Thursday, January 25, 2018


It tells me it's listening, so I turned U off. VR that is.

I AM LOGGED IN   I feel fine!  Which is fine!

012418 Wednesday somewhere in Dallas voodoo resurfaces which gets back to how you feel.

But I’m having to drag some voodoo and two of the component for part of my new sidewalk lecture series, which began today and probably is going to be very short lived in fact it might be a one time deal on the other hand I came here with quite a bit of material for voodoo only just might end up being a pile of rocks.

It’s a tricky word, at least for someone with my condition that’s why I became a Journalist!

I must say, this is one left handed entry!  Sometimes I really surprise myself!

This gets back to the memory that has been RE servicing today when I lived in a…

But Mr. and Mrs. Voice recognition will strive that when again.

All write Mr. and Mrs. Voice recognition…

I used to live in apartment around here and my kids would come stay with me now and again and I took my son to a Starbucks next to my old apartment.  It was about what was on the tracks, but that was a long time ago, you might not remember, and therefore we have miss K and art linkletter and of course we end up with David Letterman and the irritating Howard stern eccentric sector except for a period…

Not exactly and I’m not exactly going to correct it therefore you’re going to have to get out Charles decoder rings and see if you can make some type of cipher….

And I have no idea where Charles came from nevertheless is in the preceding sentence.

I don’t know about you, but I feel fine, I say that because I got frank with you today!

So you can take some time and let your life slowdown, take a real look around for the moments you’ll savor!

It’s more than your average coffee blend it’s actually artistic and is associated with sculpture but it has the dynamic of assemblage and reassemble each….

Either know how you feel I said I don’t know how you feel, I feel fine, which gets back 21234 or maybe even five hands and the whole dynamics associate with being a peach pit!

As well as sexuality and whether not usually live in France but I can give frank with you as I’ve done!

Sara Lee 13 the French people so if there are any French people hanging around in North Dallas and you plan on going back to France you’ll find that the sidewalks around this part of taxes, at this particular point in time art exactly covered in gold but you could pick up something that could make some sense for you when you return to France!  Other Nourry feel, I feel fine I said I don’t know how you feel but I feel fine which gets back to fingers and finger pointing because if you’re in France you can tiptoe into the water and float north east and you’re in the land of three fingers.

You gonna have to look at a map to figure that one out, or you might know something about geography already and you could figure out some aspect of it I mean the first country has oil and then the second country had a famous film director that made odd films but was very influential and then you have the third country which is something I just finish with.

Then we can go south and you’d enter that land of Germanic languages and everything gets really complicated which gets back to Rotterdam and then you can keep traveling south and the Germanic languages morph into other types of variations.

Germans a strange language, I’ve always intended to learn the language and as you can tell, if you would ever come and visit me, that is to say when im across the river and everything’s OK, you would see that actually have instrumentation for acquiring the skills to speak German.  But let’s be realistic, I’m severely dyslexic I can barely speak English and frigged about reading the dam language.  I’d I said I’ve got to use technology to read and write and think and I’m not very good and technology and some would argue I’m not very good thinking then again if you study the things I think about and how I approach the things I think about you realize it is really an odd way to think.  Which gets back to being an artist, speaking your mind concerning politics, cleaning up the sidewalks and alleyways, trust me, I’ve documented the thing which gets back to a giant green squiggly line in the previous sentence and why isn’t there I’m assuming I need to add something maybe a noun or maybe it, hold on I see what I can do.

Well I solve the issue of the great green squiggly line by simply combining other sentences.

Now I’m speaking into this thing in this thing is putting words into a document and it’s making any mistakes and I’m not correcting any of the mistakes, that is to say, per say!

I’m not sure I’ve ever use that word, per say, let’s look it up.

All right, I looked the thing up, and yes, these letters are related to Latin and to a degree Greek.  I knew this which gets back to the language that I tried to copy and the computer does put in a bunch of odd things.  That’s strange because the letters or letters now it’s a language I don’t speak and I recognize that but the letters are the letters with the exception of the letters the with the letters E now the last letter and the number of letters associated with a language I speak or it could be a stripe Whores if you know anything about zebras, on the other hand as amber is not a horse although it may be a prostitute I don’t know.

Anyway let’s cut and paste and I’ll give credit where credit’s due so if you go to this page you could cut and paste this material.

[ ]

per se  (pər sā′, sē′)


Of, in, or by itself or oneself; intrinsically.

