Friday, July 31, 2015

unusual creatures and usual cartoons and unusual benefits from eating vegetables

title title:

unusual creatures and usual cartoons and unusual benefits from eating vegetables

I was in the kitchen cooking and trying to clean up. I was thinking about a lot of things and a lot of things started thinking about me. That’s why hit the pause button stepped out of my body and walked around my body itself and did my own survey.

Here’s the deal, even with all of the malfunctions there is a degree of narrative here and the story with the so-called line of the feed as lead someone someplace.

That’s where things get interesting, you see I’m writing and talking about real people that are alive today and a handful that are not. This gets back to what I’m saying to them speaking to it if you would show my words to these people it would either decoder ring because it’s ingrained in their DNA.

Yes that would be a metaphor leading us back to Fort Worth Texas and the spiral staircase contained within the museum.

Only it’s not in the museum because I left the museum and I can’t say where John is at this given moment. I can say, John is not the one to argue with the Roman, and if he’s wearing gloves look out or as we used to say the coded world 0J!!!

So this odd language names names as times and places and does ship SHIT @is unimaginable. That’s how I got on everybody so-called radar in the pornographic world associated with intelligence!!!

That’s a lie or should I say an indirect statement because I made the mistake of crushing the threshold into intelligence!!!!!  Another story although I’m sure it somewhere in the archive.

It’s England, if you look at the stats there only two scores in the UK, I find this utterly astounding.  Again you can’t believe the stats because those people of skewed the thing although there with all of their free medicine.

Yes that’s a shadow, it’s more than a big bird, it’s more than your average vulture!!!!

This lets us talk to Robert Redford and drag up the soul of Paul Newman and if order drag up the soul of Paul Newman I’m going to bring in Marlon Brando. Like doing that from time to time because it irritates him….

This is like dealing with the soul of Dick Cheney…..  All Reagan…..  The of the Bush family members…..

As well as Condoleezza Rice and we are heaven beings so if you want to come over Condoleezza feel free put a plate of cornbread on this for you. Just for you.

Gets back to Oprah Winfrey and some stuff I can’t quite finish describing his seat is this see…

You see there’s this new department store development and the mother is a woman of girth, a woman of color, and a classical American. And so’s the sun starts the chain and has his mother be the spokesperson, this allows him to put all kinds of things in the payroll and do other types of creative accounting.

Anyway the name of the store is now….  This is going to be hard because it’s a very unusual word I may have spoken at once or twice I don’t think I’ve ever spoken into this box of this program so I’m going to try to hand write the thing and then do some research to verify that I’ve handwritten the thing correctly in the outpost. And then I will post…

You would think I could spend all day here talking to you but I cannot, you see I’m cooking, and we reach this part of the program where I need a smoker in the blender and a blender….

Wonder if you TD could do that for me I wonder if?????

This gets back to other alarming news, recently about the University of Texas at Dallas and how they corralled me and put me in a zoo now all the other professors looked at me through the glass and I started thinking about Vince I heard yesterday on the radio earning giraffes in looking into my past….

Yeah, sometimes if you follow me to closely you’ll bump in the my shadow and break your neck!

There is a small mountain of artwork ready to be delivered some of it is important, specifically those things associated with building a bomb a bomb uses subatomic particles….  So I went back in time and found a different form of Opera and put her on top of the refrigerator or it could correct but sometimes God likes lies.

A bunch of other things with a bunch of other things which leads back to someone in Pennsylvania…..

Once you’re in Pennsylvania you can identify this person she’s in Philadelphia once you’re there you need to hit the pause button because that’s the little cardholder that throws things in the negative gear and here I’m not talking about anything disgusting, Terry, talking about things that are pleasant even though being thrown down upon the tracks be quite a mess.

Which gets back to me in the kitchen and me wanted to some artwork and leave you a special message.

I can still do it if someone will remind me….  It’s one of these rare cases where the environment exists before me and I had nothing to do with creating it I have everything to do with interacting with it because the environment yields to my robots.

Which gets back to 50% of the story and why you can’t count on Matt to do everything, there are some lines he just won’t cross all matter how tempting offer…..   It may have something to those Colorado boys!

Is a I said you see when you’re walking around the cartoons you must be very careful. There is a wonderful female artist will has been on my radar and there should be some echo somewhere…

She is the one that called me out or should I say if I was one in 10 she would actually apply the correct nomenclature without the need of decoder ring…

This gets back to the American flag, Houston Texas, and nasty nasty nasty people in the Internet…

And the entire Karlin entire cartoon delivery network as it can be attained if you have right passwords and integration skills walk into the door of the cartoons on the web….

They took my edge away it took my badge away but that’s okay looks like I’m not packing any heat because I merely moved the weapon to a safer location trust me I’m carrying a new kind of invisible weapon….

It’s a kind of harpoon, only it is not a harpoon, I’m not sure who gave me this idea, I may have come up with it on my own then Matt picked the thing up and had great skill with it….

Then there’s this underground team has to do with mats earlier work and unusual creatures!

