Saturday, June 18, 2016

It's the brown eyed girl edition, in the coffee shop

061716 10AM

If you think about it this is the logical place. So I've pictured some of the dynamic and if you saw the cover get realize it's a free-for-all, That would be one dynamic then you got this girl's ability to slap me. I mean if you flip the thing over there Sarah Silverman is slapping me and you would see variations on Jack and Jill as well as Alice and Rodney and Chris and a number of other issues which gets back to Leon Russell. Now it's Starting to highlight things because it's got a brain of its own. Now that's what's so unique about using voice recognition and Apple computers income here to speak with you I never know what you thinks going to do. And Sarah Silverman is following me around like a ghost. That's the thing with me and women, When one gets her eyes on me they won't let go and it's a strange kind of event. I don't know what us to collect but it appears that Sarah Silverman has her eyes on me, So what can I do, I could move to Europe. But I keep thinking Sofia Coppola's can call me up at any minute. So I'm kind of standing by the phone only for truth be told I've no idea where my phone is. Oh yes it's in the car doing the slow charge. She really is good-looking because she really is. This is what amazes me about beautiful people they really can't help themselves got kind of gave it to them naturally so they have to carry their beauty around. That's why I can get along with Glenys Paltrow chicken turn her beauty off like a lightswitch it's got to do with her nature. And the fact she's vegetarian. This is why I can't blame Mr. Martin for putting the thing down and walking away from it. He simply had no choice I mean what you do eat lettuce all day, Please, I need a hamburger and I don't want some tofu hamburger so this means we got to look at Samuel L Jackson and put him in his place because that's what needs to be done.

It really is a world for carnivores which is why I feel like I'm a dinosaur, But not all dinosaurs were carnivores but I would be a carnivore if I were to be a dinosaur although I feel as big as a dinosaur. Have not shoes and if you think about the world of fashion Nice shoes are nice and I really should consider a job as foot model. Willie Nelson and family are going to be there November 11 Alabama will be there October 1 Lewis Black will be there November 19 and Sarah appears to be platforming on three different levels at 45, 65, and 85. Well let's all think how much spare change do I have, here's what I can say, Ms. Silverman, I'll probably have to turn myself to the invisibility aspect if you're going to see me at all which means it's difficult to see in invisible people so you might want to wear special gloves. Anyway there's all kinds of things on page 17 so before I reach 18 I should hover over 17 that lets me go the Plano and Garland and Louisville at the same time never leave the yard but I could score up with Grapevine or Cedar Hill, There's all kinds of dynamics here. I want to go to 18 everyone has long faces of across from that's memories then we have a heap of something on page 20 it's kind of frightening ha ha here we are 22 and we're back to the classic cheeseburger which is where we need to be. And there's a dark beer I'm wondering if Michelle Obama scored appearing this issue might be nude I'm just saying it's a possibility.  I'm still having issues with the Apple keyboard meanwhile there's a bald headed guy in Doonesbury and in non sequitur this guy jumps in and when it comes to love she's a lot like my wife nude Singer chair after I've taking her to town, so to speak. That would be my first wife, not you Sarah I'm shirt you would stand up and plate speaking of plates I should have one in the backseat of my car if you don't believe me you could look at it. Now peters for president which is interesting and there's something like a dinosaur next to him and lo and behold there's Mexico. Seriously they're asking me about five years and I'm trying to explain to her the troubles you can experience with Mexican lobsters meanwhile north has the aces spades but they got a strong suit of clubs between North and South so go figure.

I mean really, Sarah, have to be truthful, I'm trying to forget these feelings of love!

So before the CIA in the Secret Service get here I need to lay down some ground rules
I’m a call at the brown eyed girl addition which means we could invite a dynamic of Ireland here
and again we don’t have to.

It’s just one of those things.

All right I got breakfast and I saw a redhaired girl which is nice because I like redhead girls redheaded girls as well as all of the other kinds. But the redheaded girl slapped me in my face because she just wouldn’t open up if you can understand the meaning of being locked up. So I threw the paper down anyway because I bought a paper and then I did something I do called JeffreyOfocation….

This gets back to another woman who’s been walking in the door a lot. Her name is Sofia Coppola. Look over the past 15 years she’s walk through the door maybe three times in the past week she just stays in the middle of the doorway making it difficult to come in or out of Jeffrey’s head.

I say this because some of my so-called coding is hard to understand but Sofia Coppola actually has a master decoding book from the original crew. So she can pretty much do whatever she wants but she still gets in my way. And Sofia, you think I don’t know anything about you, will I know when you got married in Italy you made me very angry and I’m still harboring a great deal of anger about that. You name give me a choice.

Now, just so you’ll know, because some of you are wondering, can the sky enter the reality check some, the reality check’s own note still not right because need to Z.

