Friday, July 17, 2015

The dynamics Of Cut and paste Work differently here And voice recognition works differently in the title

That is not the intended title, but since I’m here, the fight between Jimi Hendrix and James brown had to do with uniforms and the unique point in space and time where Jimi Hendrix and James brown work together and Mr. Hendricks didn’t like the uniform.  Then Mr. Brown begin to break it down for ram and explain what the American people wanted to see when they came to one of his shows.  Then Mr. Brown sources say they do things about marijuana and this is where the horn player steps in and he’s not singing hello dolly.  Then I thought Mr. Brown is gonna find himself in a real world of hurt.

Maybe its country and western music, and it was not jazz, the blues, soul music, rap music, or anything along those lines.  I know because he had a big spiritual POW while and this is where Jimi Hendrix and James brown almost got into a fistfight..
Now we have issues with something different, there are multiple dimensions attached to this box as I’ve stated in the previous post.  I know for a fact that one of dimensions is something I need to illustrate so you can understand the staircase.
Now if you had an old copy of the archive you could go to the staircase lectures.  I have no idea where those are so I’m going to some their long lost.  This on the other hand is entirely different staircase.  It merely elevate you or movers you to a different plane I would imagine you might find such a staircase in some recently exposed media.
So, you have the universe of the box itself in two different aspects of different dimensions beyond the four dimensions we all resided.  Remember, you have the ex why access you have the XYZ, set of lines but you also have the time line that’s why I count them as 4.
One dimension goes in one direction and the other dimension goes all over the place and this is where the main staircase is found.  Although you’d need a good map of all of it.
I also said if I came back to the arctic of the explained you what the two posted notes say.  For once in my life and we did do something I said I was going to do.  The left and posted note attached to the monitor reads the calibration code diaries and I’ve misspelled the word diaries and I haven’t arrow pointing up to it with?  And then the letter you the letter you and the word fig.  The right hand posted note has today’s date on it and it was one of the first things, in fact it was the first thing I wrote down today.  You see a bots a new close yesterday and I need to wash them in the dry them so when I went to the dryer I realized it was full of let and I realized I needed to make some artwork concerning the dynamics of the legal tender in the quest for love.  And then I realized I had magic properties Elliott was contain those properties and then I went to make smoke signals I have the voodoo necessary to make the things travel to their given destinations or if you understand anything to do with luggage are baggage, their targets!
Anyway there’s a unique property associated with land mines that will not allow certain land mines to work together.  That’s the problem.  If you’re going to be going up and down a flight of stairs and you pass by a bag of land mines, you might wanna take note!  That’s an interesting word, you might wanna take note, that indirectly leads to the other dimension that will reveal.  This takes is to Florida and a recent arrest record and some unusual research which then takes is back to Germany and other aspects of redheaded women.
Now concerning the world’s problems and specifically addressing those associate with the Middle East and everything around their what you have to go to yesterday’s illustrative or work and then I’m gonna have to break the thing down for you and I have to give you a physics and chemistry lecture.
This is what makes aspects of the Notre fee, sexually explicit imagery, concerned.
My work looks childish, but to the world’s amazement it actually works and does what I can tell you it does.
This makes the dynamics associate with sexually explicit imagery very frightened and it does so on a global level.  Now, inserting the fist to cuffs of that with James jimmy we can talk about magic wands, caves, and lanterns.  This puts us back to sign the objects and other aspects of time itself.
This gets back to the media and how I enter but the media is still classified as top secret.
If everything goes according to plan, I’m going to do some artwork that has never been truly or accurately documented because of its level of power.  No one has seen its not even the original crew.  This gets back to my artwork, you see I consider my artwork to be a series of encyclopedias or volumes.  With the original group were together I kept the spiritual aspects of things away and we the voter ourselves to the cultural aspects of creating new lines of communication.  Then the so called band of brothers was attacked by what we thought was the corporate world but ended up to be the entire United States army and Air Force and navy as well as the Marines and coast guard…
I was stuck, they were not so I begin to float…  That’s when the language was hidden so I started to contemplate the dynamics of the alphabet and other dynamics of myself and the spiritual world walked in as well as other dynamics associate with native America and then the whole idea concept of making smoke changed.
This is why you’ll hear me yell at Howard stern and Adam corolla, they don’t believe the spiritual world, which is fine, is that we just keep it to themselves, but they want to project it in whatever media playing field that the jump into.
Now for the most part I don’t preach to people.  I’m not preaching to anyone right now, I’m just telling you there is a spiritual dynamic to life in being a human.  You can choose to believe this or not.
If you walk with me, on the other hand, and the spiritual world chooses to reveal itself and you can witness my magic first and you realize, there’s something different with that guys wiry.
Which gets back to knowing what the truth is, you see the Mexican drug cartel are not the evil people the media would lead you to believe.  Most of the world’s problems are being done by the so called bright wing of America.  It’s always been this way.  In fact I can rewrite history and you can get an accurate handle on just how bad the so called right wing of America can be.
Now these statements are dancing around unusual lines but let’s get to the written word and the eke that we produce here in America.  It’s a little different than that produced in New Zealand!  Be used to make these things called tracks, they were little religious booklets that told you about aspects of being a Christian and Christian life.  However, the same people it produced these tracks made tracks about being catholic or being Jewish.  I’m not joking!  These people who printed these tracks would tell you about Jesus and then explained you why Catholics are going to hell and the fact that there was no holocaust in all so the Jewish people should just stop whining.
Now you see Germany sometimes I can’t get the thing to type it.  Anyway if you’re like me and you would find the guilty parties you go to the source and the source would be found in the state of Tennessee and Arkansas!  I’m not joking, I’m dead serious, someone somewhere has fractions of what I’m talking about and you’ll see the Pratt!  You will see it in the print it usually on the backside.

This is more than but I’m swinging today and the rounds I’ve put into the first weapon will make a fine line travel a long way.

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