Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Harmon Incident

The story gets even more complicated when you start looking at the problem from different angles.

I called the Harmon Incident, the fact that the American media would bring peace to performers together to sabotage the great or should I say once great American vagina is amazing. Of course I'm talking about Angela Michelle "Angie" Harmon and Thomas Mark Harmon, the two performers who conspired with [ DOTAVG ].

It really does make you wonder about George Clooney doesn't it!

Does he really think buying an island in the middle of a river somewhere in England is going to save him from the great Georgian vaginal disaster. If so he's a bigger fool than I ever thought.

If my name was Bob and if I was a builder would you make sweet love to me…

Yes there is a little bit of code dancing around on that pinhead…


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