Thursday, June 9, 2016

does anyone remember

and if not it’s still here just move a little downward

I said the Netherlands steps into things or for some reason I keep stepping into the Netherlands.

That’s one thing, so I’m minding my own business I turned everything off and I’m trying not to think about Chelsea handler. And then I find this person and I know that this person should be contained on multiple levels because this is one strange individual. Parts of her reside in the Netherlands and parts of her reside in Bulgaria.

Now, I stumbled upon this person a while ago and I realized I had tons of data on this person so I thought I corralled it all up and put it together and it should be in the folder called code because this person’s highly coded.

Then I find these two other folders that somehow have escaped detection despite the fact I run multiple scans and checks on all of this data. Anyway she turns up again. So I don’t think anything about it all just package the thing and put her into the land of living because she is living and I hope so I hope she’s having a good life. She’s a very beautiful woman. So I packager up and I slider in the land of the living people in now that sentence to inform itself correctly. Oh well. Now there are did people in this folder as well so really it’s a folder for human existence but that’s not entirely correct either. You see I have humans sprinkled all over the place in different places for specific reasons.

Anyway, I remember when I found her folder last week or so and gathered all the stuff in realized I’d written, I actually written like five documents about this person who sometimes lives in the Netherlands and sometimes in Bulgaria.

What concerns me most was when I stepped in the Netherlands the Netherlands started feeding code to me. Now I don’t know if anyone in the Netherlands is practicing my code or not but I can tell you someone is using my coat. Using my code. You have my coat and don’t need right now it’s very warm here.

So I slider into this folder where I keep, mostly living people but there is some history there’s well so there’s going to be a scattering of dead people as well.

I had to go open the folder to look at it because it has all types of new nomenclature that I’ve discussed to a degree here and there.

For now I’ll simply say she’s residing between Melanie Griffith and a folder called NC.

When I saw that I began to wonder because that’s not a classic bit of nomenclature for Jeffrey and as soon as I clicked on it I realized what it was before the material opened.

IN CODE = NC   so I open the folder anyway. Now this is what I find to be utterly amazing this person who sometimes in the Netherlands and sometimes in Bulgaria actually should be placed in the high code area and in this given folder there is an area called the super coders.

That’s where she should be although I chose not to put her there.

But I’ve opened this folder full of coding people so I’m walking around in the land of code. What’s walk down memory lane and look at all the coding people. And then I bumped into her and then I bump into her and all the sudden Chelsea handler walks in and I realize my God the way I think in the way I code in the way it organized data draws these people to me like magnets to steal.

I don’t know what to say. The only say that I can prove it and I’m going to prove it, but this is going to drag more people to the line because there’s a reason why some people get dragged to the line. So I’ll drag images into the line and we can all drag the thing together.

Now, that’s one level, so I have issues with Chelsea handler and Julia Roberts well fine, then all the sudden I’m surrounded by evil women it’s kind of an indirect cause-and-effect of it. Cause and effect event.

Now you guys can believe me or not I don’t care.

But I’m telling you today after I put Chelsea handler away and was trying to clean up my mind she opens the door and walks in and just looks at me!

I find this to be infuriating!

Really if you think about it I haven’t done anything to Julia Roberts why in the world does she have permission to come in here. You know I went to breakfast today with an old friend. And we were talking about his wife were talking about my ex-wife were talking about all kinds of things. 

He was telling me about problems he has with his wife and how her brother has the same problem and he believes it’s a type of genetic marker for a given type of behavior. Now this is talk much about in science but I believe this does exist.

It’s like one of those things that some creatures are born with and perhaps we are all born with some degree of it somehow it somewhere.

All I’m saying is basically I’m never going to meet Julia Roberts or Chelsea handler but for some reason they keep circling me like vultures. Which gets back to Julia Roberts and her family they circle me like vultures. Which gets back to how in the world and this person get into code anyway.

I know how she got into code. It has to do with adult images!

Now I find that to be one hell of an oxymoron!

While I can see why when I even think about Julia Roberts I exercise a high degree of caution because she’s thoroughly a dangerous woman and I believe she’s genetically predisposed to behave this way.

I mean the guy did have bite marks on on him. So not only did she bloody his nose she bit the guy.

Don’t get me wrong, she is clearly sexy as hell, all of these women are, I think that’s the nature of being an evil woman. At least it’s a side effect!

Okay I suppose I should just get this thing up and operational and get things going on but now I’m looking at Gwyneth Paltrow you know Gwenyth I was good put you in that special place with the other evil woman although I don’t consider you to be truly evil. You just have a problem seeing other people’s eyes you think the world revolves around your vision and your sense of purpose and I’m sorry Gwenyth it does not. I’m speaking about living people and dead people and I’m looking at Robert Williams Robin Williams excuse me this is interesting because this is clearly abbreviated. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes I remember why it’s abbreviated I’m changing names. If I go to the top there will be the new indicator.

There it is. Now I’ve taken the real world with real people have created all of these new classifications I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all of us. One thing is for sure, I discovered this yesterday and the day before, I track people and I appear to track them on a regular basis I have to be careful about what I delete because it only appears that I’m deleting two identical files when fact there could be five or six files that appear to be identical until you look at the date and size and you realize I acquired each of these files in different years that spanned decades.

So basically, I’ve been tracking Chelsea handler for at least 10 years as well as her friend although I’m not sure that close anymore. I can’t say because I don’t know and I’m not in research it. I’ll just wait for little clock to circle and eventually I’ll start tracking them all again. I even track you miss Roberts just to know where I need to avoid the dynamics of being bitten or given a bloody nose.

Which I definitely have some good genetics for making beautiful women.

But I’m afraid you’re genetics are being wicked outweigh your beauty.

I wish someone would write a song about this……

Someone needs to turn the light on or perhaps we should grab two sticks and try to make it in the nature after all that’s what the two sticks of 420 symbolize I don’t mean you to get hot under the collar I’m just saying if you have two and you have two right sticks you can build a fire and make it in the nature. But I was wanting to illuminate the world using the sun and at nighttime I’ll prefer the switch so someone would switch on a light when it gets dark we could talk about evil woman or evil women large.

I really should just get the artwork push the ground.

Push the thing around, on the other hand I’m just minding my own business and these vultures won’t leave me alone.

Unemployment on northern Europe because I said I’m going to blame it on northern Europe because that’s where most of the trouble comes from.

Which gets back to the dynamic of language!  How would the Netherlands acquire my code?

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Eco How U Got On LINE
Dallas ComicCon May 17-19, 2013 Irving Convention Center

Now I’m not exactly sure when my code started to leak in the Netherlands but I can’t say it was some time ago so apparently my time traveling is working much better than I thought. I say this because my code started to appear in the Netherlands in the year of 1575, the first person use it was Prince of Orange, so apparently we must have met somewhere on some dimension. This in turn gets back to the whole idea of IBM and taking control and selling food that’s really not whole.

Does anyone remember 2000 2001 or 2001 or does anyone remember having issues with computers while apparently someone does have issues with computers in the Netherlands.  I’m not saying they have problems with IBM computers, oh no it’s much more than that you have to take a step back to see the issue and then when you do you realize we’ve got to medicate this thing, HAL Allergy.

Let me make one thing clear I own the following words and you’re not allowed to use them without written permission from the invisible force field friends [Risk Management Eu Qppv].

So you may question my ability to provide proof and verify or you can just stop using these words and mail me some money.

Sooner or later Jeffries going to get you

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