Friday, April 12, 2013

Anchovies artichokes aardvarks acorns unicorns cornucopia


Draw, bang, too late, someone brush the dust off him and taking to Hillary's office she is a doctor in this town.

I understand she's doing some exotic Asian cooking, I didn't know that Hindus ate pork, go figure, maybe it's the devil's in the nature of food itself, I can't say. By the way asked the Chinese guy if he has any Polish pickles, the circle sees out and about all that David had.

Excuse me, I got a go to the hotel and look for change in the couch. To think, those people had no idea what I was talking about when I said there was dust on the logic board.

When I was in grad school we had a lot of discussions about what artists say about their work. I always embraced the philosophy of Edward Weston which was to say little to nothing.

Then I became a teacher and I was teaching the discipline of the fine arts. This put a different perspective on things. I had to speak sternly and directly to the people I was teaching and I believed I needed to embrace the same ideology for myself. My students had to defend and explain their work and so I embraced that same philosophy for myself.

Not for my artwork, no, that's for critics and historians, but I explain for students were wanting to learn. Maybe I don't have a lot to teach and then again you might want to do some of your own reality checking.

Unfortunately I'm going to not explain the artistic merits of my work at this given point. I hope to get back to it because I believe it's important. Right now I need to talk to science.

Let's pretend I'm talking to children, if you're an artist and you're trying to explain something sign typically artistic to scientists you need to pretend that you're talking to a bunch of nude third-graders. This is not a sexual thing, despite whatever anyone may say or think it's not a sexual thing. Essentially I'm telling you, if you're an artist wanting to talk about the science of artwork to a bunch of scientists that know little to nothing about artwork you need to break it down on the level of a bunch of excrement covered third-graders.

Now, I just insulted third-graders, I didn't mean to do that, third-graders are potty trained, but not scientific third-graders that happen to be actual adults. They're not potty trained.

So why do you need to see visualize them nude? You got to know how to approach them and where you can touch and not touch if you want to keep your hands clean.

Okay enough said.

Scientific theory and experimentation.

We're trying to do an experiment that you can do in your own scientific laboratory wherever that may be. I kind of repeatable deal. A kind of repeatable deal.

Here we run into problems, or at least I have run into problems, it has to do with the calibration of my monitor and the calibration of my photo equipment and artistic rushes and tools. In other words my weapons. Or in this case scientific implements.

Everything is out of calibration, somewhere you going to see a photograph of 2 Kodak 18% gray cards. These cards are meant for scientific calibration, the trained eyes should be able to quickly notice that the 2 cards are of a different hue color and density. It may be slight but it's there. One card has what I call 5 to 10 points more yellow than the other and one is clearly a lighter density. At one time I had an instrument that I could actually measure this scientifically. I still possess the calibration equipment for that instrument but I gave the instrument away to a man trapped on a soccer ball in the middle of an island. Will call that dyslexia.

So science, my equipment is not properly calibrated, do we give up and stop the experiment, no, we move on the best we can and try to do the old plus and minus factor concerning the scientific hypothesis and conclusions.

You guys should be able to figure this out, everyone relax will have juice and cookies a little bit and then you can go outside and play at recess. Billy, quick throwing your feces at Dorothy. Roberta this is not the place to be touching your private parts, you need to do that in private in the bathroom or at home not in the classroom.

Okay, things are not calibrated. Okay now organized talk about my psychological state.

This is basically nobodies business but when you see the material in working with your going to probably think to 1° or another, has this guy lost his mind? Perhaps this is a valid point. I'll let you be the judge.

Let's go inside my head for little bit and tell you about my emotions and state of consciousness today. I'm a perfectionist, you would never know that by looking at anything I've done as of late. On the other hand if you look at my body of work completely you'll see that now and again I didn't get it on the mark, or should I say my particular brand of Mark.

Not today. Today I go to do the best I can with what I've got. I'm a timetable and I'm clearly against the wall and out of time.

I said I was going to give you something and I decided to give you what I said I was going to. It's not what I want to give you in terms of the quality of the product but it is the product itself. It simply the best I can do.

I'm so frustrated at my work and it's pathetic state that I wanted pull everything down and remove it, after all you people are not really adding to the greater good or perfection of any of my work. You think you are but you're not.

I'm frustrated, I'm angry, and I know I have the right indeed that clear thinking and head to be frustrated and angry red… I didn't use the word color there but that would be a color that would be appropriate.

I'm not sure anyone could put up with all of the excrement I've had to put up with. And keep any degree of sanity. Much less throw in all of the other issues concerning handing Handicapped creatures and demonic or should I say spiritual creatures from heaven and hell.

I just want make it clear that I actually have problems with spiritual creatures both in heaven and hell.

That's another story. Were talking to scientists and 1st we go to get past this picture of spiritual creatures.

Our I said all right I'm going to show you for images and I'm going to try to show you everything I've done in the laboratory today to document what I've done in the past.