I might as well

The subatomic particles were lonely that's the nature strawberry ice cream.

I had the two turntables set up but was missing one microphone so I began my quest to find the missing microphone when I found yesterday's planned artwork.  I was actually going to start explaining the universe and I thought I would do so using media already out and about.

If you know how to follow this it's pretty easy to find the animators.

That's a novel that's 18 other kettle of fish...  Along those lines.

Now they would be nice for me to put all the media gathering to make it work the way I wanted to, but that would take forever, I'll just give you a picture instead.

Some of these images need explaining....  Who cares!

You know I said that and I started to just let the images unfold when the strange thing happened concerning higher ground the professor, fishing in the kitchen, bottles of water, artwork, 1984, the so called profitability of the oil slick, and one thing leads to another which circles back around and were all over high ground on the little island.

This gets back to john Steinbeck, he used a word a word I was unfamiliar with just a few weeks ago and now it surrounds me.

For the record I gave Dan Aykroyd a hall pass


It appears that I accidentally stumbled upon more truth and reality and I had bargained for bringing this little research and development exercise. I believe that some of you can follow some of my tracks and I’m for sure that some cannot. So I’m going to work with you cannot crowd and reveal some of my hand.

I have to do this because of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, yes, Rick can be a problem at his so-called handymen can be much bigger problem…

This is where things turn into directions I didn’t see coming, I’m trying to protect the so-called field of Republican presidential candidates. I cannot spell it out for you as you would with an ABC and I cannot numerically laid out as you would with a 1 to 3 I have to use what I’ve got.

You see kids the so-called language was developed to hide from the so-called prying eyes of the corporate world then I realized it wasn’t just the corporate and the team changed the language.

That’s when I found myself in Fort Worth Texas standing above a sandpit and thinking about Bozo, nightmares and other aspects of locomotion….

I could bring the French and I’m right about now at the Italians are knocking on the door….

And yes, you’re correct, were not done with those Polish pickles!!!!

Know there are some mistakes, above, specially when you want to count in your assuming the machine will count correctly, you might not remember, when time and time Intel greater processor that didn’t count right…..

I think they replaced it with a clock of 1990   okay, I said 90 minute thing typed 19 so I repeated myself and we end up at the start of that decade. Anyway could of been hundred and 33….

Speaking of making mistakes, yesterday I found myself tracks of real code by StumbleUpon group of people that had numerical magic in their backgrounds…

It appeared I need to add to I was mistaken I need to subtract one.

That’s when this whole code thing becomes very sophisticated, now I can turn and look at TFA and look at Tina Fey, open the whole big doorway that leads to television programming, talk about aspects of terrorism as they can be pretrade in a sitcom, and you realize I see this as a type of comedy…

Yes it all repeats, all you better do is look at the code and follow the tracks would give you the entire map that would take too much work to…

Anyway, I thought as I woke up and put my foot on the ground to start the day, I wonder what Penny would say if she realized the state within the dynamic of the family affair…

I don’t even think the Dacian else have a chance of understanding this…. The joys of using the attributes of voice recognition to hide who you’re really talking to.

Speaking of that I don’t think the actual person who has the magic to correct the equation is adequately represented here.

Two comes up quite often she comes up quite often, I’m not sure why but she knows she has put in the doorway. It’s interesting, talking about a real live person who has a foot in this type of strange doorway that houses all of the spirits.

She does not use her power in a negative way in fact she resembles many of those in the original group.

All right, I can tell you she is and if you look carefully you’ll find her mathematical correction pattern and you can correct the code for yourself. It’s got to do with Tina Fey or more specifically what happened in or on around 2007. It was just prior to the strike and late-night television decide take big long break much like Jimi Hendrix’s been yelling, August is approaching, it can’t do anything about that Mr. Hendrix.

All rights I said all rights I said all right, thank you for making that’s not plural. Really have to have quite a database sit you really need quite a database to find this. What amazes me is that I have a database is inside of my head will find it on ABC boys rewind.

He say that, I think it was working in London, realize said you need to realize that this is written after script that follows which StumbleUpon shortly. So, it was working in England and he didn’t want the strike go on the lawn with his production.

He says something, that’s one thing, later he throws one down the tracks and it would appear magic is over but I assure you magic is just begun. As long as you stay away from Steve Martin and Mark Herman is that Mark a way it’s the police guy instantly from Dick Wolf and stay away from Dick Wolf…

Should be okay if you follow those instructions…. U…

My goodness I’m talking about all kinds of people I’m not really talking about anyone but I am in the big boys are currently still unnamed. I have named them I have named them however I have named them because Graham let me get to the bottom of things…..

Much like aspects of family affairs and other dynamics associated with Christmas.

There is a lot of material, not trying to hide it from you I just can’t get it all out there and I’m concerned that Google is going to start bothering me again.

I want to remove that last line, I’m not going to, I’m going to count on the world to do something.

This gets back to the world and magic currently housed in the trunk of my vehicle and a Polish pickle jar….

