Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My little archive actually has quite a few surprises even for me it would appear I thought this thing out and it's not really like me

The perpetual microphone dance

meanwhile a translating program is trying to do something which is odd because it hasn't functioned properly in quite a while.

I decided earlier this morning that I didn't have the time to talk with you, I had to focus on things I need to do for myself. I even reflected on reducing the so-called charged particle dynamic of the Ford 500, I did change it. Now I didn't take the time to document what I was change, for instance, Walt Disney tried to steal some of my change as well as two of my chicken McNuggets. They were residual from last night.

This means I should really show you some of yesterdays stuff that never got pushed. Maybe later, basically unwilling to verbally describe to you what was happening prior to the voodoo adjustment I made this morning. Walt Disney and the aliens were in the front seat, for reason, meanwhile the girl in the center seat was in a sandwich.

Now, Walt Disney, the girl with the gun, and the two pieces of bread, you might take note that one is holding a grenade, are all buckled together in the back seat and my to go into get container is in the front seat with me.

Anyway that's the adjustment. You will see some of it. Now I started the day off by documenting the burn, first off admin documenting the vehicle and then the changes made.
Most of this data was lost, for reasons I'm not sure, and to be fair it could be operator error and not equipment malfunction although that's not like me. I understand the device and how to move things from the device from one binary sphere to another and I've never screwed up on this grander scale before. That's not to say it's not possible.

All right I said I was going to talk to you I clearly am. And as with everything there is a reason just give me some time to get there.

Noah could reflect upon FBI and CIA and in SA assassins wielding black plastic knives or we can focus on the true magic in hand. Because there is true magic you can ask the arc or you could say now we can.

All right it's time to do stuff today. I move stuff around and make a discovery. There are three different pools of water within my vehicle I don't know where to of the pools came from and it makes no sense at all. I do know where the third pool came from the one in the backseat that was basically set up in the same way I set it up when I was north of the river. Mike container that Houston might do and get the container that holds my to do and get objects was in the backseat on the passenger side and basically the foot rest area. It was full of water and the culprit for this one was found.

Essentially we've had an event in Antarctica. Now you could say that I brought the South Pole into the vehicle to show the various forms of badges that I can offer some degree of peace but the so-called badges do not want my piece in someone's looking my vehicle and smashed the concept of peace into this metal pot that houses my objects that need my attention.

This water and ice because after all it is from the South Pole was full of, I can't remember the name for it, it's little glittery, it is glitter is filled with glitter and water. So all of the objects they were being held in missing closure got wet including a Sony camera which was sitting in water. Which reminds me I need take the battery out and let it dry.

I have gone ahead and put the broken piece back into the so-called badges arena. Now boys and girls you need asked her self, do we need badges and if so what should they taste like do you want tasty badges are an tasty badges. Figure out what you want.

That's a sidetrack.

Anyway I dried stuff off and tried to get the glitter off everything but the glitter got into the key box because there is a box there in the glitter got into a bunch of other stuff as well.
Therefore I did a full regroup and I'm allowing the alien to stay on top of the badges and the photographic proof of this if you look carefully remember the alien is invisible but I've shown you how you can see the ailing CD alien if you carefully. CD alien if you look carefully.
Oh well it's not going to type. Now I was talking about Barack Obama giving Alaska some problems but I didn't give you the full picture.

So now let's make it a global issue and was talk to the world. You have me, the so-called magic man, walking around in areas of the United States sometimes on the south side of the river and sometimes on the north side of the river.

And sometimes I'm on a bridge that spans the river that something altogether different.
Now Mr. and Mrs. world you start throwing some serious numbers are way and I will start building some proofs using visual artwork. Basically 98.6759% of all the worlds problems can be drawn to or accounted for by Barack Obama and American-made vaginas.  That's not a typo, Barack Obama and his administration and American-made vaginas are responsible for 98.6759% of all the worlds problems.

Now I would be lying if I told you that American-made vaginas don't have some curbside appeal because they clearly do if you have eyes to see and the ability to comprehend. But basically they're nothing but trouble which Inspectorate had Canadians and they can be trouble as well. Which gets back to the whole vaginal issue and maybe we have a worldwide crisis concerning misbehaving vaginas.

