Saturday, January 25, 2014
with footnotes no less
I thought you might want to know, I'm doing two things on this computer at once, I'm downloading the images from Uncle Sam and I'm uploading some highly reduced files to a website. These files, that are going to the website, have been reduced beyond belief, they are quite small! But the uploads taking about 98 years. This may be some type of code.
Then again it may have something to do with Linda McCartney because she actually comes up concerning the size of the pants and the shirt as well if you drift. Which gets back to riding horses and being buried at sea. Which gets back to late night talk shows and do we really need to watch Jay Leno tonight? You know Friday nights used to be his designated night. And can we really watch Conan, I don't think Conan O'Brien is on tonight. You do realize, that part of this material relates to something else. You know, I don't think I uploaded that, I was associating it with something else. My goodness there's more material than I thought. I don't think I gave you that, you need that, you'll never understand the dynamics associated with parenthood.
It's now been 38 years and it's on image 39. You would think I would put some type of code in with all of these numbers.
For the record Google I completed my fourth novel in the amount of time it took to upload these images. And I did include all of the material you need, so you can go to the Taylor. Which gets back to things that some people know that I'm not sure how they know! I'll just assume you know it because it's not of your business.
Well Google, I guess I'll start my fifth novel.
For Whom The Snow Melts
By Dr. DIS
It was a cold windless day when Frosty the Snowman melted away, it was cold but there was no humidity in the air and essentially Frosty evaporated. The young boy sat on the porch and watched Frosty disappear. "That's what you get for not paying rent." The little boy thought to himself. The little boy had every intention of making Frosty suffer, he was carrying a gun, granted it was just a hair dryer but a hair dryer is like a gun to a snowman.
This is why, if you ever see anyone that sleeps with a hair dryer, you know that kind of person would kill Frosty.1 any
Paul McCartney didn't know if he was packing heat or not he just knew that he had flawless hair, granted it was invisible but flawless and Paul knew it was so because the ghost of his wife Linda told him so. You see Linda lives inside of mirrors which explains why Paul makes rectangles. It's not that Paul is square it's just a reflection of things in the past. Which gets back to the kids. Which gets back to the killer kid who wanted to see Frosty suffer.
It was this Linda dynamic and the whole mirror itself that amazed all. Paul! When the started to explain the power of the professors voodoo and how it can make the ground shake in the spiritual world. She didn't even begin to talk about John because she feared that Paul would know which John she was talking about because he's always had a problem imagining things. This is why he likes elevator music!
Which gets back to other forms of golf clubs and one of Paul's ex-wives. Which gets back to Scotland which gets back to the Atlas and I did reach for the Atlas pin but the Atlas pin doesn't embrace all of Ireland. If you look closely you'll see I proved that.
So now it's time to look closely Mr. and Mrs. University of Texas at Dallas which would really be in Richardson if you understood water. Which gets back to radioactivity, kids were going to have to embrace the radioactive world were going to have to adapt or shall I say evolve. Don't be afraid to embrace radioactivity it's about centering oneself in the dynamics associated with the decay of the center. I know this because I'm an Alpha male! Which explains why Linda and I are so close it's got to do with the easement effect or something to do with publishing or something to do with something like that.
This is why the bricks appeared to be yellow because all the kids were on drugs and it had a strange effect on certain neural pathways between the brain and VI. And VI well you don't like that word.
1. In a way that's kind of an inside, family joke. We would have to talk about total houses which would put many people in the doghouse. By the way it was a poodle and the poodle had a house so it was a doghouse but we called it a poodle house. Which gets in the other strange things.
This could actually lead to climbing trees. I'm supposed to be writing a fifth novel.
by the way I remember what I was supposed to say. It's about names and whose name is what. Remember I don't trust anyone and I can't believe anyone in a much bigger circle than 500 miles. Which gets back to the entire state of dynamics.
I need to give you another image that shows the world from my perspective.
As a teacher I feel I'm making this too easy for you. I need you to talk to me, I don't know how you're going to do it because you guys are still in a state of timeout. Anyway I need your talk to me and tell me about the level of difficulty you're experiencing. Especially if you recover the so-called jar.
Now, with the jar, it's going to be two-way. You see from my perspective you've already started talking! Which is why I went that direction in the first place.
I need to tell the world, from time to time you hear me use the word voodoo. In a strange way people around here are starting to pick up on it as well and they're doing certain types of voodoo themselves, trying to get into the spirit of things.
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