You know that’s not the big thing, that’s just some of Santa clauses magic dust, the big one is in a Ziploc bag. You also need to realize that all of that magic is gone and document. This new strange artform I usually document all the items because they mean something now this little Ziploc bag is full of meaning but I chose not to image the thing.  I’m still debating on whether or not I should sign the thing..  If you come across this you need to be careful, on an earthly level there’s not really anything that will hurt you the spiritual level it needs to be classified as a very dark magic indeed…..

Began then again it’s just a Ziploc baggie of the dirty glove some dirt and some ashes and oh yes something from capital city and something that demonstrates the production in this part of the United States. That’s a very dark topic indeed and I’ve got some very dark art moves in and around that topic. This gets back to the pickle jar, Fort Worth Texas, the sandpit, new revelations concerning simple mathematics.

I’m also encountering a Beaumont had before, amusing more than one box and I’m using more than one platform and I research and development department me to unify all of this stuff was going to unify it on the so-called NTFS, front but as things would work the odd Apple and throw a curve and all I can get Microsoft to do is slide.

All right there is artwork and I prepared artwork specifically for this post, he didn’t think that small things would matter but as the day’s work out small things matter a great deal.

Going to have to address certain weaknesses in my so-called binary front..

This needs this and that needs that they can’t build a correct picture in less I’m willing to crawl inside the freezer….

If I have to do that I need to borrow your ice pick…

This is the only image that it’s ready…. Ingo I can do it said Ingo

it appears that the malfunctions correct you don’t need to put a B on that because the thing won’t shape the way I wanted to, just draws on top of things


1st code work Done on 072915



On the morning of 073015 this turns around and looks at me… 

one of those “don’t be such a dumb ass” looks!  “ ITS NOT PLUS 2 ITS MINUS 1!

Fuck, ITS correct!  IT’S THE FUCK CARD HOLDER!!!!

This now explanes Rick and his evil hands….  What am I to do, I’m staying out of this race.


Another Voice:

“Hold on here Jeffrey, you have more than the average bear could find in a picnic basket!”

Fuck, I’ve been holding them back, the cartoon ARMY!


Another Voice:

“Well than stop doing that, here use this compuse.”


He walks in, we look at each other.

he says:

“So is this part of that spirt thing you do?”

I look at the [Another Voice], he does as well, and flash!!!!  A nanosecond…. The sprits reveal themselves…


I knew Matt was here, they did that, I just picked IT UP>>>

Rick Parry brought you here… 1 of his hands!

B 072915_RD_Real



1. a cat.

2. Informal. a girl or woman: often used as a form of affectionate address.

3. British. a hare.

Origin of puss 1 Expand  1520-1530   1520-30; akin to Dutch  poes,  Low German  puus-katte,  dialectal Swedish  kattepus,  Norwegian  puse (kat)

Related forms Expand  pusslike, adjective 

Can be confused Expand 

pus, puss.


[poo s]   

noun, Slang. 

1. face: She smacked him in the puss.

2. mouth: Shut your puss before I shut it for you.

Origin Expand  1880-85; < Irish  pus lip, mouth


sought by the Pop Family, psychic Triads composed of Pop Father and his two sons who are "Bleeders", and his daughter Pop Girl who is a Watcher like Cassie.

Following Cassie's predictions, they go to a nightclub to meet Nick's friend Hook, who is a "Shifter". He tells them to go to a "Sniff" named Emily, one of many Sniffs Carver and his right hand Mover, Victor, are trying to enlist to find Kira. With Emily's help,




Friday, July 24, 2015



voice recognition as being quite tricky I’m going to do this with my hands because when I say the words program does the act… Added Footnote the thing is not cutting and pasting well and I don’t feel like correcting every single thing means I can’t find the point where I said insert this so I will just give it to you here.

Well, I was, who won’t let me say Google but let me the finish with this and move on.

for simplicity’s sake I am going to do it and keep it in word. The spirits came to me help me stand up put a hand on my back and said “today is the day you kickstart it.”  Don’t ask me!

I made an outline, the outlines changed since I made the image of it more as changed and I realized. It’s a little film I gave you. If you timestamp that it would be from last night. Most everything I’m giving you, in terms of the still image shot this morning by 23rd 19 July 23, 2015…. One exception is the King child that was shot on the 21st. Having difficulty talking today, this is the day I’m not going to be a big hit with the ladies, you see I smell blood and when I say I smell blood it becomes multidimensional.

I want to stick to the outline what I saw the little movie I made last night I realized it had affected some aspect of my thinking.

Let’s move to the so-called dream state.

People, I’m not going to try to figure out the connection with the cartoons and what went on inside of my brain before he became fully conscious. I would not call today’s events in terms of sleeping, dreams, it was more of one of those semi-conscious thought processes. It lasted for more than an hour or I could move in semi consciousness my thoughts around and pushed them into unconsciousness and then into semi consciousness and I could reason with it.

Within this state of thinking I was able to turn myself into a spirit and walked the surface of the earth and looked in every window in every door everything on the planet.

