I really
don't have time to walk through all of this and make it for delivery but since
the Dalai Lama has stepped into the picture, on his behalf, I'm going to give
you clippings from my fingernails or more specifically a different digit.
And no bill,
I have not forgotten about your fingers or specifically the one finger with the
navel ring. And I couldn't visit Mark and apparently I fell asleep during the
pill and that's when the old lady walked off and dynamics of Ira glass walked
into the room. At least that's what the evidence revealed this morning.
5438 two image 5447 are of the back glass of my vehicle, if you were standing outside looking into my vehicle through the rear window.
Yes I believe we should blame it on the ghost of Hitchcock and other things British.
You're speaking that it gets to the red sphere the one that I put in the seat. I thought if I was going to walk into the danger zone I better get a weapon and you get a weapon demise will get one used because buying used weapons are easier than buying new ones. Annie had to find one that didn't have a serial number and the police did not have a record of. So there was this guy we will call him $.50 and he told me this is the best gun he had for $.50 so I paid him $.50 and got the Golden gun.
I'm not shitting you, I have a Golden gun and it's currently in the sphere by the back glass of my vehicle, the rear window.
The last few images are of a freezer that currently lives inside the garage, I manipulated the freezer to accommodate the aspects of voodoo ice. And in so doing I walked around the area associated with mass transportation around here, the darts!
Images 5448, 5449, and 5450 have to do with lines of connection associated with purchasing products associated with voodoo definitions.
And of course we have that magical image 5447 which shows part of my traveling companions, I have two, her, and an alien. Now you can see one alien through my black glass which will actually have to look in my backseat to see the other alien, is he a have a real alien in my backseat, he is hard to see because he's invisible.
But if you have magic glasses you can see him. Now I just called the alien a him, that's not exactly correct, this alien species actually have seven distinct sexes. But that's an argument for higher ground or higher academics.
Now were having some other strange interference, we will call this some type of cerebral pickup, no it's not that something associated with your diaphragm.
I've basically been saying 50 4XX that would be 54xx when it's actually 58xx.
Who can say why?
Anyway I was going to explain 583x because that's where the alien coinage enters the picture with a date stamp 1982.
Now we can talk about me playing fair and really playing fair than I need to. That's where we get into 5827, I think that's the number, it's of my pocketknife, the green lighter, and a little bit of coinage that is now in a Walmart self-serve checkout machine.
The image that perceives this is a strange image indeed because I had nothing to do with it it's basically the environment as someone else arranged it. That's what's magical about it, it works within the bounds of voodoo which gets back to why all this is so strange which gets back to the docks. That would be the docks okay it is a bird and aquatic bird with specialized feet for propelling itself through water or basically a duck.
A bird of a different feather escalation point!!
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