€€ I'm assuming this is going to work. Today's a new day,
compared to the last document that still open. The last document is from
yesterday, today is April 23, 2013. I'm reporting to you from Garland Texas.
I'm not sure I should admit that because when I go out and about in Garland
taxes everybody wants to ask me questions. Now, you can ask the questions, I am
an open and honest individual, I always have been. Sometimes, how ever,
unfortunately, I don't always give the best answer. It's like asking me about
the weather and me looking at my watch and telling you, watch works.
Now I can have some fun and I can be devilish. Which gets
back to yesterday's document that I'm pretty sure I never posted. I meant to
post it but I got distracted by SpongeBob SquarePants girlfriend.
SpongeBob SquarePants has a girlfriend that the squirrel and
yesterday I was putting on my holy shirt and Sandy, that's the name of the
squirrel that is SpongeBob SquarePants for and, Sandy was under the car and I
thought I would take a picture of her although I was really there to take a
picture by holy shirt.
This man's excuse me my mouth is malfunctioning. This means
I walked out of the door with my shirt off and I photographed myself with my
shirt off. I'm pretty sure I have that photograph and I would be glad to share
with you. The problem is the Apple, the Apple is my go to computer for some
things and image manipulation would be one of those go to things. Now I could
do image manipulation here but I'm having problems with this particular
Let's talk about that. As a matter fact let's talk to
Microsoft, somewhere on this computer I have a drawing program and I can bring
images into this program and save them as JPEG's. I upgraded this computer to
Windows 8 and have lost my ability to find anything. Basically what I'm telling
you is Windows 8 is a very evil operating system.
Which gets back to misinformation.
There's all one of misinformation going on right now read a
specially about the number eight. You know what let's retype that sentence
using my voice. There is a lot of this information running about especially
concerning the number eight. There is a lot of misinformation.
You know you're just going to have to decode that. So now we
have a problem with Microsoft and we also have a problem with companies that
begin with the letter in. With the letter that follows the letter M called the
letter in. The joys of voice recognition.
Okay let's call this an Ellen moment. You need to know what
that means, that's not complicated, it is coded but the code is direct and not
really a part of the 18%. It's basically simple code, when I say there's an
Ellen moment I'm talking about lesbians. Specifically I'm talking about
lesbians asking me about my canoe.
You really need the money for this. You really need the
movie for this. That's right there's an actual movie about a canoe and me in a
thrift store with some lesbians and meet tackling a canoe.
That's what I should have told lesbian when she asked me
about my canoe. My canoe is a metaphor for your vagina, Alan, that would be
Ellen and not Alan that maybe Alan has a vagina to. I don't know you'll have to
ask Alan but I do know that Ellen has a vagina although I've never seen her
Which gets back to what do you believe. I have never seen
Allen's vagina but I am sure that Ellen has a vagina. Now Ellen has a companion
so let's talk about Ellen's companion, I need to adjust your canoe!
Canoe enough or should I say let's all can do together.
Let's all canoe together, shall we, which gets back to Conan O'Brien. Gets back
to late-night television, which gets back to someone I feel sorry for, which is
basically Jay Leno. You know you guys really need the movie.
I had to leave the thrift store because my camera became a
full. If you had yesterday's stuff you'd know I've been filling up a lot of
Which gets back to what do you know. Which gets back to
taxes which gets back to Dairy Queen because I went to Dairy Queen for lunch
today. And it's not taxes its taxes. I said that the state of Texas. Once again
you're going to have to figure this out.
And let's just say that the state of taxes is telling me
things are extreme, by the way I did not use the word and the machine did that.
Which gets back to the machine and things that are extreme. This time I did use
the word and!
Which gets back to snowcones!
I'm jumping ahead of myself.
You people need to artwork, I've got the artwork you need!
So let's turn this into an FBI moment and bring interplay variations of
I need to get a photo site and load my photos and videos.
I'm just going to have to break down and buy some type of site to load my
material. There's far too much material.
You're never going to understand anything unless I give you
the material.
Essentially ladies and gentlemen were doing a left-handed
big picture lecture. I was supposed to do the big picture lecture between
Friday and Sunday of last week. Sunday being 21 April. I let the weekend run
itself out which backed me into a corner which meant I had to go out on Sunday,
April 21.
Then Magic started to happen and then God walked in the
picture and then you people started screwing up. And the picture became
massive, part two masters, so I had to throw in the towel because the big
picture was too massive.
Then I took a walk and lo and behold the big picture came to
me. This was quite surprising. I decided to turn the lecture force field on and
go ahead and give you a big picture lecture using the big picture that came to
me and an invisible fashion. Let's just say it was telegraphed through me and
sent to you via some type of antenna.
