Monday, June 6, 2016

President Trump and the IFFF

Donald exercise caution concerning the previous post

So I went into her place not knowing what to expect.

The TV was on and someone was signaling (setting on the) couch and another person was sitting in a chair and they were both watching something on the television.

Sylvia says hello to them, in English, and they turn and look at me and one of them is Alec Baldwin.

Mr. Trump, exercise caution Sylvia is not who she claims to be!

So I ordered the Invisible Force Field Friends  [ IFFF ]team to do a background check and immediately discovered the problem.

President Trump we have many things to discuss we have many issues around the world but we need to focus on the main issues here in America. We have many issues here in America.

I haven’t said much about it because some people consider to be a little topic. And it’s somewhat little but it’s not tropical, of course I’m speaking about the issues with the state of Rhode Island!

No I know you don’t think it’s a big point but it is a large concern, I haven’t said much about it because I’m not wanting to make any more enemies than I currently have.

But the dynamics of Rhode Island have to do with me acquiring a job or work or the ability to acquire money as well as stealing from me, or should I say my tribal past, the dynamic music and voodoo as well as making a fire making smoke in creating ashes…

By the way Mr. Trump, yesterday’s voodoo ceremony was the whole 9 yards and a bag of chips. I’m a fire I made smoke and I made ashes and there was even a small river although you wouldn’t call it a river but if you understand three bottles of whiskey and the current signs in linear aspect of the broadcast the voodoo past you would realize by design I’ve made the thing travel is traveling to the railroad tracks which is symbolic for something else.

Which gets back to the spoken about to finish, it uses a lot of symbolism, it’s very well written, or should I say it’s very well translated. Which gets back to the opening part of the book in the opening part of the book is a collection of so-called essays or commentaries on the book itself in these commentaries, I might add are very well written and magnificent. Speaking of that, and I remember thinking about this yesterday, and sure enough as a pickup the book I look in it, we have the translator’s note, a note on the story of, preface: happiness in, and we have parts 1 to 34, and the second in…

Excuse me Mr. President, I’m easily distracted this is the nature of my condition or at least that’s what Kenny told me. I just wanted to drop by and say’s.

Back to issues with Sylvia, she is from or should I say she was born in Providence, Rhode Island.  Yes, that would be issue enough to stand back and say wait a minute! But it gets worse Mr. President, and to think people tried to criticize you and your dynamics with higher academics her alma mater is Harvard College, but wait there’s more juice from the class of 1968, the invisible force field team tells me she was a avid Nixon supporter, I don’t know how to interpret and I no longer can trust Sylvia’s dynamics although I probably will try to lay her, I mean come on. Well let’s put that when on hold it appears that Alec once a three way….   wants

Don’t get me wrong I can dance but I’m not so sure about that.

And of course we always have the issues with her occupation NPR correspondent!

President Trump (HOLD) your hat because this next revelation gets back to some dynamics of what we tried to translate and the perversion within Sylvia’s translations.

She is the daughter of Italian anti-fascists, her father, Renato Poggioli, was the author of “The 
Theory of the Avant-Garde” a founder of anti-fascist Mazzini Society.

The key Mr. President is the way the word key in French and the word key in the book are symbolic and yes there is the father the son and the Holy Spirit and there are three key carriers…

Anyway, President Trump, the key is in understanding what her father stood for ‘Theory of the Avant-Garde’ should have nothing to do with politics but should have everything you do with progressive thinking and a lot to do with the fine arts and the culture of the society in general.
This Lakers the point, I said this belabor the point but basketball has this thing about bouncing around.

Let me start over Mr. President

This belabor’s point, so we have this Italian guy writing a book about the so-called avant-garde and apparently it has some type of political dynamic. Will the avant-garde have nothing to do with politics, I guess, unless you delete. In less you’re in Italy exhalation point!!!!!

The avant-garde should reflect aspects of the cutting-edge of culture within the society.

You’re right Mr. President when you say what do the Italians know about culture and you tell me it’s about the fine arts and I mean really what do any of those so-called Italians know about real fine arts!!!

I couldn’t agree more with you Mr. President.

Oh, why yes, thank you, your potential mind or she won’t notice you don’t think she will mind? Notice…

I know Mr. President IT’s this damn Dragon!

You say you had the specially made by the CIA, the coded with some type of truth serum and if I use it to be unable to lie to me.

But wait a minute, while the reverse happen.

Oh, it’s not in the lubricant or the spermicide it’s on the exterior of the con.
Is that when you gave me these weird clothes be weird clothes these unusual gloves these latex gloves…

Don’t you think she’ll think somethings up if I put latex gloves on when I opened the package of condoms and put it on.  What do it in the bathroom..

Donald, excuse me, Mr. President, I’m an older man and thinking you’re going to understand certain aspects, it takes me a little while to get the so-called tool engaged and I cannot put the thing on until my tool is properly engaged and it’s going to take a little coaxing from every angle.

What, what’s this, really, is it some form of Viagra, so the CIA did this as well, you know I read a story about this, I still have the story, that’s correct, about the female version of, well, I’ll try. 18 hours, my Dick will explode! Don’t you know anything about three dog night!  By the way if you know anything about the Dutch and the so-called Dutch doctors you realize I had to go see them twice because I’ve had certain dynamics with this type of issue, twice!  I know it was a long time ago but I still think I can make the people dance and maybe they’ll be happy…

That’s what this is for…  After the first round I put this on.

But still 18 hours, should I be calling the doctor or something…  Good spy craft!
You and your third wife!

I don’t know, try it with Alec, I don’t know, we’ll talk about it after the duration after the inauguration….

This reminds me need to start working on your speech. Yes this one was a real rock the house and I think we should use it as some type of format.

“inauguration” stems from the Latin augur, which refers to the rituals of ancient Roman priests seeking to interpret if it was the will of the gods for a public official to be deemed worthy

The augur was a priest and official in the classical Roman world. His main role was the practice of augury, interpreting the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups or alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are.

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