Thursday, January 21, 2016

Basically I've been underestimated my entire life

Readers note, I'm writing this while I'm either ascending or descending a spiral staircase, therefore, everything is mixed up you're going to have to apply sorting magic to this to properly follow.

And you're going to have to adjust your hearing and start listing for objects that vibrate.

right now people are arguing with me, saying I can't make people believe in something they can't see. 
Once again, you don't realize the power of my magic tools and want. And want…

Harry's stick.

All right do you really want me to talk about thumbnails, you don't want to talk about thumbnails, believe me, things will start walking in and out of the spiritual world and will have a completely different dance.

First let's go ahead and prove some unbelievable things using my magic wand.

Somewhere along here I started writing and then I start writing about this than I start playing with pictures and now I'm not sure what I'm doing.

Duly noted
now I'm not sure I've ever used the word DU LY.

Anyway you know what I mean and I have spoken a word I'm just not sure I've ever written the word.
Some of you just want me to give you the answer, some answers make understanding the dynamics of the original question much more complicated.

Nevertheless, you saw me walking to the world carrying a voodoo charge and when that happens I become a magnet and voodoo charged particles start gravitating to me.

Now, I intended to start with 101 but history gave me 111 so I worked with 111 thinking it would be better if I worked with 101. This is the truth, I don't care what you say, earlier today before I left I thought 101 would be better than 111.

I left the house, and so one oh one came to me and I chose to give you a cigar.

It's complicated.

Basically it's like this, when I become voodoo charged and I walked out into the world objects come to me or gravitate to me. Now a good voodoo artist can apply degrees of voodoo charged almost any object or any person. But some people and some objects are more subset double to voodoo charges than others.

Now when I approach an object, if it has potential, it begins to vibrate with an invisible voodoo tuning fork. Now, if you had all the archive and you could go back far enough we could enter the tuning fork era.

Yes, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, there was a tuning fork era.

Anyway the cigar spoke to me so I gave it back to you but I'm still retaining the half of a brick.

I think that's got some other magic that supposed to work on the other side of the river.

I'm not sure, now if I give you a smaller footprint you will see where it is but if you look and become invisible because I've made things invisible around the voodoo objects.

It's a talent I stole from the alien.

I already see part of the problem, I'm only giving you thumbnails of the images I'm giving you nothing concerning the films. Okay, you're just going to have to believe me, I'm basically driving and I stopped at a light and I look out my window and there is half a brick and a cigar with a label 101. I pick up the half of brick and the cigar, I basically pick up the cigar drawer the backseat and then pick up the brick and also put it in the backseat. Then I accomplish one of the tasks I was going to do and I gave you a cigar. That's how you got the cigar. It's in the film and you'll understand if you saw the film but I can't get you the film because working with all of this stuff and then having to fight with Google is just too much.

I also meant to add, I simply picked the invisible alien up and held him by his scrawny little body I told him to look pretty for all the boys and girls to see because my magic wand was going to make aspects of him visible. The aliens to listen and believe me but the proof is in the pudding. Now do you really want me to go into the details of the little girl sitting next to the alien in the backseat. I don't think you do, it's complicated, this entire story gets more and more complicated by the nanosecond.

It's like president Bush's bug that just wouldn't go away. Which is why I'm uncomfortable with SMU and I blame SMU on the loss of the Pentax. Although I could also turn towards hardware but will leave those dogs alone for now, I have enough sticks and the fire and I can make quite a torch.

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