Monday, February 8, 2016

If U R Keeping Track At Home

This be document (€)…  Don’t ask me!

So what did I get in the candy today, well I had to talk to the spiritual world and do some so-called soul-searching, I say so-called soul-searching because usually that means people are looking inward for me however I’m looking outward.

Seriously, I outwardly looked for souls today that could powwow in my direction.

I then discovered some interesting dynamics including one spiritual creature that wanted to talk voodoo, caught off guard by this event I realized I wasn’t carrying any voodoo coins or for that matter any change. This meant I had to do what is called a field charge. I simply have to acquire an object and charge it with voodoo. Now if you do this correctly you got a powwow with the spirits using their own language or code. This is all documented on the camera so when I walked into Walmart I was looking for a number of things but specifically something that would speak in the spirits language. I’m up getting a charged particle that was supercharged but I ended up with some candy that I don’t really want, and unusual phenomenon in the candy code world if you know anything about the candy code.

So I do some negotiating in the real world so that when I return to the spiritual world I can create a type of bank account where I actually have a small line of credit, about for since worth if you view the current exchange rate equal on both sides of the spiritual world.

I also acquired a bell for one dollar and had the opportunity to buy several Australian dollars but opted out not to do so.

I could discuss the difficulties about working in Texas, I do that a lot, this time I’ve got photographic proof and white Texans feel the need to put their nose in my shit I haven’t a clue. 

But they definitely like putting their nose in my shit.

I’m going to have to address building a complete field box double allow me to do everything while having the ability to go mobile.

You see when I visit the spiritual world in the so-called GnP zone they have a knack for giving me money on today’s excursion I made it more than just an even exchange. Then you’ve got this other strange dynamic and why had to cruise that circuit to see exactly what all that meant.

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