Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Wig on strait.

Was Balled, now wigging out.

wigging out - copy-write DIS!


Monday, April 29, 2013


Issus @ hand

I Have a ghost autre.  Auther.  Aather. Writer.

Harry Potter - Casal !!  Casal   Big Stone House - Kings and Queens ....

England THE ROAD!!! THE ROAD!!! THE ROAD..  IT_s REAL!!!!!

HOJ HOJ HOJ - I Think - may NOT I don't Know art ete [NOW]... GOD Calling all CARS!!!  GOD!!!  Out of my league..
 LEAGUE thank you Google - U work 1 time!!!!!

OK,  6 cents at lefe - thing on trees..  God I BELVE.. what R U DOING!!!!!  I'm In court... SINGING THING....  042813 I woke up, US can save the day, just go here and do this>>>>......

WHAT!!!! WHAT!!!! X_WAY...

X_WAY worked, Oh Fuck MMMM...

God has No problem with my SPEECH.

Trust ME 1 TIME PLEASE!!!  1 TIME!!!

So Am... Save DAY>>>



Bleam - fault with f google 2 times God..  HOLD, God IS NOT THE PROBum problem - Issue, at fault...  NOW THE THING !!!!

Out of league, now 3 times....

042813 wake up 2day is very different I Think 2 self..  YOU THINK!!!  I HAVE GOAST goast - ghoast writer BT!!!  GOD I WILL DO as YOU SAY>>>... How is this going 2 help!

TRUST IN Big GUY BT!!  NO pop!  opp options  - You, I can not say.

Harry Potter I Think You're UP!  S. KING, You tell me, I trust you and wife, BUT lovers lobsters are fake!!!!  Blame Canada, { Manitoba }  BOOK Summer time train!

Roof, page, Well QQQ question = Q code!!!!

6 cent issues, leaf print!  14 = Buick 14 = black tie!

Or code walking BT.  Who is working! THIS WAS MY head TRIP, farm!!!!!

Take a trip!!!!

Other 1 Melissa I think!

Pink, no combo no code as per plan..  Why you lock that WAY... QQQQQ....

Pic fine wally world...

Now you have ghost write!!! OJ OJ OJ!!!  Me EZ GW HARD!!!  BT HARD!!! half price book, you are in NEW Ball GAME, BELAVE Y!

So, US say day, 2 girls UP 4 IT by awkeinging awaking.. 4 times, I don't know, ready 2 order, ENGLAND, BLUE Swim suit called this morning.

Eye color colar England spell try collar caloura CUM ON G!

Fish blue swim, I didn't call that up!

ALSO  BB Tebet - Cindy crowfords old uint - super modal cindy crowford ...  some 2 save looks at him, he says back 2 them, IT's him, not me.

copper tone finland, 3 finger lecture reneeded lecture 5 times, 5 times is pink pat down code!

Combo pink, combo - think pink!!!! copper still cuming, what am I 2 cover, QQQQ.

U tell me.

OK, I woke up and knew, IT_S back ON WE DID IT!

So, coffee, how am I going 2 buy coffee with this skill set?

God say, look here, I say "No Way, they will not go for that.."

the 2 girls and dolly will.... dolly - I Think dolly, sounds insulting.

Now what, combo work I guess, you people wanted to 2, NOW LOOK WHAT you're in 2.

A big FAT MESS is what!

bad frame, what is this, Q.

England, you're in a mess yourself!

Harry P.

TV!!!! Media QQQQ!!!!



You are in Or Code BBBB T, I don't know how or why, I don't know anything about you...

BUT!!!!! YOU IN AUTO at ALL MOST!!! CODE.. The things that traval withe me, OJ OJ, voodoo, I think NOT!  Thay can BE weird AT TIMES, I NO FIG HERE, just KNOW WHEN IT_S THEM!!!

Tisamingo, YMCA!!!! BT Clock BT! so, C and western VOICE, you have done something I'm sure, none of MY BEES WAX!

Some1, whats UP with B-TEAM, YOU are B-TEAM, I X-Pect X-Thing, - weekend NEWS!

Funny, { I DON'T WANT TOO!!! } Code-O-Refic BT CLOCK !!!

Code-O-Refic Copywrite DIS!!! Lots of NEW VO-CAB_U-Larry,  VO-CAB_U-Larry - copywrite DIS 2.