I'll let you, Mr. Mrs. world sort through all of that I got to concern myself with the flavor of badges.

So, I wake up I got a deal with ice I get to deal with water I got to deal with polar extremes of God to deal with badges I get to deal with strange forms of voodoo and magic and I better get myself some lunch. So I go to a fast food restaurant which shall remain unnamed and I order the cheese and jalapeno whopper with a medium-sized soft drink. The first two rounds Rubiera and the final one was Diet Coke.

I then discover they have a newspaper there and I study the paper basically cover to cover but I only skim the front page of the sports section, maybe I open the sports section up, I can't remember, I'll give it a glance but I'm not going to put the magnifying glass on in the sports pages.

Anyway you might want to pick up a copy of the Dallas morning news and reflect upon the magic that occurred prior to me looking at the paper.

Now I'm sitting on the pot thinking about what's happened, today, the Magic just keeps on chugging, and no matter what I do. Tell her won't believe me I said pin and Teller will not believe me.

Not that that matters! The real question is what do you believe X was point! Now I have basically been ignoring the media, at first intentionally, and later for some unknown reason that I can't put my finger on. It just seems like I have too much to do. Which is a shame because I basically like staying on top of current events and dynamics associated with my community and the world at large.

That last sentence has one long green snake with it.

So basically today my magic covered the globe accidentally first with the spirits of the badges that want to destroy the peace in Antarctica and the concept of making peace with the badges and whole idea of playing fair.

There's also a little note about Plano with its back issues I have with Plano which gets back to the FBI and my first runaround with the badges oh so long ago.
Which gets back to my hard work which gets back to the airport because if it's in November of 2015 I was at the airport, I have no recollection of this, except I have the artwork that shows me there.

The one interesting shot that I should show you is the staircase or should I say stairwell it doesn't matter it kind of has both. It wants.

That image is about geometry which is what the ashcan and the tabletop is all about in the ashes.

A basically tell you a story about those ashes because they are supercharged magic.             

The burn was for the basement and for the basement I have pretty good load so I let the thing I studied it for little while to make sure things safe and then when the fire was secure I begin to work in other areas monitoring the fire from time to time.

When I ran my errands the fire was out but I didn't check on the thing. I then came back and decided I better check on the thing, now one of the objects that was being rendered into smoke and ash was something that someone close to me. No, in fact it's about as close as it can come. It was Bart it was Bart it was lit up and turned to ashes and when I looked into the pot it retained its original form I thought that it had somehow escaped the power of the flame and was not burn it all because it looked as original as it could look. I then got a stick and stirred the pot only to discover that all the material was ashes but for some reason this particular object was consumed by the fire and still retained its shape but was not itself but ashes.

I'm saying a lot of words. Which gets back to words and things were going to get to when we get back to the alien nation and the issue of the flavor of badges.
After all you cannot figure out what you need and I told Donnell about my concern about nomenclature and how we call things what as well as my concern with the Barack Obama administration and American-made vaginas. He gave me some advice in the past on to you here.

By the way disproves that Donnell and I are actually in close communication despite what people may tell you. That is to say don't trump and I Donald Trump and I. Will basically Mr. Trump we need work on voice recognition first and foremost after we've resolved the dynamics of words and women.

Readers note I will attempt to load the movies first and will call that one form of proof and then I'll try to form another page will will go through other forms of visual documentation.

Google would try to load to very small movies please comply.

Donald trumps opinion concerning my issues with American-made vaginas:

looks like I need to change formats this is in and in and over the layout so let's try him before using the YouTube profile.

Mr. Trump's advice concerning my use of nomenclature:

the media's interpretation of Mr. Trump's and I's

Changing video profile

Same thing changing profile
It will let me put this one up it may later is telling me it's processing video.

By the way there are two variations of this file I'm assuming they're both identical, I really should look at both files, but from a glance they appear to be identical but they have different sizes and I'm using the larger one because it has a new word date.

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