We could call it and antenna moment. That would be
appropriate because were kind of still in that phase.
I'm doing my best to give you a big picture lecture using
whatever I can.
Which gets back to the state of Texas, ask yourself, what is
Texas giving you right now, it should be a giant picture because I've been
painting one hell of a giant picture.
If you don't have the big picture they need to get on the
case of the state of Texas. Which means we might as well go to the Supreme
Court. Which gets back to water which gets back to something in the yellow
That's right ladies and gentlemen the professors and some
coded messages inside of the yellow tire just outside the thrift store. Across
the street from the Dairy Queen and just down from last night's Chinese dinner.
So I had Chinese last night and lo and behold a tattoo came
in so, we did the Cody wore or should I say we did the Cody walk. Let's call it
a coded walk. So Mr. tattoo came in and we decided to code together, I don't
know if he knows we were coding but I was coding because I'm one coding kind of
guy. This means I had to go to Dairy Queen because that's what the original
crew told didgeridoo.
That's what the original crew told me to do area and I
didn't say that. Here's what I said, that's what the original crew told me to
do. Go to Dairy Queen and by a tattoo. I should've bought the tattoo, I was
given two quarters, one of them was Mississippi and one of them was a variation
on liberty. But I have other tattoos or should I say I have other quarters,
which is also a Mississippi and Louisiana. Which gets back to magic coins and
the fact that I have more than an ample supply of magic words right now.
Let's just say I have a lot of magic change. Do you believe
in magic? Do you believe in canoes? Do you believe that Ellen has a vagina? We
need to ask ourselves these questions and more.
Do you believe the three clubs? If you don't I might be able
to change her mind because I have a canoe and I have three of clubs. It's on
the driveway right now. Which gets back to driveway moments and the fact that
I'm highly unplugged. I have chosen to remain unplugged for a big reason.
Now, let's say the state of Texas is telling you something,
what they might tell you is I'm opening the door and letting the sound
runaround. Which means I'm plug-in in one way. But that's called rock 'n roll
way. Which gets back to Bruce Springsteen.
You know yesterday I was telling you about Taylor Swift and
I'm pretty sure I never post that Taylor Swift was doing Shakespeare and Bruce
Springsteen is doing something entirely different.
When Taylor Swift does Shakespeare she doesn't know Loki
when Bruce Springsteen does code he usually does it in a very high key. Now
this doesn't make sense because you would think that Taylor Swift would do it
in a high key and Bruce would do it in a low-key but we are in what's called
the reverse old change out.
I cannot blame the Dragon here because it's an unusual word
celebrity down in Dragon speak, reverse-O-CHANGE-O..
Let's go ahead and copyright that and even her trademark on.
Which gets back to all kinds of things I'm trying to tell you. I better just
post this and then go outside and document the driveway. Were having driveway
moments, that's an NPR reference and it's a reference to a flag if you only
could get the draft.
Which gets back to a vehicle, I'm supposed to tell you
another story, and this story would be something for YouTube. It would be
something entirely different, it would be like working with a craftsman. And
you need to ask yourself do you really want another YouTube that is a craftsman
Which gets back to Georgia which gets back to Taylor Swift.
Because Taylor Swift is coding the Georgia satellites. That doesn't I said that
does it! I'm going to post this and I would call this a new post and I'm to
post the stuff I meant to post yesterday and didn't they call that an old post
on a post the new one first and the old one second which does a type of
copyrighted word. If you look in the above line.
Which gets back to Katy Perry, which also gets back to the
other girl, the other girl they were talking about on the radio today, although
she did that song, it was in one of my CDs that used for class, what's her
name, she's a nice girl, she shook my hand, I have to give her a heads-up
because she's honest, Kelly Clarkson. That's her name. Alright I have to say
that Kelly Clarkson is an honest person and she did an honest handshake, of
sorts. I say that because she was captivated by her luggage.
So there are a handful of people that have done a true
handshake. Somewhere that should be coded and you should have it but I'm not
sure where it is I'm not sure successfully launched.
Which gets back to yesterday and stepping out of the vehicle
and trying to make it to the train tracks only to have the manager asked me if
I'm okay. Which gets back to the problem with the state of Texas. Texas has a
lot of problems. So does this entire part of the United States.
Which is why I had to get the encyclopedia beginning with
the letter P. Which gets back to Alan and her vagina and my canoe. Only it's
not Allen's canoe it's my canoe and Ellen's vagina.
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