Something BT... THINK YESSSSS Whiny - other girl bought up InIT Whity CUMings, FACT!!!!

HER, 1 girl in US SAVE day! Why, I HAVE X-IDEA, NO FIT, Tisamingo YMCA, OK MayBE, Code leave Y Little Opps 2 see> UNBEAVLEABLE, Pick and PURPLE CODE, they wrote IT I LOOK>  STILL X BEAVE IT, B-TEAM UP IN FROUNT, WHO could fig THAT!








You I did NOT CHOODE THIS YOU DID, Or Jumpat IT,QQQ Well I do know is 1!

OK 2 Why NOT!!!!:


Gilt I sould foot note, fuck IT TIS, U FOOTNOTE!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Taking exceptions


If there was an archive you would find that I do a lot of criticizing concerning the weekend news crew.

You just can't count on that crew for much of anything when it comes to the script.

They seem to step up to the plate, this morning and I thought I might as well dance with that.

But there's no such thing as an archive and there's no such thing as an invisible message.

I mentioned dancing with something and I realized, as I said on the driveway, I didn't bring my dancing shoes, but I do have an imagination and let's all imagine we all have our dancing shoes on.

Let's create a new song called imagination, now John Lennon has done a variation on that but mines different.

This gets back to the opening line when I acquired consciousness this morning. It was a line from John Lennon movie. No it's not a movie it's a song.

If I tried hard I can remember it but I don't want to remember it because I'm trying to put on my dancing shoes.

Then there's the 2nd line, that's not from a song that's not from the lyric is from you. It's a little bit frightening, essentially you're saying watch me spit shined this!

It gets into quite a bit of detail which I'm not going to get into right now.

This just in the 3rd part which is history, when she's working on the spit shine I'm projected into history and lo and behold I'm standing on some concrete.

This gets back to sisters. Yes believe it or not it really and truly gets back to sisters. I can give you some precise code for you to locate the sisters. Do I want to do that. Why not.

I have not seen her long time but she appears to like cars now. I sorry your photograph, one's, she has a lot of photographic moments.

Then everyone worked on to restructure and I to work to restructure.

So she walked in to look at the restructure.

Hello Asia, you know you to be right around the corner because that's how it dials up.

Which gets back to the restructure and another restructuring which gets back to chemistry.

She had the chemistry.

Now you've got a handful of sisters.

 Anyway let's just stop and let me get back on page I intended to just put on my dancing shoes and make a little circuit.


You're supposed to know any of this.

Nevada put my mind back in the place were supposed to go. Okay, this is blatant but were going to have to start with blatant because when I take my glasses off I can't find them when they're on the yard as you saw yesterday.

There in the stairwell.

Bingo, bingo, bingo.

We have the hawk I have a connection and now I can code.

Girls, you've isolated the PMO player far too long, I know this because I know the PLO player well, he does not have a vagina. I know this because Ellen told me.

Stop isolating the P&O player, stop isolating the PML player….  Somebody plays the P&O…. My goodness it doesn't like that instrument.

All right voice recognition let's try this a different way, it's, believe it or not a stringed instrument contained in a box it's called APN oh.

All right don't shoot me an only BPM player.

Well it doesn't like Elton John either.

So I'm not going to do a workaround you just have to figure it out, you've isolated P&O player long enough free free set him free.

Not lost my place begins post put something else in the line.

All right here are the basic rules if someone is real you can't touch them because no one can see the trail that leads to reality.

Therefore a avoided the pointer sisters with great precision.

I don't have to avoid them anymore because I've already shown that card which means I can do all of the pointer Sr. researcher wanted to do.

Which is fine, but I've showed you the pointer sisters so I really need to go back to that point, I can avoid that repeat.

Which gets back to the family and gets back to a group of women called the Dixie chicks.

No Dixie chicks have been in recent magazines. That is the absolute truth. You know I met the Dixie chicks when there were more Dixie chicks and just 3.

In fact there was a small covey of Dixie chicks.

They did the circuit and then they met with her bore friends and talked about church. They did that in the parking lot, I say that because it's absolutely true and if there are any Dixie chicks listening you'll remember the gig where after the gig used in the parking lot and talked to more friends about church.

I was the bullheaded guy, you would know that now because I wear a wig.

Which gets back to what day it is, it's Saturday, should look in the TV Guide.