[Latin per sē : per, per + sē, itself.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by 
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

per se (ˈpɜː ˈseɪ)


by or in itself; intrinsically


Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

per se (pɜr ˈseɪ, ˈsi, pər)
by, of, for, or in itself; intrinsically.

[1565–75; < Latin per sē by itself, translation of Greek kath' autó]
Perse (pɛrs, pɜrs)


St.-John (ˈsɪn dʒən) St.-John Perse.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

[ readers note, it’s how you cut and paste, I just put it directly and the thing minimizing 
the formatting ]

And I choose not to really reserve the right to much of anything but I’d have but I did give credit where credit was do if you can understand anything of what’s being said.

TranslationsDutch / Nederlands
Select a language:
op zichper se
Finnish / Suomi
Select a language:

That’s one of the issues will of the things that we finish with, it’s clear to see they have the need to reinvent the letter A.  So let me be frank with you, perhaps we should use use the conventional letters and stopped with all of these dots over the letters Z or in this case two of them over the letter A.   

Doesn’t really do that much does any.

Does eight.

DOES A DOT DO THAT MUCH for your language or for your words, don’t get me wrong its use file and punctuations but I’m not sure it’s really that useful in a can structure is in the construction of letters themselves I mean I don’t think I can get this program to receive the letters E a letter Z with a dot on top of it or the letter A with two dots on top of that…  The word was it!

per se
advan sich, per se (geh)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Don’t worry these are all treasure she can find at the previously mentioned site but I’ll go ahead and recite one of art and given you because I like Shakespeare and the way here as sites and the way he recites.

References in periodicals archive?

If you look at it on the app store it is Shedd by Dubizzle, so we're not hiding the fact that it is 

[supported by the company] but there is no integration per say.

Second-hand shopping

For those who are not looking at the next level per say but rather just improving their skating, shooting and passing skills, we have a program that will benefit these players as well.

Florida Panthers Enter Strategic Alliance with G&G Elite Sports

We prefer the tungsten carbide tooth version versus the BiMetal tooth version, not because of the metal per say, but because of the number of teeth.

How to get the most from your hole saws: the Spyder hole saw design is light-years ahead of anything else I have seen or used

I'm not sure that the fictional work should have a "goal" per say, other than entertainment.

Publishing field is full of scammers who take advantage of young writers: El-Banna

These conjure up the image of a whole different kind of society altogether, one based not on liberal values, the market, or the individual, per say, but popular political participation and community life consonant with traditions of republican political theory.

Complexity & the art of public policy: Solving society's problems from the bottom up by David Colander & Roland Kupers

He maintained that while declaring a divorce there consecutive times has been strongly disliked by 
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it is not a crime per say.

Divorcing thrice at once should be punishable offence: says CII

They are not objecting to regulating e-cigarettes per say, but they emphasize that it is important to set them apart from other tobacco products.

Youth research how dependance quit tobacco should vapor flavours electronic nicotine cigarettes teens tobacco act be regulated? Adversiting e-liquid

It is not about losing weight, per say, it is about understanding the ingredients.

Blount Fine Foods: Blount Fine Foods is further establishing themselves as market experts, offering full fresh soup product range and service that covers everything, from soup to nuts

On being awarded HR Person of the Year, an award sponsored by Pulsar, the HR director said: "When you do HR you don't spend a lot of time thinking about what you are doing per say, you spend a lot of time thinking about other people, so when somebody nominates you and it results in an award it is pretty overwhelming.

Recruitment driver Dara Pinke takes HR accolade

A bare perusal of the entire report and other documents shows that the report is per say vague.

Court pulls up CBI for filing 'vague' report in coal scam

According to Celestin Rwabukumba, Coordinator of the Rwanda Stock Exchange, Rwanda's bonds may not be lucrative per say, "But are less risky sure deals.

Rwanda's $21m Treasury Bond Listed on Stock Exchange, Reports KT Press

While Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands centers on a homeless teen protagonist, it's not intended for young adults per say but will reach from mature teens well into adult audiences with its story of 
 Emily, who lives in an igloo made of ice and trash bags.

Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands

[ ]

No idea the now I’d get…

I just did a cut and paste, again really worried what I was cutting and pasting it was just in this little box and the boxes interesting and it had to do with Florida and now I’ve got four to and the Germans into the same room that is to say I’ve brought into the same room the state of Florida and the nation of Germany as well as the dynamics of Germanic language.  This is going to make for very odd pickle and a very different kind of fish!

