Monday, June 6, 2016

EU Ghosts and Monsters

Y Not Jeffrey

EU Ghosts and Monsters

Some you have a hard time reading some things I say and do, so want to go out with me and look at it from my side when we make a date modified when you pick a date as a matter fact let’s pretend like you’re going on a date with the time traveler, now I know someone else’s are you written a book about the wife of a time traveler but what about the girlfriend of one.

So let’s make a date and let’s utilize my ability to time travel and let’s talk about Angels and Demons and ghosts of monsters, let’s make a date for August 11, 2014.

Now for the world at large what I’m trying to do is organize data and in doing so I’m walking in a time but that’s within binary timestamps but the very but the binary timestamps shows a dynamic of the spiritual world.

I use the media in many ways most of which they have no control over and the spiritual world facilitates that.

For instance, today before I opened the chamber of monsters demons and so-called ghosts I was retrieving data from this place and the next. I have problems with people trying to sell me things or the so-called commercialism of the World Wide Web.

This gets back to NPR and someone interviewing someone that does commercializing on the web and his job is to fight people who try to de-commercialize the web and build software that the commercializes it.

This is why I hate social media! I mean I hate social media, all of it exhalation point!!!
Some of you might be wondering, Jeffrey, what is this place, it’s a variation on social media it’s a type of blog.

The answer is yes and no, it’s a type of platform where I make types of arguments and speaking of that I really do need to drag those guys back into the arena of serpents. And when I say you guys there’s more than one of you but Europe this doesn’t concern you.

All right I’m going to download everything to this site if Google let me. These are basically just screenshots would timestamps and you’re going to have to take my word for it I did not alter them at all.
Well what you say we do this and I’m going to take the slow approach and build this thing one click at a time.

It reminds me I need to organize my weapons.  It’s on one of my many to do lists!

Now some of this is going to be a repeat or variation on echo with a few modifications.  

We go back some time, I had a job working for the federal government, I was given to a man from the Carolinas told me I couldn’t eat it, it’s. Could told me I could not eat at McDonald’s and try to put me in a box in a cage very me beneath some aspect of DFW airport. But hold on, it gets worse, then I was moved to what I call the ping-pong the ping-pong late the lady of ping-pong this the lady with the shape of the ping-pong ball, from farmers branch Texas. 

We go back some time, I had a job working for the federal government, I was given to a man from the Carolinas told me I couldn’t eat it, it’s. Could told me I could not eat at McDonald’s and try to put me in a box in a cage very me beneath some aspect of DFW airport. But hold on, it gets worse, then I was moved to what I call the ping-pong the ping-pong late the lady of ping-pong this the lady with the shape of the ping-pong ball, from farmers branch Texas.

While one thing led to another and of course we had this shoot disaster with the so-called Latino community because they are out to kill me. This is not a joke it’s a sad day in Jeffrey – Latino dynamics. Don’t get me wrong I’m a nice guy now lives in nice guy then they just wanted to kill me and serving platter.

And then we have Mr. fingers, Bill, the Navy ring guy, the one I said I will have your fingers or specifically a finger whether it be on this planet among the living or it’s in heaven or hell your finger shall be severed from what ever will take in rendered to me in whatever form you take.

Anyway during this time I was working on some artwork X one of them was about the miracles Christ and I made this painting called 5000. You’re going to see a remnant of this as well as other dynamics of photo jump that people got because they got more than they pay for….

It’s a part of the eBay walking walking pattern…. I don’t know what’s going on the dragons having some issues.

Now I’m going to open the beginning of the ghost and monster chamber and discover that the European Union has been dragged into this little holding cell as well.

Then I plan to take you on a date only the dates not exactly what you think it is, I said it was in August but I trick you and take you to February, earlier in the year.

Then were going to open another dynamic because I can’t and the images are ready and loaded so by all means let’s load the weapon in get these so-called Angels and Demons on the warpath!

Can I have a “HowbowIT”

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 7.51.49 PM.png


World, think about it this way, fun times with the time traveling voice, or use what you say?  Now again I’ll find a companion that can actually were her way into my head and no when I’m thinking and projecting. This doesn’t happen often but it does happen and I’m kind of like heroine.

This gets back to other aspects of my research that Mr. Trump and I have to discuss.

I’m having the IF she   ice cube  IF cubed that Mr. Trump that is to say that Mr. Trump to put on a three-piece suit with the best with a zest VEST……

IF3 Vet b Mr. Trump concerning the hallucinogenic dynamic project….

As David said, this and no party this and

An’t no party.

As Horic said in Martinique as we walked into the casino, this isn’t a discotheque.

As your time traveling boyfriend would say, we’ve got time for dancing and lovey-dovey, just let me get these unique prophylactics in my latex gloves, have you seen my special pills from the CIA Rx!

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