Now Mr. and Mrs. scientist, were going to take a bathroom break the 2nd, Robert if you have to urinate do it in the trashcan not in Bobby's lunchbox.

Where was I, teaching 3rd grade scientists is very difficult and distracting. I was talking about my state of psychology. Do I really need to do then, I'll go ahead and continue anyway.

I kind of want to just push everything over cliffs and say good riddance. You people don't want perfection, you don't want goodness, you don't want kindness, you don't want respect, you don't want freedom, you want anything good or anything of any true value.

Basically I'm not your guy. Not that I have any value or anything else but I'm a person striving for value and purpose and freedom and respect and perfection.

You on the other hand are striving for your own agenda, so I think you need to basically have intercourse with yourself.

I started this so-called scientific documentation this morning with the idea of doing it correctly. As I began to open my creativity I saw that there were all kinds of tools and directions and platforms and maps and ladders and stairwells and everything else before me. I could do this and I could do it well with the tools and equipment and supplies at my disposal.

That's when my own mistakes began to happen. I was carrying a shotgun with me, that's right the shotgun, it's a new Browning model that I don't know how to load properly. Or should I say I didn't know how to load it properly, I do now. Anyway we got this misfire that the movie and the movie has targets and you need those targets. Basically it's Bruce Springsteen and radio nowhere and the Canadian group that gets around, here let me see what I can find. We did have some beetles somewhere oh yes it was from Abbey Road, she's so heavy and then there was another track I don't remember and then there was the Black ghosts, tears from a gun, I wanted to do Bob Dylan but didn't I did touch on the doors but that wasn't on this iPod I did do the police, murder by numbers, I did some other police track as well, of course I'm sure I revisited red sauce and I'm pretty sure I did something with the Rolling Stones.
Avon walk to the old graphite to see if there was something there.

What's nearby can uncover anything in this given unit come on and write it down I said I went to a lot of trouble so let's see if I can just feed you some soup.

I haven't found it yet but I did do the painter by Neil Young and painting by numbers by James McMurtry. Devil in her heart by the Beatles. I thought about the ghost song by the doors, I'm not sure I included that things were starting to get crowded on the iPod. I really need to do a lot of cleaning.

I did this one in a different film, it's very important and must be included for you to follow the rock 'n roll code. The letter, that's an old rock 'n roll track covered by many people. Pick anyone you want it doesn't matter. That is to say any performer it's the magic of the lyrics in that given example.

I remember I wanted to do some Jackson Browne and they didn't feel was it appropriate, I wanted to do she's got to be somebody's baby because I wanted to hear the song but I realized that was selfish on my part it had nothing to do with the plot whatsoever so I didn't include it. And then there was the Jesus's arrival 1 and I chose to stay away from that because I didn't want to get too many feathers riled up. And I definitely wanted to use lost Highway by Leon Russell but I chose not to do that because I didn't want to sound like a preacher because I'm not preaching and I'm not trying to sell anything.

Yes yes yes I remember this one I haven't come to get, I met instant karma, I didn't include that track but I did include mind games. Now mind games from the title perspective is not appropriate lyrically however it's got some diamonds in it that is appropriate. This is really important if you want to do a jump shift with 3 fingers.

That's right I was going or should I say I was considering doing a jump shift to 3 fingers and I was going to use mind games as a springboard to that chessboard. I loaded I shot the Sheriff I'm not sure I was going to use it I just loaded it in case we had a lunatic fringe component that was rolling around.

I thought about neighbors from the Rolling Stones I believe it's on tattoo you I can't see the album information from this perspective here I didn't include it because I missed the aliens in the neighborhood as well as modern family as well as variations upon Dallas.

Too bad, icon award pick that stuff up but I can't allow television to rule my life. While, I didn't even see this one, wow I would've included this would find CNET. I have a track called nail in my coffin 3 min. and 33 seconds, the killers no less! Which gets back to another image I don't think I've given you about the dynamics associated with coding and the number 52. Maybe I've included maybe I haven't I can't remember. And you know what it doesn't matter because I can't keep up with all of this stuff you you're going to have to help me and you're not going to do that. Maybe Walmart will help you with that or perhaps some other retail establishments I don't mean to drag Walmart through the mud by themselves. There's plenty of room to drag all of capitalism down into the muck.

Let's face it, I learned last night that the so-called Mach is how we got oxygen into the world.

While wow I definitely included this track in fact it's in another smaller film I'm not for sure if it Should write I'm assuming it didn't because I was improperly loading the new shotgun. It's called Nirvana by Tom waits the minutes and 13 seconds. In between Nike boots and capital in small J at 403 Mr. George RR Martin period..

Alright I'm sure there's more okay Mr. Mrs. scientist what does this have to do with you. If you're going to follow this logically and see what I'm trying to show you he doesn't know the pathway the map.