This in turn goes back to Ireland, back to the concept of Dick K an types of earth as well as the time interval if you understand how clocks work which gets back to batteries and the fact I need to look up a batteries as I’ve Gotta figure out how I’m going to replace the thing because my watch quit working.

But I feel fine, so take some time, let your life slowdown, take a real look around, and have a cup of artistic dynamics as you take your stroll down the sidewalk, after all there is money there, I mean there’s real money there, the kind that spends here in North Texas as well as in parts of Europe and the Caribbean.

I really have a lot of other things I need to be doing but I will go up thinking about the dynamics of miss K and she’s been out and about all over the place as well as the other girl was drinking water from a garden hose which gets back to things that you tap or things that you tap into and then again it could point to Seth!

Seth has a way of bumping into things, that’s why the dynamics of hair restoration is so complex.

Or why you can give up the dynamics of animation and do something else.

I don’t know about you, but I feel fine!

This gets back to sexuality and the whole dynamics in Georgia if you go back to the fourth or fifth hand and they begin to think about the dynamics of what you would bet with this type of hand if we were playing poker on the sidewalk!

Like I say, this is one complicated fish!

I began this document going in a specific direction with a specific purpose and then Microsoft start a malfunction so I had to address bill and the dynamics of the entrance or the doorway if there were multiple doors and multiple interests is not exactly, but what you expect from Microsoft.  You know I could pull out a dragon and probably improve the recognition that again I don’t think I have the dragon on this particular machine.

It doesn’t matter I feel fine and I don’t care if you understand anything I’m saying our weather not you walk down the sidewalk and attend my lectures, I really don’t care!

I still haven’t found my site and I don’t know fine and remember my password even if I find the site because my password book is so complicated.

If, BILL BILL BILL, SLOW WILL NOT begin to explain!

[ readers note, this was actually the original first line of this document ]
So I’ve pushed the button and it’s now a blue, that means it’s listening to me and that means we’re doing voice recognition.

Now I’ve come here to speak of voodoo!

And that would be called a NO SHIT deal.

I just performed an act of artwork or specifically an act of controlled of voodoo!

Yes I have documentation but I don’t know Phil let me be frank with you, so I’ll do a different kind of frank!!!!

This would be called a NO SHIT moment.

This gets back to the number of hands because there’s quite a few hands I say that because it kind of goes to Atlanta Georgia but that would be a second or third hand which is fine if you’re picking peaches.

But I was willing to drag something different, therefore we have art forms and of voodoo and it’s all along the sidewalk, because of the session were going to have to address the state of decay, or the so-called decay interval!!!!!

If you will allow me to dread that line!!!!

O yes, it’s voodoo, it’s three dimensional, and Israel I said Israel I said Ken IB wheel all rights it’s having issues.

Let me be real with you for a moment, it’s three dimensional, it’s a language, one that I invented, and it tells a story.

Today is Wednesday January 24, 2018 and in Dallas Texas it’s a little after 11:00 AM, the art work was performed probably around 1030 AM central standard time!

So if I were warning to address things that the K things that the K while.  While…

We could call this a wholly SHIT moment!

I say that because of the malfunctions, you see when this voice recognition malfunctions it’s doing so was something of art and seen, her name is K or lease that’s what she goes by now and again, she is from Europe.

You just gonna have to trust me!

Anyway, miss K you came up in fact you come up now and again quite frequently a lot like the little girl that each peppers and then picks up a garden hose and rinse water or the other lady who can handle spice until she has it and then she has a sticker head out the window to let her time brief that would be to let her tongue breathed….

Only it’s not past tense…

Which gets back to Atlanta and dragging peaches all over the place, or speaking a strange language that actually says something and I can actually use my right for free speech because the dynamics of being political or on your feet to walk down the track.

You know, I don’t want to, but I know I need to, some that have to pull the card, move the material, pulling into Adobe, compress, and then post, if you understand the dynamics of aspects of Ireland and the earth contained within Ireland.

It’s kind of a decaying issue is not exactly radioactive but it can be but if we go to Georgia and jump into a bucket of peaches then were either add a third or fourth hand if you understand the dynamics of rock and roll.

Use could have to trust me on this when you’re just going to have to trust me on this one….

You know when I’m speaking code and when I’m performing voodoo and when I’m being an artist and when I’m looking at the batteries and all the things I need to do before I retract it makes you think about Richard Nixon.