But I don't trust Tina Fey and little miss wig isn't on that circuit anymore. Which expect David Letterman someone he calls the evil genius.

This gets back to something different something I can't quite put my finger on.

Yesterday I was going to tell the United States how to solve all of their problems and Syria, essentially of going to tell you to send Sarah Palin over there and let her work her magic because Sarah Palin has a magical vagina.

I can actually type it in and make it work and make it makes sense.

But I'm trying to flirt with 2 sisters that I don't have any vision of.

Which is fine because I'm sure they're married and have children of their own.

Which gets back to the 2 other sisters while I'm standing on concrete surrounded by other sisters that are associated with chemistry.

You know that's a true story.

You also know that I talk about darts, darts or real, there are people would've seen some of my darts.

Here's something you can count on and I promise you it's absolutely true.

If you could go back in time to the place where I'm standing on concrete surrounded by the restructure of chemistry you would realize these are 2 significant darts.

They walked right in, I knew they were darts but I didn't know where they were from because in those days it was a lot harder to pick up your pen auger feed it is now.

The man is a genius and his female companion is also a genius.

This makes me wonder if they're still because something tells me with that kind of mileage you don't seem to stick.


I did not say the word together the machine type it I said you don't seem to stick.

All right I've told a lot of stories here's the magical part, I woke up this morning and it was a John Lennon song and I don't want to think about what line it was because it doesn't really make sense.

Then there was something completely different that I don't understand because I've never seen this person create….

She's the one that says watch me do this spit shine.

Then I'm on concrete and I know where I met when I stand on concrete.

Which gets back to Katy Perry, you know the girl giving the spit shine does look anything like Katie..

Katy Perry.

Which gets back to Richardson Texas and giving a high 5 at the sign of 8.

Which gets back to what your heart Don and the fact I need to pick up some tampons for my girlfriend.

Believer not that Hoekstra country-western singer who's related to a guy with puffy hair.

A country and western singer whose isolated with PML player.

We'll stop there.

I have no idea what that word that begins with the H is capitalized just a couple of sentences ahead of this one is and what it means.

I went doing research either.

Although I would like to look at the sisters and watch them perform in the stairwell.

I gave the stairwell performance last night.

It's okay, I had a bar of soap with me.

Sometimes you can count on the weekend crew, that's the exception not the rule.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Call My wife


How real is this.

If there's a real nanny camera capturing footage, here's what it witnessed.

I did a runaround clean about and then I put for newspapers on the round class table.

I then flipped the papers over, I could see one side but not the other.

I certified the headlines.

I or should I say prior to that didn't..

Prior to this I had, not true. Let's keep this with George Washington.

I flip the papers over and surveyed the headlines I've been.

I then flipped the card table over and put it at the side of the house.

The court table held one of my computer monitors.

Sometimes I call computers boxes.

This is a very rare time indeed where the professors going to tell you, the general public, what the code is before I throw it.

Now I've been trying to show you deliberately how the code works but Texas doesn't like big pictures.

All right Texas there is now a card table on the front porch. There was a box on the front porch the box has on its surface the letters P and the letters a red


This refers to hand shaking which refers to someone I shook hands with at the airport. Maybe I've said something that has something to do with the letters PA..

I then took my shirt and I put it inside of the box as well as a box of cigarettes.

So in the backseat of that vehicle is a box with the letters PA and inside that box is another box with artwork in it.

I'm telling you this because I don't intend to pass any information to anyone, per se.

But that's how it's done.

What does this mean.

It means I made a Jackson Pollock painting and yesterday I stuck a camera up my nose.

You have to ask yourself is this guy George Washington or not.

Is he really seeing imaginary leaves on the street?

Is there really the letters PA on the box and did the guy really see a dead rat.

It's a cherry tree and I did chop it down the problem is it's really a mouse.

Once again Texas if I could give you the big picture I would give you all of this information and you would see the code, live and you would see the dialogue happening.

This gets back to turning the paper over and gets back to red chairs.

Ladies and gentlemen we use the headlines.

There is more information than you can even shake a stick at.

Maybe that's a repeat from some other day.

Maybe I'm shaking a stick and I'm trying to look like a rattlesnake.

Then again maybe I don't have time to properly graph things out and say something meaningful.

