Hollywood scripts
how they would play out if they were written in a town
associated with the G.
And of course, South of the River if you understand things
associated with the letter R and R which has to do with railroads and the fact
that we have to look at railroad tracks completely differently if you want to
do a good thing with railroad tracks in towns associated with all kinds of
letters, of course I'm talking about all the letters associated around the
central fourth letter of D..
Which gets back to the drive that houses the family affair
associated with the letter D…
ZD which I'm going to redefine is the terminology associated
with a new venereal disease, imagine it like an area defined as a zone, so it's
a type of disease that attacks a zone and the zone is what is called as your
That's the new definition associated with cheaper speakers,
fast food, convenience stores, as a row all around something before eight yet
surpassed at 12, he's really a small guy.
This in turn goes back to Israel and dynamically reassigning
the term of a belt and the dynamics of footwear.
I could turn that into one very complex situation. But I
need to speak to the dynamics of lizards.
As I've stated somewhere else from some other area, I use
more than one box to accomplish more than one thing and because I'm wanting to
do more than one thing at this given moment I have more than one box up. But I
had to restart this box because Bill and Melinda want to keep me far away from
potential despite what they may tell you! This has to do with Milwaukee and why
National Public Radio and the media at large won't really show you the truth
and has everything to do with Zarqawi M encrusted tweezers and yellow snow and
by the way it's an element and not a name although maybe that element is spelled
that way but I'm pretty sure that's the name and not an element if you
understand anything to do with my chemistry.
Then again would talk about the Z and I could be short or
direct so I could be short and direct and talk about yellow snow in the Z as
some of you would get it some of you won't which gets back to the disease or
specifically ZD and the family affair.
Look, your father blood into the household and your mother
was infected with it when you were born so I could offer you one thing and then
That's a little too perverted, even for me which means it's
very perverted…
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