Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Miss Mitchell I should correct that Ms. Mitchell I’m pretty deep in code right now

In A

 Yes it can snow here

We've had a malfunction in tiny and timing you know what the scenes making angry and I'm already angry.

In Wked

  Now google will not allow me to my paragraphs that is to say google will not allow me to give the space my paragraphs need and we're having a plethora of other malfunctions.

  All right all try to do what I can perhaps I need to change browsers because this browser is clearly having some type of issue with life in general.

  All rights we have many photographs and a couple of movies but I'm not sure anything's going to work because this thing is unbelievably screwing up.

  One of the things that troubles me most is the fact that I gave a visual running on how left handed pocketed materials translate and move into voodoo.  I also carefully documented everything in my left pocket but it's more than my left pocket because we're now dealing with all of my left pockets and the fact that I'm fully benched and the left handed shooter today.  That's just part of what is missing there's a great deal of other things missing.  I mean I turned several magic wands on and had the things practically and motor drive and there's virtually nothing to show for it.  That makes me very angry. 

In LP meaning left pocket

issues with the left the Dragon won't do it either dryer lint.

it's very difficult to see but the brand name of these pants is [Savane], I attempted  to change the letter in to the G Savage. Now I want to do some research.

it's hard to see in this photograph but this is a T-shirt I purchased recently and it has oil stains on it, I don't know if you really call them stains because it's really just a place where oil has landed and made the fabric darker. The only way to get it out completely is to soak clothing with these type of oil splotches in gasoline and then blot them out with a rag like the things air out and then in the laundry. Yes this is being done in the Dragon voice recognition program and I've decided to leave the font where it is.

You have three different types of writing options found in this document the bulk that which is in the Arial font was done in Windows 10 using their voice recognition, for some reason it gave up so I went back to Dragon and it's using this font.

Nye said there were three I said there were three the third one is when I just write it down by hand I've noted one of those but not others.
  It also makes me angry that every time I try to increase the spaces between the paragraphs google throws me down to the bottom of this of this posting.

  Something is a mess!  You did not hit the mark you missed the mark so if you going to play with bows and arrows be careful to get your came right or consider a new line of work, maybe archery is not your kid.  Is not your gig.

  This gets back to something I've been meaning to correct for quite awhile, the so called half truth, and tried to find this, looked upon the Internet, and simply could not find.  That would be I could not find it!  It has to do with Cheryl, and I actually own this material, no I don't own the rights to it I merely own a copy of the desks that you can purchase in any store in watch it all.  Somewhere in some season Cheryl wants to throw acid in people's faces.  This is 1/2 truth!  Now in the old days we didn't even mess with that we would simply rip someone's face off and call it a day.  Then those pesky French figure out a way to reattach people's faces so ripping someone's face off was pointless if they're going to go to France and avenue and put on.  That's when we started throwing passes on the heads of the people we're at their faces off.  You see when you rip their face-off they don't have a face you merely have a head, by throwing acid on the head you damaged nerve endings making it impossible for the French and keeps them from being so pesky.  So that's the whole truth not 1/2 truth you simply rip their faces off and then threw acid in their face.

  But this is all secret agent stuff that I shouldn't be talking about, it's highly classified in some circuits and really classified in the invisible zone.  We're going to get to the invisible zone if I can get this place to ever give me the space and eat.  The space I need.

  First will address the magic of Mexico and all of the other stuff.

  If you're trying to keep up at home it would be Monday the 15th and what is on the sat and has anyone seen my glasses.  By the way that was sat in a pretty sure it's SET!  I could be mistaken.

  Really this whole thing is horrible it's either google or or FIREFOX, or some new component or upgrade to windows 10.  You know, despite what people tell you apple computers are clearly smoother running boxes.  That's not to say they don't have problems and issues because they certainly do.

  The problem with an Apple Computer is the money, the most people would think I'm referring to the cost of the computer, I am not talking about that!  The problem is the money, yes, yes, yes, I remember I thought this morning about revolution in the air and his wall street still standing.

  Let me finish my thoughts about apple and then I'll try to move the so called media.  Apple makes money, apple makes a lot of money, apple makes very little money, relatively speaking, by selling computers.  Because apple embraces the chasing of money they no longer embrace the concept of being a computer manufacturer.  This gets back to Switzerland and something that happened a long time ago that's before apple moved into its new coding system called a less backs, back in those days it was called OS eight.

