Monday, February 1, 2016


A person could look at my life as a series of odd events. The thing with me is I interpret the events of my life as having a purpose and a message.

I just broke my glasses, I was rearranging my former garage which now is owned by my former wife, by the way I was doing this a second time, when my glasses slid off my face and I in and I inadvertently stepped on them and broke them.

Now this is, what I call, a signature event, I have problems in my life. The last time this occurred I was at my brothers house you see I really don't have a house to live in, not wondering not one that I can call my own.

So let's just say, there's a lot of evil in the world and for some reason things close to me. To me the most evil.

You just have to look to understand and when you understand your realize it's more than a family affair.

This gets back to music and what I was tracking prior to the event of breaking my glasses.

It was an FBI CIA Mix saying saying a type of thing that covers many aspects.

So now my glasses are broken and I have no choice but to get another pair.

Now we've got pocketbook issues.

Now we've got banking issues.

Now we've got the void issues which have to do with things that shall not be discussed.

Now would you talk about things squared them could talk about things cubed and if you know anything about magic and numeric dynamics you'd see we now have a numeric equivalent in terms of a first letter of the power of in cubed…

Not exactly but close.

So let's fire the damn thing up and have Photoshop resize the thing so I can push.

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