By the way if you have the whole clip you would see there is a record player in it
you would also realize that I have a record player
I just want to go on record
why can’t you see
I kind of have an unintentional all the supersession
remember it’s not just Nashville it’s the state of Tennessee
You know Mr. Clinton you put me that is to say Mr. Clinton -
Hillary Clinton, you put me in an awkward position. I have only voted for
Republican once in my entire life. And that was in the so-called runoff between
two Republicans and I wanted to vote against the so-called governor.
So I voted
for her.
That was the only time, and as I recall Fort Worth made me
change my voters registration to reflect the fact that I was a Republican I
went to all that trouble just so I could vote in one little tiny election.
Anyway Hillary, I’m not going to vote for you, and that
makes this an unusual dynamic that’s why I built the grenade, yesterday. If I
tell you it’s a hot little piece of voodoo I mean it’s a hot little piece of
voodoo and it can be disassembled and then reassembled. And they can fragment
that’s kind of what grenades do it’s just that the fragments in of voodoo
grenade are quite unique and you also need to remember I’m following classical
voodoo guidelines so it’s got ashes sticks and stones in the sticks and stones
have been classically charged with the using my classical method.
So although I don’t have the so-called heat I need to carry
because I threw away my laser gun when I was across the River working with
Canadians to get the message and ashes down the line to the track next to the
small river.
Yes I have movies every word I’m saying is true.
I know everyone around the world is paying
Now I'm thinking about Chelsea Handler in bondage…
I better finish this thing turned everything off and try to
be productive in some other area.
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