  Anyway there was a Swiss Group who successfully built a binary patch to run an apple alas on what was then an Intel PC which was primarily designed for windows, I say that with a degree of strangeness because you could run all kinds of operating systems on an Intel based PC and in those days you could also run them on a Motorola processor.  Now I know that IBM made a lot of those processors but Motorola was a designer of the CPU used in early apples or Macintosh computers.

  I know I'm boring you because I could go on and on for being such a stupid jerk I actually know a lot about the so called binary world and its history.  Which gets back to IBM in no I'm not going to do it.  Where am I, yes and talk about money, apple is basically a red bull looking to seize the most capital it can and that's not in building computers.  So, in the long haul, divide vies on buying an apple commuter, EDS yes I am but I'm saying you need to exercise caution and someone needs to figure out what the Swiss figure out some time ago so we can change the whole hackey sat deal to a more reliable unit.  Everybody's trying to sell you something except what you need.

Originally the post started here before I realized that there were lost objects and strange dynamics with timing. [ 1st Dragon ]
So you’ll have to forgive me I’m between a rock and hard place or at least my bunnies are.

They think its troubled water, it’s merely a red pale with a little water in it and I’m sure they would float but their protected because my so called spirit is within.

All rights would you do a full, know that is not correct, I am actually applying a small degree of censorship in today’s release and I’m doing some editing because you guys don’t need to see every single mistake I make although I don’t mind you seeing it in me using it as a teaching aid.

The right now I’ve got other things to do and I’m in full armor.

In the back of my mind, I knew something was wrong, I still think something’s wrong, I’ve probably taken 100 photographs today and I’ve made several movies and a lot of stuff is clearly missing.  Oh my goodness there was something else.

Well we’re having clocking issues, I found some of the lost images but not all of them, I’m going to go ahead and release the dog urine on Michael, that kind of works, if I were to post the other movies you don’t have, anyway I had a towel on the floor by my bed and the dog urinated on it and I began the whole logic thing of having a dog.

All right let’s start over.

I woke up this morning and my brain had been juggling many things but it was clear revolution was in the air.  I got up out of bed and realized my brain was in precision mode and I had a full set of very sharp scalpels.  Here I’m alluding to a book called Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance by Robert pursued that spur sick all right use gonna have to figure it out.

 Google makes odd choices now I'm typing using the Dragon voice recognition and it's keeping the Arial font intact. Don't ask me why! What I mean by Google's odd choices is the fact that the images are being shown here out of order. The first image you see here is the 16th of the set.

tthese images are found in folder CS meaning cerebral scalpels.

for the record this is not in any order at all although it would have been if it would've loaded as it was in the folder.Google's doing some dastardly things with my coding and my ability to code. That's all right because you can still float.

now we begin a fascinating subplot involving sticks and stones and bricks. Now I decided to splurge and not follow the cheap route I just didn't go out into the yard and pick up a stick and a few rocks I rent I went to the voodoo store and acquired the charms there.
I change the lighting in the brick looks much cleaner here. You're not going to see or should I say above and below this line you'll see many photographs that appear to be the same thing. They're not exactly the same thing. I'm using an autofocus camera, digital, with an older 35mm full frame lens specifically a 20 mm F28. Now I could talk for ever about cameras camera design and function and  how things work in the real world of photography.

I really do have a lot of miles.
So I've had to throw the camera into manual focus this is done by using a switch the way it should be done on any reputable camera.

Now Sony I consider you to be a reputable camera maker but you clearly have not designed your cameras using a real photographer's brain. I don't know whose brain you're using. I just know it started true photographers.

Anyway this is the old Pentax, so I have this 20 mm lens, manual focus, and I'm moving the plane of focus around because I can't square up on what I'm photographing and I can't dial down the aperture to get a deeper depth of field because I didn't bring a tripod. I also forgot my pillows, that's the problem with working late to get things accomplished.

By the way for you people out there the Pentax 20 mm F28 the A type, was such a fine lens that photographers that shot with Nikon's and like his had these Pentax lenses refitted with amounts that would work on Nikon and like a cameras. Simply put, at the time of this lenses manufacturing it was the finest linens of its focal length that could be found.

Now I could talk about the flavors of lenses, Nikon has a flavor, Minolta had a flavor, Konica before they merged with Minolta had a flavor, Canon had a flavor and Pentax had a flavor as well as Olympus. I know I'm forgetting a handful and of course like you had like you had its own flavor my goodness you're not printing the word like a you're not doing that all right one could call it a German camera manufacturer called like a the Believe. I cannot believe it. This company invented what is now or what was the original full frame 35mm. They made SLR's, single lens reflex, and rangefinders. The SLR's have a unique mount. The early rangefinders had threaded lenses and later when the so-called M class rangefinders came around they change to a bayonet mount. If you have a digital SLR it has a bayonet mount.

