I’m not talking about you miss Clinton
it’s the dynamic of the soundtrack and its meaning as well
as the artist
we have to call this a series of highly unusual firsts
because, simply speaking, it is
I was hoping to get this out before breakfast but I couldn’t
and it’s just as well.
So I went to breakfast had some conversation saw the cover
and realized it was historic but we have a new soundtrack with new performers
so we might as well make the whole thing brand-new.
This is an odd place for me.
Now it’s one thing if you look that way but it’s something
else if you look this way, so, Don, Donald, it’s like your sister said, it’s in
here by the way, you have to have a unique sense of vision to understand the
Now kids the so-called artwork is in various forms of
compression is I can’t deliver it at this size at this point. Now I can make
myself a ghost and become someone else and go somewhere else and posted at full
resolution. For the record I could make this thing truly high definition
because I have that capability.
On the other hand why go to all that trouble if
I can get the things small enough Google should allow it to ride.
All right the above image needs some type of explanation. So I created this very dark place and moved the group of people into it in fact their family they are a family. Then I started thinking about it and I said that I'm being a little too hard on them because basically they haven't committed a true crime only a crime of the so-called heart.
And that gets to the heart of the matter.
So I'm taking matter to heart and I'm moving all of the so-called transgressions together not in a dark place but in a different place separate from the rest of the planet. Some you might think I'm joking but if you saw how I organize data in realized I've built a binary planet.
It's very hard to be moved into the place where this so-called group of people are if I'm to be square with you as I am with them.
Nevertheless it can be done. So I'm dealing with Chelsea handler, that's not exactly correct but it's close enough. Now I don't have one folder of Chelsea I've got about 48 scattered all over my little binary universe. So I've got to corral all of them and they give each of them unique names. So I'm moving everyone around and all of a sudden one of Chelsea's folders jumps in with the other group of people. I found this very odd because I just taken this group of people and pulled them out of the darkness and allow them to see the light of day. Why Mr. handler why miss handler would want to jump in with them, I can't say.
She may like the concept of being trapped, if that's the case Chelsea, we really knew need to regroup and reclassify!
I would advise you to just walk carefully because there is an escape hatch.
Now this gets back to whom I and the dynamic of who I am and at one time I possessed a unique property or character named John armor armor and never know if it's can do it is not too armors is just John armor...
I doubt very seriously if there's any remnant of him still lurking in the binary world but he did exist for a while and he still exists as I move through time and I remember who he is. Which gets back to the spiral staircase made of stone that goes from the deepest and darkest part of hell to the highest places in heaven. That's a part of this story, I haven't forgotten. If there's anyone left remembers that part of the story remember I know mapmaker!
As you can see as you can see or as should be obvious he did perform a type of trap. At the same time he tried to escape me by I know how to fix things so I fixed the files you know what I really should launch the file but I think you see the files title already. I think. What the hell, let's load the dam image and be done with it.
It's like I was saying the thing that French trace me most about you the thing that frustrates me the most about you is you are a code carrying artist yourself. That made your entire family much more attractive to me, losing you hurts. Nevertheless there are fallen soldiers everywhere.
Now where did I put that image.

It's like I was saying the thing that French trace me most about you the thing that frustrates me the most about you is you are a code carrying artist yourself. That made your entire family much more attractive to me, losing you hurts. Nevertheless there are fallen soldiers everywhere.
Now where did I put that image.

Insert images one through six then publish return an attempt
to load the film.
You see Mr. Trump is more than artwork is more than religion
it’s more than politics it’s making movies on location.
0 060816_VDoo-iPhone-cell.3gp
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