Alright kids, students and fellow associates.
Let's take this opportunity and talk about hard line code.
This is an easy walk if you'll just look down and make sure you're stepping in
the right places after all if it smells like that and taste like that we don't
want to step in it. Variations on Santa Claus dust.
It was back in the day when it really was on the record.
Needless to say I digress, you see if you're going to play
Dr. and nurse you need to think about how you're going to handle the scalpel
and what you're looking for and what you're looking at.
This is one of the reasons why I did not want to give you
the footnotes but I did give you the location of the material.
I went to see my scalpel work I wanted you to see my scalpel
work and contemplate what type of thread is needed to properly close the wound.
Now I could play the devil's advocate here which gets back
to something I saw yesterday that I wanted to tell you about, before the show
aired. I did not realize that that show was going to air last night it just did
but one thing I meant to tell you, I was in bed all day yesterday, I just never
got around to it.
It was the gold Ford Taurus remember the backseat at one
time had almost got the father God the son and the Holy Spirit and Satan like
to ride in the passenger seat. He was quite pleasant it really has good manners
despite what other people may tell you.
Now we have another dynamic with the gray Ford it's
something altogether different.
Now you need to look at the idea and concept of what to cut and what to paste is and you don't want your incision to be too long at the same time you don't want to work into confined condition.
Now we could talk about other dynamics found on the
so-called boob tube or we could go back in time or I could address the fact
that I need my watches fixed. One brother is running but the band is too loose
and one brother fits with the battery he needs goes beyond tomato juice and
more into the so-called ionic arena.
Then we have the gas line valve, the air filter, the keys,
the glasses, the Sony camera that's recovering from melted ice, the Sony parts
to other Sony things, and probably something else.
Yes there's going to have to be more smoke, there's no way
around. I'm going to have to make this one a sharper and hotter and cleaner
Sometimes my brain is faster than a speeding bullet
concerning locomotives I can't really say right now. Which gets back to her
yellow there are lot of hers around here, I'm talking about the original
hardware girl that means I'm talking about 25 to 30 years ago. That would be a
long time to work your way back to.
Then we've got other Asian dynamics associated with turning
Japanese and then we've got a bunch of spices and a bunch of people who think
they can speak French.
Uuuu Fuuu Garson Uuuuu Fuuuu.
I can still speak some of it I just don't know how to spell
the stuff and neither do the people who speak it fluently it's not like it's a
language that's meant to be written…
I better be careful invoking the language last time I did it
we had quite a few ways come rolling in.
If you think about it it's more than particle physics is the
dynamic of moving plates or specifically heads on the stick or plates on a
stick or the stones.
You know I didn't bring anything hard-core with me on this
trip I left all of the hard-core dynamics where they lay. I was asking some of
my brothers you want me to build a mound or do you want the same to be
That's the problem with Fort Worth they simply would not
leave me alone and they got cut off. Now I did return there to help my daughter
purchase a vehicle. But I was opposed to the idea and yes it's a purple line
next to a green line but that's the word you chose not mine and this will be a
rare example where I will remove the I and add another easy to fix the thing.
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