Sunday, July 12, 2015

I have different computers that run different variations

If you know anything about lizards or their winged cousins. Which gets back to maps and making movies and commercials and is this a movie or is it a commercial. All right, the map started when my brother opened his mail and looked at a medical bill.

I interned called my father because the medical bill was unbelievable and I said something to my father about Denmark.

Or I may have said that to my brother, I don't recall, just look at their footage, and you can figure it out for yourself. Some of you might think I'm joking, I'm not! Which still does not explain downtown Dallas.

All right to the little media empire family that will call an affair that I'm not directly related to, yet, the games still afoot if you understand anything about shoes which gets back to something I don't want to discuss or specifically Ireland.

Once again, there's no way she or her family would understand that because they don't know anything about the media and history and authors with issues concerning footwear.

I mean, I don't know if there's anyone on the entire planet understands the things I say and think.

But let's concern ourselves with movies and commercials, what is this, a movie or commercial, and am I truly going to get you into the kitchen, where I made my first clip for today. This is not my first clip because I don't know what Google's going to do so I reduce the thing as small as possible to see of Google will let me move the thing into their arena or not. Remember this is a 1080 fullbore film that I reduced to something interest you'll to something miniscule, I got it to type that word, I will fight ever use that word in a document before. Which gets back to a Way with words which gets back to NPR which gets back to dreams I had today or should I say this morning or maybe last night or how do I define that.

Which gets back to downtown Dallas and why the spirits want me to go there. Part of it has to do with condiments, yes, mustard and ketchup and part of it has to do with bullets and machine guns and television programming. Which has to do with NPR and late-night television and daytime television. As a matter fact it has to do with television programming in North America. I'm going to use North America to be all-inclusive.

You need to refer to the map, if you're in North America and you go south you'll feel things tighten up and then when things begin to open up your on a different continent. Now let's talk Continental issues and Continental values and other forms of transportation pertaining to the Ford Motor Company and Lincoln or things that make coins or sense if you understand that meant.

I'm going to include everything to me to be considered North America from the point prior to expansion. That means we've got all of North America and the canal and things south of the canal until they expand.

Now we can talk about Dick Wolf...

Or we could talk about Colorado and sport utility vehicles...

Or we can talk about Israelis and was there ever an Israeli citizen who could speak Spanish correctly?

We all know the answer to that, of course not isolation point exhibition .0 okay so much for symbolism now the program removed stuff and put other stuffs and including what appears to be the numeric equivalent of nothing.

The joy of voice recognition, I can hardly wait until we get to the new operating systems and the dynamics associated with voice recognition. Which means, you know, I used to know, and I don't anymore, most of the cards held in voice recognition moved to northern Europe, for a time. I don't know if they're still held there or not!

This has to do with the letter K and a man associated with music...

Now I know that's a fact, but I can't remember how all of the cards came together. Meanwhile we have to question Google, is Google going to let the commercial or a potential Hollywood movie unfold or should the movie be moved to a different part of the planet. I don't know if the Chinese movie would make a hit or not but I think of I go to India this movie might actually play out.

Then again, nudity would be a problem in India, nudity is not a problem in Europe, and there are other parts of the world were nudity are not a problem at all. I don't want to open this book because it makes tidal waves move across the surface of the planet.

You would need a pretty big atlas or pretty big archive to pull that one out, and you know Mr. and Mrs. high ground, I may have left something for you at the duck pond and then again it might only be an echo. You have to understand the code and what I did and what was dropped and what it used to cipher as.

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