Earlier this week I thought I had it takes to solve all the world’s problems. I was convinced of it. I could never come to speed because all the things I think about require a team and I don’t have a team and I’ll never reach potential without a crew.

The day I realized I can’t solve any of the world’s problems. But I did find the common denominator! And that’s a pretty big step’s mission point!!!!!
As I go back to the outline realize I said IM 6 and I should’ve said MI 6 and things go around and around. I realize this when I was in semi conscious thought, I called my brain in idiot and then my brain said we will limit on dyslexia and I told my brain was an idiot and my brain started doing other things to prove itself to me. Unlike two sides of a coin I said I am like two sides of the coin one site is an idiot and the other not so much.

This has to do with the open my eyes moment which gets back to maybe some outside interference time I didn’t see any. I’m frustrated with my brain all I’m in semi conscious thought thought visualize my head and the removed my skull I do this mentally and I pull my brain out I hold it in front of me and I begin to study the thing. The thing changes shapes and becomes all kinds of other things, I mean objects. So I begin to survey all of the objects of my brain is formed as I hold it before me looking at it. Then I see something on the very top of my mind. It’s like an airplane or spaceship is full of beautiful people and I can see parts of the people but I don’t know who they are I’m not sure I’ve ever seen them before it’s just this craft full of beautiful people. I’m below studying other parts of my brain but I want to study this unusual craft at the top of my brain. So I’m trying to elevate myself to the craft so I can look in the Windows but I can never quite get there because I’m thrown into consciousness. Don’t worry, I’ll go back into the semi conscious state later.

That’s not the eye-opening event though. The eye-opening event is me insulting my brain and my brain has been telling me all along, never going to remember all of this Jeffrey covering some good ground are actually reaching some real answers is not going to remember any of, and you know that. And of course my brains correct until it decided to do something fancy. It held my hand and we approached the stairwell and begin to climb upwards the brain opened the door turned to the left and flipped a light switch illuminated a massive control room. It was fully staffed and I realized what the brain it done and I was amazed. I immediately opened my eyes and realized I’ve got a lot to do today.
I could go to the Internet and verify this and make myself look like, not quite the fool that I really am. Why do that! As I recall their variation of the FBI is called MI 5 and the CIA called MI 6.  I may have the letters and everything goofed up I don’t know and it’s important for me to follow my brain and not the Internet.

My brain did go to my malfunction and said keep the malfunction and create a new entity will call a global force will name the force IM 8.
I could give a lecture about this and you don’t want me to throw in the half of it this is a group of global people who are going to address choose around the world.

What is the common denominator for all the world’s problems.


it will carry two tools with us one is tangible, it’s an ice pick, you can acquire pocketknives that have a tool like this particular the right place to go the city of my birth you’ll find a store that sell such pocket knives. Which gets back to one of the images in the city of my birth wants to look backwards so they look at the year 2964….  Refer to images. The other tool is invisible, I’m not going to give you the name of the tool I’m going to give you the ability to discover the tool, to craft the tool, to your own making, then use the tool.

If you were a primate somewhat lower than that of a man or a woman it would be called this…..  And if you had a toolbox and you needed to look at the dynamics of screwing things you would reach for this….

Therefore a higher primate is below us was a toolbox and tools using this device….
Now when you look at the denominator of the problem my brain, if you are inside of it, in a semiconscious state survey everything. This is why I’m writing is a fracture of what my brain accomplished. I meekly went the television program in the 1950s all the Sid Caesar program. That’s not the exact title of it will get you close just look up Sid Caesar and television program. I forgot you may find an image of the room with a large table. As I recall Sid Caesar’s at the head of the table from the camera’s perspective is on the opposite end of the table. Then you look at all of the people around the table there called the writers and producers and everything else, it’s quite a collection of people!

I don’t think Bucky is there but there’s a friend of Bucky’s although they used to be friends don’t think their friends now anyway sometimes you got a buck the system this is why we need to reach out to Bucky as we survey the.denominator of the problem.

This time it’s not was recognition’s fault it’s my tongue.

There’s something else I’ve written that hasn’t been imaged that I probably should say…
It slightly moves towards the city of my birth and it’s slightly moves to everything here it makes a strange turn in Tishomingo Oklahoma, drive the point home that I have an arrow word tools the number one – touch the number two ash is….

Not going to correct that..

That’s everything on the outline page I need to give you a brief description of the photographic walk-through, I thought it was only today but like I told you I had that one thing from the 21st.
Insert picture of pictures here

the first image is obvious it’s family Guy, next image is do with me scoring with women, is going to be very popular with the females, you’re going to have to understand the flavor in which this is said.
Sometimes I have health issues and I can smell and in this case spit blood. Now I intended to make this image to make it clear to everyone that I have this problem a forgotten of the nose of vent from the 22nd and knew I was eventually going to have to get to the trashcan so I just dropped the thing the doorway thinking why take the trash out this morning I would but the thing in it. But I didn’t do that because it’s got my blood on it today and I make smoke.

