Friday, February 12, 2016

What’s the difference between an expression of speech and an idiom?

 I guess that clears it up, what you think?  Anyway, they say the devils in the details and if you look closely at the details you would see all kind of spiritual things.  I’m amazed at everything I’ve walked through and interacted with and how it moves in my dreams and my consciousness and affects the environment around me.

Now I’m supposed to talk about Russia and the dynamic of North Korea and how North Korea to get its sole back, that’s a complicated walk indeed which gets back to Taiwan and the concept of sheik rattle and roll.

Of course Japan comes up, frequently and parts of Africa appear to be calling glowing, this makes for a strange climate in Australia and changes the dynamic of fishing at New Zealand.  You know New Zealand have some fascinating insects.  They defy what a professor told me in biology class and why insects have a limited ability to evolve.

Of course we end up in Europe again and me trying to solve problems with Denmark and the fact that tried inch their way into North America.  That’s not exactly what I would call model behavior, of course that puts is in Germany and when you’re in Germany are counting on a model to pick up a stack and make a point, well good luck with that.

Do I have to be clear?  Or can I just look good!

Do you really wanna bet on a horse or would you prefer to bet on sheep or possibly goats or the odd dear or maybe a moose.  Yes, moose meat is kosher at least I think it is, you know if I had access to the archive you would realize I actually looked this up one time and even made a post about it, I know that that has been pulled down and is probably lying in rubble somewhere.  Which gets back to insects in South Korea know I did mean to say South Korea I meant to say South America, this Korean thing has me going around in circles.

This gets back to another dynamic which is multi dimensional as well because the devil is in that detail, I know I put it there today.  You see I can move into that arena and if I were to be a hatchet man I can slice and dice and build a comprehensive world report on current events using that platform and data. 

It would make for interesting viewing, and yes you can run with that.

Of course and Do 2;  I 2, T N 1. < a very small example of running code behind the lines and underground.  I could add other dynamics I've already changed the dynamic of a circle knew I really need to go into muffin man fearing theory?

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