Now I could go on and on and on and on because my brain is going back through my life and I'm looking at all of these people and I'm thinking about all of it by say gave you and how you took the opportunity to test my advice and I always scored in the A+ category.

People you could give me a photographic problem and I'm telling you I can solve it!

I can't believe it they're supposed to be 28 images here and it appears that there are 28. This is the first time Google's ever done a full load in some time, they almost always leave at least one thing out.

So I’m looking things are thinking about what I need to do today and I realize there’s a newspaper there I bought a couple days ago they never even opened.  So this morning I opened this would be that were 16200016 clearly in the end zone.  I don’t know what voice recognition is doing.  This was today February 16th 2016 in the AM.

these are found in folder BC meaning race case and yes that is a real wig made in Korea if you can read the labeling which is interesting because the briefcase was housed in China or Singapore at one time according to its labeling. It got its labeling from the airport there.

each book primarily contains certain types of handwritten notes, I did a very good job on the last book, fossils, I just put it there so Mickey would know that when I want to do a good job I will appropriate.
now were talking about left-handed pocketed material but I have to tell you you won't find this little bag of treats in my left pocket although all of the coins are voodoo coins.

Now here's something that's very important by the way I'm speaking using Dragon and now it's changed to this font. Anyway this is very, very, very important!

Today is voodoo day!!!!!  and let's just say I'm going to give you my two cents worth as well as a small piece of granite and a very small fossil. I was out of place  where a person needed help recovering his broken down vehicle. He had another vehicle and we took that vehicle to the broken down vehicle only to discover that the vehicle we were driving and also broke down just before we reached our destination.

With a simple degree of deduction I realized that the vehicle we were driving in was out of fuel, the vehicle was not malfunctioning it just needed gas which is amazing considering it had two tanks.

The man I was helping and another man went to go get fuel for the vehicle that was out of gas. This shouldn't take too long it ended up taking an incredibly long time I'm talking hours! This is very strange, now this is a land where great distances are just something you have to deal with. If you want to get a hot cup of coffee going to have to drive 20 to 30 min. one direction. That's just how things are there. So I'm left with this stranded vehicle thinking that the two mineral will be back soon only to discover it wasn't soon at all. So I start looking around and thinking. Now I'd been caught offguard and had left without any of my tool brushes or other implements I use. Not even my phone.

I start looking around at the land, at one time this land was very very productive and it was the center of what was then the world's leading peanut supplier, I mean penis were everywhere and where there was a Peanuts there was week there was week there was a grain used to make bread called wheat. There's a penny's worth of pallor...  No I will not correct it...

Now  if you have unique vision you can see unique things so I started walking back and forth, if you looked west there was a farmer with very  good-looking black bovine. They were very shy. They were very healthy animals. Along his fence rows there was nothing but sand and grass no so-called particulate at all.

Now if you're standing in the middle of that blacktop road looking West  on your left-hand side would be another field that was basically abandon, for some time.  If you looked along its Vince Rowe you saw all kinds of particular that is to say if you looked along its Vince rose my goodness.

The fence row, there was a bunch of little pebbles and things in the sand and grass aligned to this side of the road. I noticed a very small piece of pink granite type of granite that can be found in these parts. I also found a very small fossil I believe it is called a bivalve is a type of very small clam when I say this thing is small it smaller than a quarter of an inch. For those of you who don't know inches an inch is about 25 mm now we could divide 25 x 4 to get an equivalent and by the way that was divide 25 x 4 my goodness this is kind of an ex-eBay 25 divided by four. That's too hard for me.

I was pretty good at math and I learned tricks at a very young age, for some reason my dyslexia doesn't bother me when it approaches numbers. Anyway I would use 24 divided by four which leaves six. Now we could take the number one and divide it by a function of four and you would end up with .25.

Therefore if you divide 25 BY 4 oone would do one would deduce that the answer would be 6.25.  Now I'm curious I'm going to go get a calculator.

6.25 mm

there wasn't room for the auxiliary phone so it will have to ride someplace else, I don't ride motorcycles anymore but this accessory comes from a place that sells various types of motorcycle accessories. And yes it is from the city of my birth.

I had no agenda at all I just wanted to look at the paper it costs a lot of money so I wanted to see what was there.  That’s when I realized what my brain had done or you could call it a spiritual thing or you could call it magic or you can call it whatever the hell and you want to.  I realized I was having more than a cerebral set of sharp scalpels I need to take it to the media, so it did.

