of. It's that simple.

 If you do that and in a strange way you have you crush the beauty. That sentence works but that's not the sentence I said. They both work so let's let them both stand but let's do it the way I did it the first time and see if it types. If you want to do that you will crush beauty!

 I don't believe that Bob is Bob I don't believe the FBI I don't believe 911 and I sure know for a certain and absolute fact that nationwide is not on your side. Flat out!

 There's a spike in the punch! Trust me I'm not lying I haven't lied once yet. Which means I better cover subtracts.

 I had a perfect and wonderful experience today which gave me happiness and great joy. My life is filled with happiness and great joy and the and credible joy of believing in Jesus Christ. Now believing in Jesus Christ gives you a perfect life and everything around you is nothing but butterflies birds and happy flowers. It's just happiness on steroids. Nothing could be better.

 Here's something I don't think God has a problem with me talking about. Did malfunction so looks like he's got no problems. Yes I used the word keys. Okay that's a malfunction but we'll let that stand to. I was at the kitchen sink having a discussion. The sawmill comes up and so does the tea party and so does Christian fundamentalism and the Republican Party state of Texas the state of Oklahoma United States of America much of the planet and the sawmill and it's broken down so I can understand it!

 I understood! Then of all things the person I'm talking to brings up Plano Texas, the icehouse, and Joseph!   I have a lot of words associated with certain experiences. This wasn't anything I would call wholly in terms of defining the experience although some would call it holy. I would call it someone with greater knowledge breaking something down into ideas you can grasp and then you see the bigger picture.

 That's what happened to Mr. Letterman.

 I'm wondering have you explained to your son the dynamics associated with Japan? You know that's still a hot wire I thought about that when I passed Indianapolis on my way to acquire a newspaper. It's got a do with checkerboard I found on the square in the middle of a town that has a rock that has 10 units on it that needs to be scored!

 Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey now again you can build a paragraph and have one could be considered a verbal. A verbal. A verbal type of structure built in Egypt called a pyramid. Now why little Dragon won't shoot type the word building a type of verbal peer amid...

 the company that markets this product begins with the letter in begins with the letter LMN now take the last letter. You see how you got a workaround in this stupid program. And this is the best there is. But it gets back to the company associated with that last letter. They are as wicked as the day is long which gets back to my chose all of the companies and the fact that that's the nature of capitalism itself.

 You can't call me a communist because I'm not really a communist. What you need to call me is a person that wants to be treated like a person. If you knew me you would realize that I treat people like persons. By and large I treat people with kindness and respect or at least would silence and dignity. That's all, I'm not out to pick any fights I'm not out to change you or to do anything to you.

 So why Mr. and Mrs. whatever or to the to ones above note I said no that was not correct I said magical wands but I didn't use the word magical and I use the words to above.

 Enough's enough.

 I don't believe his name is Joseph and I don't believe the fact that I could type his name because I said it's Ronald Reagan and they're calling it the makes it real. Because of its real.

 You're all a bunch of liars escalation point I said!

 There's not a truthful person within a 500 mile radius of where I sit at this given moment and where I'm going to stand after I post this.

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