Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I am being quite formalWithin the transforming box

my goodness I’m being quite full today..
All right it’s important to note, in case I don’t post the video, I rant and rave and scream and curse at the spirit of Tina Fey. Now, you know anything about me you’ll know I actually adore this particular person, yes I will write her ass when I can when I say that it’s not really in a sexual term. This gets back to something that happened when I was the state in the when I was descending the staircase I was thinking about Tina and how she has two wonderful children and a wonderful husband and I would never want to put my foot in the middle of that.
Now this isn’t me putting my foot down, and usually when I say something like that I doing on excuse me usually when I say something like that I do one of my own internal reality checks to see if what I’m saying is really true. If it’s really true normally say nothing or add some type of slap in the face and I might be a slap to my own face. But here I’m a hold of the facts as they didn’t reveal to me. I respect Tina Fey, I don’t want to get in the middle of her family in any way. At Tina is a type of energy.
For the readers of this document, is going to appear to be somewhat herky-jerky. Because I’m turning the document often watching television shows who can’t enjoy a good bowl of brains even if they are somewhat decayed. Which gets back to what I was talking to a little girl about, the one Tina Fey and introduced me to….  Which brings it back to what I was talking to with a beautiful woman in a fate introduced the two. You know okay Tina Fey introduced me to this woman and I began to talk about my brain.
This is a big deal, I’m assuming because I was yelling to your faith or the television and speaking to her soul to get some type of passport inside of my unconscious brain and therefore required capacity to enter the dream field. For those of you who into the dream field, be aware!
So, I see all kinds of people I’m introduces this one person would begin to talk about things begin to talk about my brain and I start telling her stories the other people told me about me that are somewhat scientific. And I wake up in the morning and the whole god damn thing unfolds…
It’s got to do with magnetism it also has to do with shower curtains.
And I can say is very lame clips magnets but that’s okay it’s a four dollars. That’s okay because it is a for a dollar that’s okay it’s the number eight for a single dollar.

Microsoft things that Windows tends going to do something.

I want and need to say more but the commercials are on now and they’re talking about adding dishwashing liquid paper towels. This would be evil.

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