In a shower of thinking about it at a hot how I read.  Whatever the normal way a normal person reads is not the way I’m blessed, unfortunately.  That didn’t come out right either but it had to do with what I was thinking about the shower.  I kind of survey words, that is to say the written once, and I can get a general idea of what’s being written.  The problem is the details, for some reason my brain doesn’t always pick up on the words no, not, and alike.  So an article or some book might be saying something and I will actually perceive it 180° off top bit center.

It’s a timing thing.


this doesn't really address anything about time or timing except about dogs that will go outside to use the bathroom. There are two dogs living at this residence at this given moment. I regularly open the door and let the dogs out to play into their business. The dog that lives here full-time  doesn't want to go outside, even though I gave this particular animal the opportunity  it chose to stay on the couch.

This is interesting because I was in the room where this towel was only moments before then I walk in and see this  while one dog is playing outside  and the other dog has moved from the couch to the chair after she had done her business on the towel, on the floor, of where I slept last night.

I was going to censor this image but when I got angry I said what the hell.

Unfortunately the story doesn't end with just this deposit because there's another deposit in the bedroom  of the older woman that lives here and a mortgage treat like I'm treating the governors and let the thing dry out before I move it.

This gets back to a forgotten image, I didn't take this image but even if I did it probably would've been lost with so many others. I moved the governors and 50% of Mr. Nelson to the grill.
there is an interesting side note here these two watches were in my vehicle because they both need some adjustments the chick saw the Chickasaw tribe simply needs a battery. The Choctaw tribe is a watch I've never worn before and until today and when I picked it up originally from my vehicle it's second hand was not moving. I placed this watch in my and an apparently the heat from my hand activated the battery or did something because it started to keep time. I just had to make some small adjustments. I was hoping the same thing would happen with the Chickasaw watch but it didn't work.

So we have two tribes one fits well but needs a charge one is rather loose around the wrist but will keep time if you want to dance with it.

Anyway to avoid this, throughout my life, I keep unconsciously refining how I read or how why sort through words.  This has a side effect, I end up seeing strings of words and patterns which the publisher or author did not intend for.

It’s a part of my visual dialogue, I told you are or delete the paper on it.

Now, I can read a newspaper in my way which would be much like the way you the average person would read it and I can call it just that.  Or I can read it in my very unique way in pickup and type of artistic brush or I can pick up a cerebral scalpel and begin operating or I could rearrange frankenstein’s brain which would be long lines of voodoo.

I’m going out to do a small running commentary, now this is not everything I photographed, it’s not even half of it.

this block of images in a folder entitled AutoCorrect

from both sides now, so what is this red thing, it's not the what you need to be concerned with its nowhere no I said it is the where excavation point!!!!!!!

I'm going to insert a movie this movie will show you where and when I picked this thing up now the wagon could be in question were going to assume that the timestamp is accurate.February 12, 2016 at 6:15 PM.. It's from Oklahoma. Now we have a number of things in rotation concerning voodoo, the pink granite the fossil and the red thing hold a type of voodoo particle charge..

The cutup newspaper and the invisible bunny and the expired carriage use come from taxes come from Texas. Go figure, but you got to remember kids these so-called artifacts are signed! I would imagine so!

By the way if you go back up to the cerebral scalpel set up you realize that I'm telling you it's a two-handed affair. There something else you going to notice, the paper on the kitchen countertop is a lot like a coin it has two sides and clearly I am omitting a major component of understanding what all of those bits of paper at up to add up to.. So  you can find the paper because I'm going to drop it off but the little pieces of scalpel work have a voodoo particle charge as well so you going to have to look very carefully  at how I tracked with my scalpel into the paper and ink and see exactly what I extracted because there's a point to using scalpel.

some of you might be wondering why I have this little creature in my vehicle,  I've had to take the Golden gun down and I'll be a left-handed shooter today. To increase the security in my vehicle I've asked this little Icelandic creature to cover the bases. I also have the Liberty Bell and the gray grenade.. Remember if you want to work for the invisible force field friends you need to have the appropriate spyware and gadgets. He wears turtlenecks and I wear T-shirts it's kind of splicing.

Oh my goodness, I don’t think you have the lips photographs the vlan it’s a type of dust or particle with unique properties that likes to stick to clothing and is very obnoxious if one is wearing dark clothing and these particles are light in color.  You usually filtered out in the dryer but some dryers don’t filter fact of lee.  Don’t filter effectively.  While I said while I said WOW, you know South Carolina or should I say North Carolina, I think it was South Carolina, I just know was from the Carolinas, a blob gave me a great deal of grief and didn’t want me to eat at McDonald’s.
tthis group of images is in a folder called RnW meaning to read and write.