For me to think the way I want to think I have to do a couple things on I have to take everything in squalid out so I can see everything on the same plane and then evaluated. Everything I need to do is to write the thing down on a full-size page though I can look at it and study it. Unlike gridded paper is it allows me to make cubicles. But imaged here is me acquiring full-size pages that I have in a briefcase. Didn’t know what was on these full-size pages I just pull them out and I decided to take a picture of. On the grid is a type of to do list in the notebook is a type of cipher. I began reading John Steinbeck’s book East of Eden and I began to apply my decoder ring to his artwork and I unravel secret messages.

This is becoming more and more difficult to get up and expel the stuff coming down from my sinuses. I’m afraid it’s a little more than just blood.
The next series of images illustrate the desktop the dynamic of this all of the sprawl started losing my voice.

Anyway the Texas Airport artwork it destroyed today everything is going up in smoke the exception of the Tishomingo material. At has to stay intact and has to react to it has to react here in Texas other parts don’t come from Tishomingo but must be placed there must remain intact for me to connect circuits.

Yes, I live my life on a magical mission, don’t worry it’s all nonprofit, not that I ever had a choice because I didn’t. This gets back to the garage sale and something acquired.
I don’t know how I’m going to explain this so I think I’m going to avoid it. Unlike two sides of the coin however I always try to keep the realistic perspective on myself and everything around me. Realistically I am alone and I’m basically homeless and that’s not going to change. However things do change and it will change eventually I won’t be alone or homeless, that’s another dimension.
Was hoping to chat I was hoping to chat at this point but explain the last to religious and I’ve got to explain the last to images. I want to the big-box brain images down to a level they could be pushed onto the web. I walked into the freezer couldn’t find the remote would start the monitor so I could begin working. Either way that’s metaphorical, said by the way that is metaphorical, now it’s truthful and factual as well. It’s the room and could not find the remote to turn on the monitor so I had to turn the monitor on by hand in the switch that turns the monitor on his behind the last image.

That’s what amazed me, was looking at reality, at the same time was reality and of metaphor and symbol because it was the problem at hand. Later I found the control hiding behind the monitor I can give an in an intimate object the dynamics associated with life and thinking you choose to or not.
One other note was going to get creative with a little film I’ve given you I thought it would be best to keep it all chronological so is all but this gets back to the Disney book and something else I have to say.


I don’t want to talk and do this anymore. I was about to get up and acquire the book and read it but I don’t need to. I went to a store, yesterday, but young man helped me name was Bailey. But looking young man in a good job of problems. Set a good-looking young man I wish his voice recognition or…

Ask him if he knew who George Bailey was did not I asked him if he had ever heard of it’s a wonderful life he had not was a young attractive girl behind me in the same line and she was laughing as I was quizzing the young man. Then I asked her if she knew need these things and she did not…
How can you live in United States of America and not know who George Bailey is?  Neither of them knew who Jimmy Stewart was, how can this be?

Are you people wanting to join IM 8, it’s a wonderful life in the entire dynamic of Frank Capra is a pretty significant tool in making code!

Might want to bone up on your black and white knowledge…

This gets back to control gets back to the denominator of the problems.

Last night I was wanting to watch a specific programming, I couldn’t. Verizon simply turned the entire set of channels off and I could not reach them. But only that they Demanding for more money I said not only that they Demanding more money and I would demand this voice recognition to get on track as you are pathetic…..

D sert




Thursday, July 23, 2015

It plays and clocks

This is one way to unfold coded messages, with a the stopwatch

Voice R FUp 2 much!!

For now the title shall remain a mystery

Now I like this character but I was hoping for a deeper shade of soul.  I had to trick voice recognition so I brought in the son of God is so I could spell something found in the bottom of your shoe.

Christophe (The Mole) plays Mr. Black cat is stuck

You know there was another black cat it could have appropriated from when I chose was this one should I say it can be found on this page.

I will try one more work around

I visualize this is the Milwaukee to step

File number one you started it

By the way I didn't give a footnote for this basically it's an MPR feed from two days ago okay I'll correct that when NPR 072015 , think.

4 NPR babies

The Movies just look at me

They are like white blobs in a black field

I can't tell what it's doing

So I will try to do this again in a movie format.

Now for something different

Let's go ahead and work with cartoon magic since it was so effective in slamming Tina Fey about.

The begin with the problem at hand and address the Prime Minister directly.

To do this effectively I've got to give you the fee of the Prime Minister's going to try to divert the fee I need to feed the kids in the UK. Let's be proper boys and girls unfold your napkins and remove utensils.

Is the tricky part not sure I can feed you a sound file they can if I turn it into a movie.

Will try a sound file as it is first that is to say the will. BL

@ hand I will < was we will.

Let me clarify - Don't know where you put that stuff I was talking about the creation of the files is how one file in several variations on itself as I was pulling it out of the womb. You could call it twins, I wouldn't, you probably will < wood!!!!

We will start with the bullies, The name of this file is (Ustarted_IT).