Ms. Coppola, I can look in the mirror and it can remind me that I’m baldheaded and I’m fat and I don’t know why anyone would even give me a second glance but I’m saying if you go beneath the reflection your realized there some degree of substance somewhere here.

I’m assuming you have brown eyes because were in the brown eyed girl addition or at least if you go to the first 88 pages that’s all you see is beautiful brown eyed girls which is fine I just a little diversity and yes eventually blue comes around and there’s even a little bit of green splashed around now again.
You can never go wrong with a green eyed girl!

Just trust me, if you need a green eyed girl you might want to hover close to that for maybe eternity because you can never go wrong with the green eyed girl!

This gets back to the brown eyed girl addition and of course Michelle Obama is popping up all over the place and I want to say all I can say is, to the spiritual world, Michelle the spiritual world one me come down hard on you and I chose a softer approach. I did this because I can imagine what having sex with you would be like and that makes everything a little softer.

It’s my nature, if you have a problem understanding this please call up Sofia Coppola and shall be able to explain it because she has the codebook.

So we have this magazine that’s now been JeffreyOfied, floating around the coffee shop. Because it really is. Or at least it was.

This gets back to the dynamic of beautiful creatures coffee shop and yes they do kind of hover there may be there like flotation devices I don’t know.

It’s a brown eyed girl issue which gets back to Sandra Bullock and a number of other people including my favorite Sarah Silverman. Now you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see this, yes depression has affected Ms. Silverman but forget that because Jimmy Kimmel is an idiot and if you look at Sarah correctly she is a goddess. Because she is a goddess.

I’m just saying Ms. Silverman I can look far deeper into your soul than you can imagine and you’re not really a depressed person at all your goddess so it’s time to start behaving according to the so-called Jeffrey rules.

Sarah, don’t ask why just do it, if you have problems feel free to call Sofia Coppola I have this idea that with her codebook she can pretty much unravel any so-called Jeffreyoism you might run into.

Okay I said a word and then a window popped up now that’s the problem with this voice recognition I say some things that appear to be commands and the thing starts on a commando mode and forgets the fact that it’s actually was recognition it really should just focus on typing what I say.
It’s a lot like saving New York City and bowling alleys and this pack of foaming mouth dogs that won’t leave me alone.

I don’t know I’m going to have to unleash them at some time in the program which gets back to flipping coins the railroad tracks and other movies I have not shown you. You know I have a lot of movies and I’ve been making movies along time and I’m thinking I could really use a platform to push this stuff out on.

Now it’s true I like women and I like a diversity in eyecolor because I like diversity. It’s my nature I simply like a diverse world. Now the world doesn’t want to be diverse but I want the world to be diverse so the world has no option because we’re in Jeffries had and Sofia Coppola has the codebook. So Michelle and Barack if you have to figure this stuff out please call Hollywood. I don’t know if he’s there because she did get married in Italy and I don’t know she married an Italian she just married a jerk because anyone who is not willing to follow me is basically a jerk.

It’s a part of the so-called Jeffreyoism handbook code refer to Coppola……

This gets back to this weekend and the dynamics of all the stuff I have to do and the fact that got to do a bunch of stuff but I’m not really doing it but it needs to be done.

That’s because all of my apples are turning out to be broken. This is a very irritating issue with me, it’s got to do with Steve Jobs and his ghost because his ghost moves in and out of the picture kind of like Sofia. Only Sofia is alive and therefore her spirit has certain aspects tied down to the world and Steve spirit is loose and about so it’s kind of like a horror movie…

By the way they give it a B+ rating and said that the second version is better than the first I wouldn’t i’ve never seen either. Either of them.

Which gets back to the guide that I And it’s in the backseat of my car the guide that I And it’s in the backseat of my car. Note it’s not in a type it correctly on any level.

As a matter fact there’s all kinds of school he things this things doing that isn’t really a part of my hand.

But we can all visualize having sex with Michelle Obama or other Brian other brown eyed girls….
I mean come on, so I’m a little overweight and I’m baldheaded and perhaps I have other issues if you can look through that stuff like I can look through some of you your realize there is some substance to this man.
I’m just saying.

Now while we were waiting for the CIA and the Secret Service and FBI to come and do the so-called interrogation will pretend like were watching the detectives because I like that track….

She’s so cute…..

So let’s drag the Lake…..

You can work with me,,,, while I said that’s incredible because that’s not what I said but it did it symbolically although that’s not what I said it all.

And yes I would like to have sex with Sarah Silverman and Sandra Bullock and Michelle Obama I mean come on despite the fact that I’m baldheaded and overweight my wiring still works correctly.

So let’s all take a moment and watch the detectives and see if Sofia Coppola is on the horizon.

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