So I'll just stuff the shirt in the box and we'll see what happens to the box as I approach where ever it is I'm going.

This gets back to Amy Adams.

If you want me to do some real code, Amy, I need you to make a cartoon appearance.

I have Scooby Doo and I have some rope.

Now Scooby-Doo is code and I'm going to leave the code here at the house.

I am going to carry some invisible rope with me.

Here's the wonderful thing about this, I'm actually carrying a kind of invisible rope that really can tie you up in knots.

I'm tempted to prove this point.

Now I'm thinking I need to create some static.

I'm going to create some static and grabbed the tie instead of the invisible rope although I carry the invisible rope with me at all times.

You can call home and asked my wife.

Ladies and gentlemen there's a dialogue going on.

I really want to talk about television and late-night talk shows.

But they won't invite me to any.

Amy, would you take me to a late-night TV talk show.

Can we talk about the birds and bees.

Can we talk about India and Johnny Cash.

That's one of the funnier moments, Mindy, I got admit that was pretty funny.

But then again I'm board-certified.

Mindy, I'm leaving my Magic briefcase here, inside of the Magic briefcase is a real-life photograph of some of my credentials.

I'm serious Mindy, it's in a black briefcase, the one that held a note from Bob.

This gets back to SpongeBob SquarePants and his girlfriend.

Now aiming let's review, if you're going to talk code would meet you have to understand who and what SpongeBob SquarePants his girlfriend is.

This gets back to what I was yelling and screaming about on the phone this morning.

It was a Bruce Springsteen song, my daughter didn't get it, and my wife didn't get it.

It's got to do with crush velvet seats and we don't have to drive that we can talk it out in back.

You realize my wife, my 1st wife didn't get that reference. I understand my daughter not getting that reference after all it is an older song.

But I was talking about a Subaru and I thought Subarus were built on love.

This gets back to fathers and daughters loving each other.

Don't get confused this would not be a white ladder, the lighter the drove by was orange.

You guys realize that all of this means something to read… The question is what.

Maybe we should go to the Dairy Queen and discuss it.

Amy, are you willing to meet me at the Dairy Queen?

We can create our own late-night TV talk show from a Dairy Queen, there's one in White's Borough Texas.

Or if you would prefer we can stand in one of the drive through booths at sonic which is next to the Dairy Queen.

Or we can walk across the street and talk about Kentucky because they have chicken over there.

Which gets back to shaking hands and the fact I'm going to be late for a very important date.

Then again we got the rabbit and the rabbits what was dialed up when I did an automobile check just a few moments ago.

It all of this is a joke, I really did move the card table and I really don't have a box with the letters PA on it, and what in the world why know about Jackson Pollock?

This gets back to the Home Depot, a lot of people don't realize that Jackson Pollock got his start at the Home Depot. Somewhere I have something that measures up to this but I can't find it.

I was going to drive very close to LBJ and give you a big picture tour yesterday.

I got sidetracked at the carnival.

It was a Carnival cruise.

And that's when I saw the dead mouse.

This gets back to all of the people that were out and about. Ill I made a movie about that.

Would you like to see that movie, I would really like to show it to you, then you could see the state of affairs and various forms of vehicles.

Including a dead mouse and shamrocks.

Of course this is all fantasy land, there's not going to be any dead mice by shamrocks grid….

And who knows, maybe she does work for the post department.

She's definitely got the packaging for it.

That's a cool package to think about.

A lot of people don't realize that Amy Adams has a 2nd job at the post office.

Which gets back to art galleries and the fact that my brain needs to be in a museum.

Which gets back to Woody Allen. It's a joke he made with Paul. It's got something to do with freshness or should I say mellow.

It's in a scene were what he is at a bar and Paul Simon says something and then when he makes a pathetic joke.

I can't remember the joke, I could use this code if I can only remember it.

Which gets back to CDs that I couldn't photograph.

One of them has to do with Canada and Superman and one of them has to do with apples and oranges and one of them has something to do with Chuck close and one of them is Paul Simon.

I must be confused because then there'd have to be a magic hat and I would have to possess a magic wand.

That reminds me, I am to pick up the tie and I am to pick up my magic wand.

That's right ladies and gentlemen I'm going to have invisible rope and a magic wand.

You're welcome to come in and stay a while.

Then again I could arm the device.

I have flipped the papers over.