I'm going to a lot of trouble because I need you to start building various types of portable material that can enter the spiritual world. Various types of compasses. In the spiritual world there is no true magnetism as it's found here on this planet. And you're going to find yourself doing a lot of circles if you don't have some way of keeping up with where you've been and where you're trying to get to.

It doesn't matter what you believe, I'm just giving you the charge.

Okay let's get to the artwork.

For images. I'm not really going to explain the images right now but I hope to explain the images later.

I hope to be able to teach you something from this information.

Look carefully it is childish because I'm trying to speak to third-grade, people covered, kids wanting juice and cookies and recess.

Alright Mr. and Mrs. scientist yes there's a lot of childish material here and there is supposed to be at home and of humor. I always try to carry some element of humor with me wherever I go.

This also helps me disguise the greater good and the bigger picture.

You get so caught up in the humor you don't see what's really being imaged.

That's a trick a few artists know how to dance around.

Now, let's all stop. Let's all look at this scientifically. Let's load the images here





In certain images. Insert images.

I said I carried a camera into the spiritual world and photographed spirits, the 1st word I used was ghost and I changed ghost 2 spirits to draw a larger audience.

That's right, I'm drawing an audience. Congratulations I've just drawn UN

So now you're drawn in so let's talk about the graveyard, how animated you want me to get.

You see Mr. and Mrs. scientist this is more than childish drawings this is a scientist who happens to have artistic ability walked into a spiritual arena. And carried a camera with him here's proof.

Wall have a laugh for now, then will allow the seeds to settle and will wait for Jimmy Stewart to walk into the bar and ask for a rye whiskey shot.

You know I've kind of been distilling some rye whiskey myself you have to understand by colons and all of the little creatures on the lawn. That is to say but Collins and all of the little creatures on the lawn. Come on. The country and western singer named Buck Bolan's closer I think I'm going to have to type this one out so here's typing Buck Owens!

And all of the little creatures on the lawn singing dude dude dude looking out my backdoor… Which is actually what I'm doing right now, I need to be traveling because I got a be a traveling man for couple of days.

Okay everyone can laugh and will let the seeds several. By the Way, Flickr I have enough problems now you're telling me I've got to do Yahoo to do Flickr. I hope you understand I get tripped up in all of your little minutia.

I need a clean highway.

Considering you are all condemned I'm still trying to be very helpful and kind and generous. I know you don't believe mean you don't care for it but I believe in the nature of the dynamics of the greater good.

Some people believe that's the nature of Jesus, they don't really read the Bible very well, Jesus was kind of a racist guy and kind of sexist he was here for a fraction of Israel. He made that clear. Now he also alluded to the bigger picture which is what we all live in now.

But his 1st mission was to fulfill the promise made to Abraham. Now I sound like I'm preaching and hence the last thing I wanted. Believe me read I'm not preaching anyone. I don't have to I got Hall pass.

Okay, there's a lot of subtleties that you're not aware of. Hidden in all of this stuff, in today's document, is actually a secret hidden doorway built into a hallway. It goes to Sesame Street. Seriously. In all of this writing is a secret doorway that goes into Sesame Street.

It's a jump time shift component and you'll find yourself looking at Edward scissor hands and you'll find yourself wondering is this my beautiful house, are you my beautiful wife, is this the wheel of my large automobile?

It's their kids.

In fact there's some history, if you can figure out Chilean and find the dynamics of number 9 in relationship to the number 3 read…

I'm serious, and when you financial realize he's on a different lawn in a different community and everyone's asking for a little bit of history. And guess what the professors got that history that they're asking for in fact I would imagine that histories on the deck right in front of me right now rid…  That's called a no bull shit fact.!!!!!

Once you identify the fact you'll realize, this compass he's talking to concerning the scientific community is accurate if you study this piece of art work correctly you realize he was doing science and it just walked into the abyss. He found himself going around in circles and he realized he needed some type of tort and some type of map some type of porridge and some type some type of a luminary device a device that illuminates a device that maps which gets back to a place I used to work at.

Maybe some of you all have this in the archives.

Somewhere I'm talking about lassos and in another place and talking about horses and some place I'm in moccasins and some place on the robe and you guys don't realize I just threw away Tom mix, he's in the trash can right now. Which gets back to Will Rogers and the North Pole which gets back to doing tricks with rope and highly trained ponies.

And of course now are looking at crazy horse and you're wondering can this guy really tie all this together.

People it's been tied together for a long time, I just let it unravel to trip you up and to create some camouflage. That's in the film by the way above the drill press on the tablesaw, within device. No it's not in the vice but it's next to the vice but I am inferring that the camouflage is within device. Maybe you don't believe me and I should show that part of the film. You know what ongoing included in the next post it is in high definition full high definition. Him and make it a little fast quick ping-pong read…

After all that's leaving science and getting more closer to geology. Geology actually isn't science geology is actually a small car used in the logging industry by who knows why.

Ill have to keep up with that pun.

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