Thursday, January 23, 2014

Like I say every day is unique

Today is a number day, not that unusual, I guess a number yesterday swung assuming it's got something to do with that, as it pertains to man conscious mind. But the mind took the number and put it in a cycle upon which the meaning completely changed.

Basically, where will you be in 1000 years. That's one angle, that as you begin to rotate around it you have the dynamics associated with British rock 'n roll. That's where Mickey comes in, now you could say, do we really need any more rocks, well it might not roll, or you might say he's just a drummer, if you want to get out the Fleetwood, but this could be a different Mickey altogether.

It gets back to where in the world them again or do this remake. It also gets back to me trying to make a post yesterday and somebody trying to get in the middle of this box so you're missing some important important that pretty important data.

So let's say were building something. Now I'm already distracted because I haven't said why really came here to say.

Yes Jason number day so start out with a number number number started to rotate. So I gathered my things because were building things. And I thought about what I was building in the spiritual world knocked on my door and said hello were going to have a Council meeting.

So the spiritual world developed and established a new counsel. It's called the Council for inner urban voodoo CIUV.Sgov, that's an acronym with a identifying tag which means spiritual government. My the way, kids, the spiritual world doesn't need your metadata they've got it all on fullbore rewind.

Anyway, I photographed the objects I loaded up because I wanted everyone to have full disclosure. But that would mean I'd have to take the files out put them in a box and then massaged them so they would fit on the web neatly. It takes too much time.

So I would tell you what I have and you can believe me or not. I do have photographic evidence however! We have 2 spikes a variation of J a small sledgehammer several rocks, I could count them but I don't want to, a concrete like material that at one time was used to anchor tile to something, hence the hatch pattern. We've got a pickle jar with a receipt on it, that's to hedge the banana pickle issue. We've got a large chunk of curb, when I say I've got a large chunk of curb you better take me literally. I know you will because you're special. Covered!

I also have a purple guitar pick and several types of rings that have been picked up here and there. I also made a special image that shows today's enhanced voodoo material. Recovered at a different type of construction site with different types of documentation. Trust me!

There are also some other strange parts from what could be locomotives. I'm not sure, I don't think you would be sure either. Now some of the rocks have very unusual markings and some of these rocks are gathered in strange places. Basically kids I've got a gathering of rocks that covers at least 2 states and quite a bit of ground.

Anyway the CIUV has certified these objects as voodoo enhancement worthy, VEW. You could play with a lot of letters here if you wanted to.

I got to see if I can post some more stuff. You guys really bug me, I was working last night and you guys jumped in the middle of this box and locked it up. And basically some of the material I'd try to push his in some type of void somewhere. That irritates me! You know sometimes you guys act like you're begging for this material, other times you act like you're indifferent, and other times you seek to destroy it.

I think you guys have issues with yourselves. I think you all need to see a therapist and possibly behavioral medications.

Which gets back to 1000 which gets back to if I were a Carpenter, where would you be, I know I would be staying away from Steve Martin and Mark Herrmann or whatever that guy is, you know the guy on that show that begins with the letter in that's about law enforcement for military dynamics.

I tell you, these cop and robber shows and the medical shows have really gotten out of hand.

Yes were having technical difficulties, it's one of those moments where I realize I really need a media manager. Ladies and gentlemen I juggle a lot of media and my media carries some weight even if it appears to be invisible to you. Which gets back to Nebraska, yes that was on the quarter I used to acquire some medication for the banana pickles. I gave it my classic signature of basically $6.30, there's really no basically abandoned it was $6.30 although the bill, I believe was only 529 Mike Conakry guy you can count on. Not exactly correct, by the way if anyone is going to step into places they shouldn't be stepping in your realize the binary housekeeping I've been doing is weak titling some old issues. For now were going to have to put the artwork on hold until I can find it.

 Which gets back to messing with things you people shouldn't mess with. You should've left me alone last night and not messed with my material and let me just work through. You're never going to be able to understand my dialect and the elegant aspects of it LSU allow me to teach, to teach you any old manner of the odd language.

 Which expect Dean Koontz, a move any to make for him, redefining the metadata, you see somewhere in the metadata you have an image of a type of drive that has no name. In a way Dean, that's kind of like a horse, one of a different color, not told you that sometimes it's invisible and sometimes it drifts out ~today's a number and I told you the other day it was at color and the color was green I didn't tell you the name of the family.

 It was the Greenaways,  I guess that's how you spell it, you know at the time I didn't think much about it until we went into the super processing mode and then I was watching the little girl running around in the forest and then I remembered the other little girl and the complications just got deeper and wider so you need to be careful if you cross a river.

 Meanwhile I need to find the artwork, you know I really massaged that material deeply. Which gets back to one in the world you people want to bug me so much. Yesterday morning I was in full uniform and then I went out in the uniform and I realized I don't want to be in this uniform right now because I don't want to deal with invisible things. So I took a shower and I changed, now I'm wearing a different uniform and yes this is a uniform. All except for the shoes, the shoes are quite different, you could understand the gray pants the black T-shirt in the black shirt and a black belt. But the Sox are light gray in the shoes are white or at least they used to be white there kind of worn right now.

 I still need to explain some of the family dynamics associated to that strange rambling dream. I had an older brother and possibly a younger brother that's more translucent than not. I have 3 sisters and maybe a 4th inches like my possible little brother, also translucent. When I say it was a strange dream, you have no idea. And I'm a guy accustomed to unusual dreams.

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