Monday, February 8, 2016

normally I would let visual aids tell story

As I’ve stated somewhere I have different software the do different things in different locations therefore I don’t have a centralized portable flame thrower.

Here’s all I’m saying, you could count and I could make change if you counted my left-handed pocketed change it would have been $.49. It’s now $.50, this changes the dynamics of weaponry and voodoo itself because as I’ve stated somewhere else I have purchased the gun for $.50 as well as a grenade for a dollar.

I also have the dynamics of the meat processing industry in the backseat of my car if you want to hold out for the Gov. or some aspect of country-western singing.

Now Taylor if you are look at a map you would see I get, close to things if were willing to cross the river. Eventually I will cross the river and eventually I can talk about the Red River and other dynamics in northern regions of the US and parts of Canada.

Now the structure of the extra sent is important, the so-called meant affect is changed a lot with pennies. So we can get back to meeting the press and the dynamics of Jack and Jill and will generally be overruled Julie not be in terms of animation or others aspects of conservative politics in Alaska.

But the voodoo change dynamic is bigger than you think remember in the voodoo mix is also the top from a beer bottle to round objects and one half Moon now the half moon is really more of a button and I think there’s something else in the voodoo mix I need to change classes to see. Now that pretty much covers it you have five pennies two of which are alarmingly unique in fact one is a red-hot beacon. And unusual nickel and four dimes. But that’s not all I did some negotiating and acquired a little more voodoo punch with the power so I can turn the whole dynamic into 325, I don’t think I’ll do that but I could with this changes the dynamics of weapons altogether because I now have three magic quarters. If you saw what was in those quarters you would realize I really am moving with the power of am with the power of M and I can take the dynamic and take the dynamic of the peach and make it spin in the air this means I could sneak into the spiritual bowling alley grab one of their gravity defying coins and replace it with Georgia.

After all when you’re in that part of the world bowling is an issue.

If we do go to the land of cave painting and we bring a bowling ball we can dial M for murder because Alfred is close by.

I don’t know what my daughter’s doing reading books from New Hampshire authors, I think her name begins with Jay, I don’t know, she has three kids and husband and live somewhere in New Hampshire and she does well with selling books in New York. She has an interesting outlook on titles I would call those dangers on titles. Danger zone titles and the lack of proper animation in America specifically addressing the dynamics of Sunday television.

I’m going to get something to eat I’m hungry.

My brother is correct he does have issues with small flying insects. Let’s savor this moment with the diet root beer.  This reminds me of Sophie a very nice girl especially when served with a light buttery garlic sauce, would you like a piece of Sophie…

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