Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I put a title here but it appears to have vanished

I've written a document, I started this thing up just to put it here and then start the engines and let things roll, the spirit of Jimi Hendrix's been talking to me a lot lately I couldn't remember what he was saying. So I prepared a document I gave the answer then I came to this website look at the title realized this is what Jimmy was saying.

 The ghost of Jimi Hendrix's been telling me, it's almost August!   those are not his exact words but that's what they mean which gets back to horses and the statement I made before I wrote the sentences.

 Here's what I wrote prior to Jimmy warning me about August which really has to do with National Public Radio, politics, the middle-of-the-road, and where are we all going to masturbate. It appears this would be the dance floor.

The Letter:  9my baby code0

 For the record I see the mistake that's why I went from the top of the sequence to the bottom if you know anything about the dance floor or politics or if you could code this letter cipher to it it would be psychotic killers were specifically, it's about time for parole, don't you think?

 Now we'll get back to the letter and Jimi Hendrix warning me about August.


the spirit of Jimi Hendrix has been talking a lot lately. Especially this morning when we were circling around the dynamics associated with country-western music. Now, Jimmy, Mr. Hendrix, is speaking like the spirits do and he's doing a misquotation of something we all know he understands. I was going to give you the direct line, after always been repeating for three days now, but I forgot what the direct line was or more specifically I can't quote the direct line because my brain is jumped past it and Artie applied the cipher and already applied the cipher.

Then I decided to just give you the answer, that would work, but you still would miss the point because you could not dance around what Jimmy was saying.

Essentially, Bob has walked into the picture and Jimmy is referring to the horses or specifically the people guiding the horses.

That's an easy track to find and follow, but here's where everyone would lose the ship, he's not talking about the horses of the writers he's talking about a boat. This is when we have to talk about double mint gum and mouthwash.

You see mouthwash was on my to do list yesterday when I went to target, with my brother. I got distracted, highly distracted, so I didn't even pull the TV out…

Not exactly but that's close.

Does a boat need mouthwash? Yes, sometimes, absolutely, it's the dynamics of things that drive. Now I'm going to be doing some driving which is `country-western music and all kinds of things in today's dreams.

Today is July 15 it's a Wednesday. We could go to July 14 and I can explain those dreams because they're on the safe side but if I go to July 13 the dreams are far too dangerous for me to even start or begin to exploit. Today's dreams, those that occurred in the morning hours of July 15, spend a lot of time in Texas and Oklahoma. And he spends a lot of time walking around the so-called musical dynamic.

Now I'm sorry Ms. McIntyre I'm going to have to slap you around as well as your little girlfriend, I can't remember her name but people idolize her. Anyway we can circle back around to the old T town and I to talk about Mr. and Mrs. country-western music but they're not Mr. Mrs. country and Western music. They don't know the first thing about true classical country-western music the dynamics associated with the swingset that's being covered up in Garland Texas. It's right by my brother's house, it's a park next to a creek MMO the lawns it looks nice but the lockup the swingset because they don't want to go there because of my magic wand.

This gets back to the dreams, `country-western music, and more specifically to New York City. You see the only way the United States can rectify the damage that's been done is to remove the Statue of Liberty and replace it with a statue of Osama bin Laden holding hands with David Letterman and Howard Stern. Now I can describe how the statue should be built and what it should look like and what it should face, on the other hand you need to be focusing on fresh breath in the subway!

You see the new country-western swing has more bongos and steel drums than one would normally associate with that type of music, that's because that type of music hasn't been played in so many years.

This gets back to Willie Nelson and another spirit that's been calling on me lately, his name is wailing Jennings, that's not exactly his name but he gets close enough to figure out. This gets close to Waco Texas and psychotic killers associated with the FBI as well as loud music. This in turn goes to the capital city and the center of the state and in turn creates kind of a floating affect around statuary.

This in turn gets back in the lyrics and I can say, everyone has a dance card so it's okay to take to the dance floor because the receiver has the message so it's time for loving and dancing.

I'm walking through an entire library of lyrical concepts. Yes, I have my favorite list but if you keep walking through it you'll realize we passed Elvis sometime ago.

Now, that's an easy way to talk about my shoes or beginning serious with you concerning the slap you around….

Yes Reba were going to have to make time for that, which gets back to….  You know what that's too rude. You would think I could be rude and cruel because after all we are were to take down the Statue of Liberty but this gets back to the pictures on money or currency and when we make the dramatic shift and start removing presidents from the surface of things we use in monetary transactions.

Recent wouldn't have to change the pictures up, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, which gets back to Indians on pennies and nickels and how things are weighed.

Which gets back to girls in the diner and yes darling I would have some of your platter that again I can look in a mirror and see more than my sneakers.

This gets back to Jimi Hendrix and what he's really saying concerning the oral hygiene of boats.

Which gets back to the horses doing a horse dance a dance card and can you really make love on a horse? You see if I remake a new Western movie that's what we would be doing, having sex on horses or perhaps would have sex with horses if you know anything about Jack and Jill or Marlon Brando. Which gets back to coins and something between a diamond of Penny which gets backed up any which gets back to a TV show which gets back to being newly married which gets back to Adam Corolla which gets back to another aspect of the whole Jimmy complex.

Did I tell you were on the dance floor now? The thing has been received and you're getting your answer..

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