You're now in the processing phase I'll give it so much time and then I'm going to move on.

et things rightset things right in Google's trying to do something that I don't understandI don't know if I should put the other moving down here and then address the twin lead the twin out completely and just try to get the two things up because they're kind of important. Remember kids cartoon logic let me to square up with Tina Fey.....  Google is doing something QQ.

I'm not sure what Google did but it stopped Dragon from doing its mission. So I guess I'll have to finish the thing with Tina at some other engagement. It's now having trouble listening to me.

I'm trying to tell you is amusing cartoon logic to address certain problems it's not all cartoon logic all the time is some of the time. And I need to give black Footnote in a black cat footnote....

Name of this file is the name of this file is

Oh let's look and see how this thing came out then will discuss wins. Wins.

I don't I publish this, we'll see how it looks, and then will discuss the twins.

Now for something different

Let's go ahead and work with cartoon magic since it was so effective in slamming Tina Fey about.

The begin with the problem at hand and address the Prime Minister directly.

To do this effectively I've got to give you the fee of the Prime Minister's going to try to divert the fee I need to feed the kids in the UK. Let's be proper boys and girls unfold your napkins and remove utensils.

Is the tricky part not sure I can feed you a sound file they can if I turn it into a movie.

Will try a sound file as it is first that is to say the will. BL

@ hand I will < was we will.

adults play as well

James Hugh Calum Laurie < high ground cat.

rahul kohli  < because of his birthplace he will remain in lowercase.
Now, we can stop and hold, and you can choose to believe or not, if you look carefully at the two above people you will find a very loosely connected numeric code. This was not intentional that was one of those fundamental trip up things my brain does, however if you wanted to do some numeric code can go to the airport would go about it in this fashion.

Now I added these two gentlemen who demonstrate how the news hour can accommodate adult males as well. So I had to do some research to research give we can find some beautiful women I am attracted to.

Now this woman is outside the parameters of the news hour however she does get back to Tina Fey, and why I was yelling Tina Fey.

I knew it had to do with something that happened several years ago he turned everything off which is why Jimi Hendrix keeps telling me, August is approaching.

Anyway the reason why I was so angry with Tina and everyone else in the Erika media industry has to do with this picture.

In all fairness to give a footnote here as well.  072215

Things were talking about women, this is how the English youth got involved by the way, I might as well pick up some stones and sticks and see what we can shake out of the trees.

I have an idea for a new television program it’s about a hidden terrorist cell building and United States. The show revolves around their acts of terror, how they get away with it, and the overall dynamic associated with being a terrorist.

Have already cast to people for this program. I’m casting them because either of them are from America and they have the right profile for this type of hit TV series.

Of course I’m talking about Mindy Lahiri, from the business program Mindy. Well it didn’t type that correctly, she had this TV show was playing a Dr., she shouldn’t have been doing that because she has no experience anything to do with medicine or anyone that works in the medical field. But, not being from America, I would she know that.

Ms. Lahiri is married to kunal nayyar < its your city thing.

Of course I’m patching together research and how we build maps the minefields so we cross certain type of landmine, Chuck Lorre.

This in turn allows the English youth march in Karen Rachel Witter, Chuckys 2nd x wife, so they can compare and contrast the CIA and MI six….  < Voice recognition let me do one for you by hand im (9-3).

**** A point of interest  this post is being created in Microsoft Word and on the Google page itself making it impossible for me to see what’s what in what’s where. Not good at reading low read a lot of all I read a lot. I’m in the middle of Steinbeck I can’t seem to jump start the thing because of other dynamics.

Anyway the people have to take note at this thing is fractured and scattered all over the place.
It’s a lot like voodoo on my brother’s carpet, serious, I’ve gathered and collected vast amounts of voodoo and brought it in to figure out what I was supposed to do with it. Are you supposed to go to the airport part of it was supposed to go to the airport were hit the airport is difficult. And yes it can ink the thing that doesn’t change who you are and your dynamic.

See kids, I can’t believe this, my talk Lauren giving you the full picture, it’s about law enforcement.
All right, I’m assuming English kids have decoded the thing and are starting to come to terms with anarchy, chaos, and the dynamic of embracing intellect and then we can go to the numeric number theory.

Think about law enforcement and how around here they’re trying to lower the diversity so if you’re ethnic stand a high probability of being killed or in denied photographic IDs and therefore your children although born in the United States will never become US citizens because the governor roles that way.

This gets back to a lot of props that I can’t lay my hands on and the fact I have a special relationship with almost every governor in the United States.

I didn’t mean to become the political or not juggernaut it just happened by accident. Was trying to save United States from a burning president and the ensuing vice president and everything old out of my hands and started bouncing across the planet.

Now I’m way off track, let’s go back to what was trying to tell the English kids, you cannot take some aspects of law enforcement your own hands, they tried this in Florida and therefore is a little less diversity in Florida. My approach is vastly different, I embrace diversity, I know this is a different should I say difficult concept for British people understand trust me despite I minister my music works after all I do all the pink mice follow me mission point!!!!  It’s kind of a brain thing!