I have to open my wallet and look at things because that's where I keep the survey of magic wand material.

By the way if you want to do that it's wrapped in blue tape.

That's right I wrapped some invisible code up in blue tape.

You never find it in the box so.


Because Amy Adams is chicken which reminds me of her husband I'm told that Jimmy had her husband wear a chicken suit.

They would have to have a picnic because I brought over the picnic platter.

It's in the cards little girl, the team put you inside of the cards. I didn't know anything about you and I still don't, I'm fighting to know as little as possible because I actually keep my distance from you and your husband.

But you live in a town called tissue mingle Oklahoma. Tricia Mingo.

I just want you know there is an original source coded individual who used to live in tissue mingle Oklahoma.

Now I know they found this person because this person told me while, she told me she's been found.

Which gets back to someone in Ada Oklahoma and the fact that she's been found out as well.

Which explains why I don't go to that part of the circuit anymore.

After all they have left the country.

Then again they were the beating.

They were the BT which gets back to the 18. They were a baseball team and not an aviator team.

Which gets back to deep Caprio. I think it's DiCaprio. Was he in the aviator?

And is that a Martin movie? I think it may be.

If that's a Martin movie really have to ask ourselves where is the taxi.

And if you're looking for the to see them were looking at a Douglas fir.

And if you're looking at a Douglas for I would watch out for the picante sauce.

It's actually not picante sauce, I have no idea what it is or how they make it but essentially it's me that's been turned into paste.

Of course this brings us back to duck sauce and I really don't have time for that so you don't need to water your guard. You don't need to water your yard because I don't have time for it.

Unless you're Amy Adams.

Knapp Amy I'm assuming you're married and I'm assuming you have kids which is fine.

Any you don't really exist you're a lot like lobsters in the state of Maine.

Which gets back to Stephen King and Stephen's wife Tabitha.

Stephen King and his wife Tabitha don't exist either.

They're merely figments of some Canadians imagination.

Which gets back to page and where in the world this page we need to pay somebody.

No page I need you to get back into the picture and get off the roof.

We seen enough of your shingles, little miss page, so you can get on your bicycle and ride around the town. If you're going to do that and eliminate the airport.

I'm pretty sure you're not married and I'm pretty sure you don't have children although you did in the movies.

This gets back to movie were someone's lying in bed and throwing darts at the ceiling.

But I digress.

There's no way I could actually shove a camera up my nose.

And then again sometimes I'm George Washington. At least in my imagination.

So let's see if we can picture a world where everyone's George Washington and were all carrying a bunch of patches.

We'll call it a hatchet job, you know what I'm a copyright that title and the boy to copyright the rights for that film area did..

I'm going to collect a hatchet job and it's going to star Brad Pitt and George Clooney and we might as well invite the lesbians along so that means you can come along to Julia.

And if you have J we might as well bring the old gang back together.

That would be a call out to Mr. big here.

Mr. big care is from taxes and he has a pony on a boat. That's Mr. big hair. He has big goofy hair I don't know maybe I'm lying but sometimes I love line sometimes I love lying. Sometimes I love being a liar. That's an indirect reference to hair.

And therefore looking at hair they were back in the 70s and it's entirely different show.

Which gets back to Demi Moore and the cover of another magazine.

I got to admit she does have a nice bottom which gets back to animation in Garland Texas back when Garland Texas was in the animated state.

But the whole state of animation is now on a red chair.

And therefore going to be in the middle of a red chair then need to go to Beaumont Texas and made to look for a little girl who's headed for a porta potty.

By the way that's a shout out to a variation at the office.

Of course that means I would be looking for someone with a K in fact I would be looking for someone with a K squared.

Too much code.

Fair Bif Tx Big but abc wants In TV Talk BS

You just can't trust the funny papers anymore.


By the way those numbers are actually magic code that I started to photograph. I didn't do it because those are pretty deep magic numbers.

It's time for me to tell the truth.

I like pretending that I'm George Washington.

Today I was pretending like I was George Washington and a girl by the name of Amy Adams came in. I think her name is Amy Adams, in truth I don't know, she's the actress that did this movie about being a cartoon person that came to life. I think it Amy Adams. She has a beautiful voice and is a beautiful woman. She also did a movie about a time traveler.

Anyways let's pretend like I'm a time traveling George Washington. If you want we can do it with peanuts. Of course that would change the makeup department but it's only costumes.