I finished the book Catch-22, a fine read that I recommend, however it ended on somewhat of a flat note. I still recommend the book. Now I found myself without Steinbeck and without some other items in the fire when I say fire I mean hot iron not like smoke and ash.

I listen to NPR for a while in the survey of Russian poetry, actually she wouldn't call Russian Jews from Belarus, which is interesting because we get back to Russian little bit when we go back into the reading and writing group.

NPR's reception got spotty sore pullover and found some books, some audio books in the vehicle so I opened this one and started listing to various aspects of ghost stories I'm only into the third CD right now there are eight CDs and all.

Now I'm going to Annenberg only appropriate some of this material I am going to Italy and Berkeley okay my mouth has a hard time saying that word inadvertently, my goodness I think I just set it.

I am going to inadvertently appropriate some of this material not for the purpose of sharing the story with you but merely to demonstrate what I see and sense as I travel and this book was my traveling companion so when you see me recover red to understand the dots and you'll know where it's from, Oklahoma. Picked up by a voodoo master!  who had been in the city of his birth  dancing with the one who fits well but needs an extra charge so I could get the things that help keep me alive.

Anyway I was driving back self and I was planning on sleeping next to the water in a figure of speak or understanding. I was concerned about the dogs because I'd taken the responsibility to commit to taking care of them  and I was told that there was going to be someone else here so I was going to take the opportunity to rest and then the next morning go down. Upon contact with this other person, I was told that they were there, so I had to pack up the buggy and get things in gear which led for a very long night. And then an open house on the next day. Anyway to the author and publisher of the above book a small fragment is going to be located here, this is not plagiarism, it's your work and I claim no hold on the work with the exception  I really do track ghosts.

And trust me, I'm not fiction!

Now the above is not part of the so-called AutoCorrect file it's in 2Feb - 12.

yyes this comes up again these are very tired rhinestone shades.
this location uses some type of dish to  receive television services I don't know if it's DirecTV or dish TV, is one of those,, whichever one it is they won't give you a line up so you have to manually figure out where everything is so this is kind of a manually done TV Guide for this given TV network.
I'm showing you both sides of these coins this is nothing but blank space
this is the other side of blank space the words written on it are 1) vinegar Japan Job's tears, whole foods, -3L plus, w/ one 250 mL of over one and one 250 mL of Kroger.

We then have, done in graphite, a line across the paper with a timestamp of its own. It's dated August 31, 2015. God's own drunk until I saw the bear.
Russia and below Russia is an arrow pointing up to Russia that says TatGirl! CODE TRAP!!!
these are my notes concerning East of Eden nine have many notes in this book scattered over many places because I listen to the book when I'm driving and at other times and I grabbed for whatever's closest to me to write my decoded notes. This is a very intensive type of notetaking concerning this book. And if you are a part of the invisible force field trends friends you would be able to track it now we come to something kind of interesting.
this is in black ink with the sentence if I could only find a private place explanation! and that is underlined [then watched it this way I said or let me do it this way] < not on page!

Before I go back I need to tell you you come up often  and I understand and hold no grudges because I have no right to.. You know this. But still one can wonder.

Back to page ( I have to talk to myself ( clearly) [below the word clearly is an arrow and under the arrow is the word fact! Followed by NoShit;

~ Gold Mune Freight train... [then somewhat of an arrow pointing down to the final line]

The Taco Project!

These last two items are conceptual ideas concerning art and what I want to conceptualize into existence with my art.

Then I had issues with a woman I called the ping pong ball lady because she was just like a ping-pong ball in terms of the parents in terms of appearance.  This gets us back to no fingers bill and this other lady.  You know I have the drive with me right now if I wanted I can actually pull the thing up and give you blow by blow accounts of our correspondents.

This gets back to that other guy from American Airlines who ended up working for the department homeland security and was in charge of either terminal AR terminal see either terminal a or terminal see that DF W Airport.  I think it was terminal and a and we were in front by where his office was.  This is also where I experienced my first problems and issues with Brazil!

I could go on and on.

That’s because all of this stuff is still floating around and is highly unresolved.

Which gets back to other dynamics in this house in my place in this world, will cover those bases later and perhaps contemplate the whole concept of what is and is not an invisible classroom.  You see we got invisible switches and plugs as well as an invisible rabbit.

You’ll see.

This set of images is in a folder called I_VIS

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