You never think about Richard Nixon?  Do you ever think about Richard Nixon?

That’s the deal was trying to downsize the discussion so it can be contained within modern American people or the so-called youth of America….

You can drag them here or there but their nine and understand the dynamics of peaches or the dynamics of being forced to 50 and fourth or fifth handed!

You see it depends upon how you feel, now the thing is signed using a different kind of name but a name that recurs now and again.  On the flip side you have another message about standing up, which gets back to the fact that I did and fully document that entire thing.  OK if you float the thing or it’s gonna have Wednesday January 24, 2018 and it’s going to address aspects of Otis Redding and aspects of rock and roll as well as aspects of former presidents…

A group of those associated with the dead presidents and if you’re watching TV would have to do with Whoopi Goldberg as well.

Now when I get to Miss Goldberg I can rotate and become a tornado or I could spin and become a volcano.

It’s complicated, but that’s what happens when I’m performing its full voodoo and you know it’s been awhile since I’ve done that, I think it has something to do if needing to stand up, square off, and pushed the thing right in the nose.  That’s why things are so rocky and why the soundtracks quite dynamic today because it’s usually just one thing but today it’s a plethora of things…

It actually typed the word, I use that word, plethora, it typed it again correctly, that’s incredible!

I wouldn’t call this home schooling I would call its sidewalk teaching!

This gets back to batteries and aspects of clocks and the problem with being a retailer called radio shack!

As well as other problems in Central Texas specifically around fort worth Texas.  You know I said that and the thing that always green squiggly lines which are still there because fort worth should be capitalized after all it is a city, the fact it’s not capitalized has a lot to do with the state of the lone star!

But I feel fine and yes we will be approaching the river eventually it’s just I have all of these other strange things I have to run around Iran around some of them which is how we began the sidewalk lecture series!

This would be another language that I don’t speak nevertheless it walked into the voodoo arena solo goalie and shared with you, but remember, I have no idea what in the hell was person saying or who this person is aware this person’s from, I was just right do some research to get to a place where I can push and I ended up looking at this guy’s stuff and realizing he speaks a language I don’t understand!


        ”

And apparently the computer doesn’t understand it either.  So let’s take another sampling from a different part of the page.

I’ve got a pretty good feeling that cute computer submissiveness either, “… …”


I find this odd because the letters or simply letters it’s not like its Chinese are Japanese these are basically Latin letters with a few variations presence for instance this guy uses the letters Ing the the letter Z and it’s free standing so apparently this some type of word.  Then there’s another word that uses the letters Z with a dot on top next to a Val called of the letter E so you have the CE now…

No, that’s not what I said you have the letters seat and the letter E…

ZE were the Z has a dot on top of it, and it’s free standing some someone as some type of word.  I have no idea what worded is nord white care to research it I was merely trying to get the place where I push the night trip into this guy’s room.  Wellington sir on leaving…

Not exactly but let’s move on.


Now I do feel fine, but this gets back to Microsoft and held the first sentence was constructed I don’t know what Microsoft has in mind with his so-called one drive, let me make something clear, to everyone, I know things are taped and I know that I’m not a very good dancer, yet here I am doing a tap dance.  You see bill you really need to stay out of stuff and now I have documents posted on someplace other than my computer and what across the river and I’m gonna have access to the Internet or anything else because that’s what happens when you go back and time to the dark ages!

So two Mr. Gates and Microsoft as well as the ghost of Mr. Jobs and apple, you guys can do whatever it is you wanna do but if I’m going to advance I’m not gonna dance with you, per say!

I mean do you consider yourself to be a dancer, I do consider myself to be a lover although I haven’t had a lot of action and quite a while, that’s just as well, I seem to have a full plate from time to time.
Which gets back to artwork and away really wanna drag this thing into Adobe and then compress the thing and reshape the thing so will fit on a post nice and neat.

Perhaps, after all in his speech, it is artistic, and it does say a lot about our society.

kristen-stewart-9690.jpg   012418 where did u come from.jpg 

I’m going to have to come back to this, I’m having issues with compression and giving examples of dragging the line.  Man, Georgia really put its foot in the peach barrel this time.

So he may feel fine and he might take some time but it’s are relative kind of thing depending upon which part of the sidewalk you’re on and whether not you believe the line should be this where that and who knows if Oregon and make it to Europe anyway!

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