Thursday, June 9, 2016

I have no idea

I’m just trying to put things away do something different.

But I keep bumping into things and my curiosity gets up so I look at the thing all of a sudden I have a new set of vultures.

It’s one thing when I stepped into the middle of the Netherlands because her using my language and something else when I go to Bulgaria and I look at their language and I think all my God!!!!

Okay let’s throw the thing down there after all it’s in the titles in the titles explain it all at least it does to my understanding.

0 0 0 ALL CODE HIT Vesela Palahuteva Bulgaria

This is a webpage is contained in my human being folder. Now it’s a unique place because I have all kinds of names for people for instance if there is the letter S in the name it could mean something that is plural but more than likely it means sex!

So I find a folder that has this signal in fact I find two folders and both folders have the dynamic of what I’m talking about. The problem is there are other people in this folder and they don’t make sense. For instance Amy said Harris is in this folder, I said Amy said Harris all right she’s the sister David. Now anyone knows me knows I’m attracted to her and her brother. In fact I’ve met her brother and her brothers lover. It was a casual thing. Remember I also met Ann Richards the former governor of Texas while I was there. Jackson walked up and shook my hand which I thought was a righteous thing she actually walked up and shook my hand which I thought was a righteous thing.

I don’t notice things typing correctly I’m speaking to quickly. But we’ve got to get back issues with Bulgaria and the whole dynamics of language and whether or not you can successfully spell your name this way.

I simply argue it’s not possible!

Весела Палахутева      България / гр.Банкя 

clearly this language does not follow the rules of the ABCs in the 1 to 3’s which gets back to issues with Germany and Bulgaria as well as all other parts that don’t follow romance.

That’s all I can say. Now I know a little bit about why and how this person entered what’s called the super code arena with a highly charged sexual enclosure.

It’s got to do with her past and she did something surpassed that I discovered and all of a sudden my brain I guess it’s because I’m retarded, starts twisting everything and I create a whole no dialogue. That’s the whole point somehow this little girl was in the middle of the dialogue because it’s right there in her profile.

I don’t know what she really does I know she attended the American university and Bulgaria but she clearly didn’t learn any American if you look at how she spells her name.

In the other girls related to the UK and perhaps so she which means I have all of the strange women from different parts of northern Europe are using coded language the way I code in this does not make sense.

First she shows a commitment to tell me the truth, she tells me that she sined.  Okay who hasn’t.
Then she says she’s part of a plot to overthrow my code and she has an entire engine and locomotive it’s something about the plot express. But it’s not exactly limited to just that so now I’m being circled with different groups of women around the planet who now have a locomotive was at the hijinks my code. Arnold what the guys got to do is don’t know what a guy has to do around here to get laid but I don’t appear to be on that track so good luck with your express.

By the way this little girl and Bulgaria has a lot of tricky dynamics I know because how I labeled her and where she’s at in the folder structure. I just don’t know how these other people got here. And there’s this one adorable girl who shouldn’t be here at all, I have no idea who she is because all of that data or information is lost but she simply adorable and she’s too nice to be where I’ve positioned her.

Then again if you look to the other women in positions therein who am I to say.

I have an odd way of stacking things up.

To say the least!

You can look at this anyway you want to but you will clean up your penmanship! Whatever train your using and whatever number you choose but I’ve packed light so don’t get the numbers wrong. But if that’s how you’re going to write then I would be hopelessly and forever lost.

So be a good girl and start acting like your alma mater would want you to and start reading and writing in the American language.

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