Now I really do need to do something different so I really have to say goodbye.

I’m sorry to say but it’s true this is one of the most mixed up documents I’ve ever prepared.
Things were talking about women, this is how the English youth got involved by the way, I might as well pick up some stones and sticks and see what we can shake out of the trees.

I have an idea for a new television program it’s about a hidden terrorist cell building and United States. The show revolves around their acts of terror, how they get away with it, and the overall dynamic associated with being a terrorist.

Have already cast to people for this program. I’m casting them because either of them are from America and they have the right profile for this type of hit TV series.

Of course I’m talking about Mindy Lahiri, from the business program Mindy. Well it didn’t type that correctly, she had this TV show was playing a Dr., she shouldn’t have been doing that because she has no experience anything to do with medicine or anyone that works in the medical field. But, not being from America, I would she know that.

Ms. Lahiri is married to kunal nayyar < its your city thing.
Of course I’m patching together research and how we build maps the minefields so we cross certain type of landmine, Chuck Lorre.

This in turn allows the English youth march in Karen Rachel Witter, Chuckys 2nd x wife, so they can compare and contrast the CIA and MI six….  < Voice recognition let me do one for you by hand im (9-3).

Now Ms. Mindy Lahiri, your dynamic comes up frequently as I map minefields. It made a couple mistakes in your life, who hasn’t, but you made one very large mistake you did an insurance commercial. Now this mistake was big enough to throw the state of Georgia and various aspects of people from Georgia into a vortex.

Initially the same dynamic occurred with you until I came up with the idea for the terrorism television program and I realized you were merely doing background work on doing evil things so you get a commercial for insurance.

This gets you out of some hot water that you are going to commit to this television programming effort and help me shape and pitch the thing. Relax, I’ve always been media savvy and would your genetic tendencies for terrorism can work this out just fine.  Andy, you can’t fight genetics, I said Mindy cannot fight genetics in the end you need to tell your boyfriend Andy to hit the trail.
Allen having an epiphany of ideas I’m not sure I used that word correctly but new ideas are descending on me faster than the speed of light.

Carry with me, mini hard drives, on hard drive has the Z on it because I call it does the drive. This drive contains things like my research. It also contains houses asked number of people as I study people that create a people full of people and it’s on easy drive. The Z Dr. okay it’s a hard drive of Z.
Do not at houses people you’re going to see the commercial girls. This is a collection of women to do commercials that highly attracted to.

And as you start moving around these individuals to discover that many of them have dynamics from outside the United States. This is a good thing because it will allow me to build a diversified group of terrorists. That is to say for the television program, of course.
All right this document has now changed, parts of this going to become invisible therefore I draw lines input invisible data below the lines.

So let’s start addressing the invisible dynamic shall we, let’s start with Sinem and Meltem Gulturk.
It’s a simple request really, I need to know where they’re from. So you would think research would be easy enough, I can find pictures of these two beautiful women all over the place and there’s this new website or to website I’m only newly familiar with called buying called Vine. Keeps showing up, it’s like Facebook or twitter, but here’s what all of you need to know I may be able to tweet or I may be able to go to Facebook and I do these things not because I want to but because I have to have certain smoke and mirrors and I walk into certain chambers.

So, I know once from Canada and I know one is from a former Soviet held his ground I don’t know where these two are from then we have the other girls which I’m almost certain from the US, so that means at least one of the cast members to will be from the United States.

Even have to rethink the whole male dynamic, Ingo Ingo put it be a networking card bingo……
Mindy Lahiri, going to make my job so much easier, we use the cast from the old office show, the one that was produced and aired the United States. There were also going to use the Creator himself was in England because he has the proper evil demeanor to set up an overseas terrorist cell.
n the going to have to call in some favors, yes Mindy, I can throw some weight around.

Benjamin Edward Meara "Ben" Stiller < I Know>  you only boatload of favors. This of course it’s back to the dynamic associated with Frank Sinatra makes a left handed slap at something I was thinking about as I was entering the shower.

It’s another program but this is more of a film about a man who sets up a department store chain and hires his mother do the commercials for the chain. Her name is Jopera and yes she is a black American female with girth….. How my brain has forgotten the name of her son one who starts the department store chain. I remember, over the source file look at the source file and then apply your brain as well as some sticks and stones, Jammy J. Jaljin Jr.

now the above paragraph is original ideas and programming below is information I gathered from the Internet and interestingly enough I’m going to include the footnotes because the footnotes have numeric magic.

Jack Black, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, and Steve Carell.[58][59]
taken from 
believe it or not I’ve actually met some of these people but I can tell you they all only the all only okay all of you OOOO be something the exception of Vince Vaughn.