Anyway today I pretend like I'm George Washington and Amy Adams comes in with a bunch of birds. It's kind of like yesterday when I was dealing with the Covey. You know I actually drove down the street called Covey and that's where we did the waterworks test.

Now of course I'm joking because I didn't do a waterworks test all yesterday.

But I do look a lot like George Washington!.

Anyway I'm driving my car today and I'm George Washington and I start imagining there's a girl jogging next me on the right-hand side of the road given the fact I was driving down the street that's a lot like a radio talkshow host. Or maybe he's a television talkshow host anyways names Glenn.

You could pretend like were going to the moon because there someone that went to the moon and it's kind of like Glenn as well.

No I don't think he actually made it to the moon but he did make it to the sender's to the Senate or the House of Representatives.

Anyway any Adams comes in and the bird struck telling me, there's a magic lease just ahead so you need to pull over and give George Washington a chance the handshake the girl who's jogging.

Of course the girl immediately started running away from me.

That's the problem with me being George Washington, whenever a magic moment comes in the opportunity arises for me to plot my magic wand all the girls run away.

I'm blaming this on the sausage because the sausage is kind of a winner which gets back the dynamics of Germany and Howard Stern.

That gets back to a lecture I was yelling and screaming about just before the nosebleed and my efforts to be Jackson Pollock.

I just need to learn to live with myself and stop pretending.

It's a good thing I'm making all of this up.

It's like the lady who was watering her yard as I was doing tests with water. Now if there was an original group and if there ever was an original manual she would know that by watering the lawn when I'm on this type of circuit means, come on in you and I are about to have sex!

But that's like listening to Terry Gross and people that are afraid to talk about sex.

Do you guys have any idea that this is all fiction.

That's about another type of Glenn that's really a Mitchell.

That author like to make up things as well because I was in the audience and so the camera did pan.

And I gave my best deadpan appearance.

Now when I'm acting like a deadpan you shouldn't confuse me with George Washington or Amy Adams or Terry Gross.

But this gets back to problems with David and Paul and David do have a lot of problems.

This gets back to Amy Adams and the fact that Amy Adams really wants to be Tina Fey.

But that has to do with Kentucky in when we talk about Kentucky would cut a deal with fried chicken.

This means I need to go to Albertsons and I need to leave the purple Rolex on some shelf somewhere.

Am I ever going to get that purple Rolex back?

And what about my wedding ring, you know the police department has my wedding ring, they think it belongs to that one guy. Some guy that somebody from Rhode Island referenced. I know because I can kind of visualize it, it's like they lifted the photograph from the Dallas newspaper and then put someone's head on it.

I think it's the CIA guy.

Then again it could be an alien, who knows.

Let's pretend together, you and I, let's pretend like I'm an alien in my names George Washington and your Amy Adams and you want the shirt off my back and you're willing to prove it if you'll just become a bird and a feather and we go hang out at the airport trying to find a tower that has the nanny cam in it.

Which is like talking about drinking coffee and what you like with your coffee while you're driving to the airport.

Which is kind of like going to Arlington Texas.

You know someone says there's an opportunity for us to go to Arlington Texas.

But now I need to go to the University of Texas at Dallas which is really in Richardson, I know that keeps coming up.

That's because there's a lot of original things there.

You would never know it because none of the original things existed when I moved there.

But we can talk about my office and when you're talking about my office then you can find someone that used to sit in my office chair that really was a part of the original crew.

Now you can ask her she was a party original crew and shall say no and she will be telling you the truth. That has something to do with some gallery somewhere, I think it's next to the South side. Which gets back to another artist that used to dress up like a porcupine.

This gets back to another individual who I must say is a part of the original crew.

The wonderful thing about this person is she is absolutely invaluable invisible and there's no way any of you all will ever find her.

I will give you a hint because that's my nature.

She probably works at the post office.

You would think so.

Now overlooking the right place we would go to the used bookstore but in truth that unit wouldn't give me the time of day.

Although according to David Ceder S it might have something to do with diabetes.

Even though David would never write about having sex with anything original.

This is why I'll never be on the Terry Gross show.

The heirs just not fresh there.

Which gets back to ponds and other pundits and other talk shows.

Where was I, I was trying to have sex with a woman watering her yard yesterday.