Now I think I could be comfortable with working with any or all of you with a possible exception of Vince Vaughn. Something about that man’s energy which is not of the same energy I made of. Simply put, I consider myself to be a humble man oath by design and demeanor. Every one I’ve mentioned in this document concerning certain dynamics have the straight exception of Vince Vaughn, Mindy, Aaron, then, and Stiller, the evil English guy who developed the concept for the show office, and of course the man who married CIA agent concerning his ex-wife, I don’t know that much about her. It was just kind of a dreamy vision thing she was working at the FBI office. Think I had that dream here in G town. Should I call this the GNP town, yes I think that’s what I’m going to refer to it as now.

All right the world is calling and I have to get up and do something.

Back to the brain and various aspects of pink mice

however my brain works it treats its own coded language.

I was about to do some paste work I looked this past the title to the first sentence. However my brain works it creates its own code, so to speak.

Out there are a bunch of other mistakes be found in this document and I’m going to let you people feel free range but remember I think olives are fantastic to you might tell the barber reach for the scissors because I have an ice pick in hand.

That’s why it’s hard to follow or track meet in some directions.

To prepare a word I said, I needed to prepare a word that the English youth would understand.
I did not ask the English youth stepped onto the playing field, somehow develop the skill to do it.
This may give the Prime Minister some troubling news I would say it’s about time!

Anyway I would call the dreams somewhat light as of today but a few things did circle and it came back around to women and English youth. Somehow these things are interconnected.

So I said, let’s compare different kind of lecture let’s call it something that the Prime Minister can handle, let’s call it the type of news programming for the British youth.

Immediately an idea form and so did concept for a new news program that would be a new news program I don’t know maybe that is how it works.
Needed to use a slang word used in Britain but not so much here in America. Or possibly Antarctica thing upon how you one look at this thing.

So I went to the computer and using my hands I typed word that I thought was slang, I did a Google search the following parameters, (English Slag) thinking this was how you spelled the word slang. Of course I’d misspelled it but my brain did this wonderful track of jumping in the middle of something that actually fits and works with the whole schematic.

Magical powers of dyslexia!

And today I have the opportunity to go classical in terms of high ground and give you proper footnotes.

For I jump right in I need to tell you what the name of the news program is, someone may have already use this or be using it if so will have to act like some type of military device.

The new news program is called “The Wanking News Hour” with your host Black T. Ness.

My goodness, that does look formal when written down.

One other sidebar, I don’t want the British to get to big headed of this new programming our so this program types English this way. And I use my hands I’m trying to find British slang I type it this way.

Alright this is the first cut and pasteAs you can see we have spatial dynamic issues...This means I now get to work with some other box and move from box to box to get words on this page...

What's blame it on Canada said let us blame it on Canada doesn't even type correction correctly

When in doubt start feeding them graphics

Google may be offended because not giving the classical style footnote as you will see with the other clippings, don't have to do this Google because I put your magic in the image itself.

For you people who do not know Londoners, trust me, you need to keep them in check that’s why I always keep things base. In the lowercase. The joys of correcting own language.

One more colorful slang term I gleaned from the British movie I recently watched is slag. In the movie, it was used in curses like, "Fuck-ing dogs! Slags." "Right slag, that one."

Now I know via dictionaries that slag means "a loose, promiscuous woman." But there are multiple slang terms for such a woman in American English that have varying levels of vulgarity -- here's how I would rank a couple of them, from least to greatest in vulgarity:

skank < slut < ho < bitch < cunt

So where does slag fit on this spectrum? Of course, I imagine you'd never hear it on proper television, but is slag barely elided over when someone goofs and says it, kind of how the word bitch is in American English?

Here I try to research word I’m looking for and the Internet dictionary Ashley and unusual question asks me and unusual question and I’m to decide whether or not I’m a rabbit.

Out I need to proceed to the next definition I said now I need to proceed to the next definition of I would rather remain a rabbit and verify my human status.

Nevertheless or science will give up my rabbit Hood and embrace my humanity.

To hop or not too hop  072215

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______________________________   072215

Q: Where does the word “wankers” come from?
The term wanker is derived from the verb wank in the sense of to masturbate. However, neither the OED nor Etymonline can trace it further back than that: both claim it is of “obscure origin … ”, which just means they don’t know. As with my question on snogging, this term seems to have come into vogue around the mid-20th century, but nobody knows where or how it started. So where does the verb to wank come from? …
asked Dec 19 '13 by tchrist

A: Where does the word “wankers” come from?
The German verb "wanken" means "to go back and forth." That seems to describe the British word "wank," which means "to go back and forth" below one's belt. …
answered Jul 16 '14 by Tom Au

A: What is the term describing someone who has interest in only a narrow field, and nothing else?
How about a "wonk": wonk noun \ˈwäŋk, ˈwȯŋk\ : a person who knows a lot about the details of a particular field (such as politics) and often talks a lot about that subject
answered Mar 4 '14 by Andy

A: Are -er insults a British phenomenon?
I think mickeyf has hit the nail on the head here. These insults end in -er because that is how you take a verb and turn it into a noun. Like farm -> farmer, wank -> wanker, fuck -> fucker …
answered May 17 '11 by Kit Z. Fox