Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm pretty sure you have some of this and maybe even all of this

so what, let's go ahead and push this out anyway although it's been more than 24 hours but who's counting. If you're looking at the clock it's now 2:39 PM in Garland Texas.

Which gets back to the comics. You know I have some photographs and some other artwork I need to show you and it reinvents the whole idea of the comic book world.

That's something unique about Garland, Garland used to be right in the middle of the comic book world. Only all of the comics left Garland taxes and took a train for the coast. Now, here's where it gets interesting because the comics took two different trains going to two different coasts.

So you could follow the father's son and Holy Ghost or you could follow the comics.

You probably shouldn't follow me because taxes isn't going to allow you to do that. That's the nature of the state of Texas only in taxes that are having problems with taxes. In taxes we have tax problems. All right let's try this again, there is a tax in Garland Texas and sometimes the taxes in Garland Texas are full of issues because sometimes Garland taxes is heavily taxed when it becomes a part of 18%.

I don't know for type that correctly it doesn't look like it but who knows and who cares.

The main thing is we all need to be thrifty. And if you have a Volkswagen you might want to pick up some yellow tires. What does that mean?

Let's look to Shakespeare, you know Taylor Swift let's go ahead and I'll you up, let's go ahead and dial you up, By the Way, Taylor if you were jumping into the 18% gray code that would be time to reach for bar of soap.

Not Taylor you're basically innocent and that's a good thing because your, from what I can tell, basically a very good person.

I can't say the same thing for Katy Perry, now I don't know Katy Perry but what I do know is when she does the turnaround jump shot she sometimes does it incorrectly.

But who can blame her, it's not like she is from Nashville!

Which gets back to the true meaning of Nashville, which gets back to Marlon Brando which gets back to Francis Ford Coppola. Which gets back to Italy which gets back to stuff on the garage or should I say the driveway. This place doesn't have a grudge but he does have an extended driveway and in an odd way I've got my laboratory set up on the driveway outside right now. It's full of code.

I want to state that clearly and sharply, I have been doing an unbelievable amount of something that is called Codex.

That's what's extreme in taxes right now, my Kodak's you know I was going to use that word but I was going to use it later the word I was going to use first was Kodak's and that I was could get back to Kodak now it's not even a type the word Kodak's, no wood will not.

It's just as well, that's the nature of Sophia Copeland now I said Copeland but I meant Sophia Coppola. You see she went Italy and got married without my permission. Which gets back to problems with Katy Perry which gets back to problems with Kelly Clarkson which gets back to problems in Austin Texas.

Believe it or not a lot of people have shaken my hand. The best one was from Austin Texas. I've given you this lecture before so it's a repeat so I will stop. Before I stopped I got a make a left-handed slap at Austin taxes. Because sometimes we go to Austin taxes you have to start slapping things around. That is to say Austin taxes no it's not a sales tax at the state and is the capital of the state of Texas called Boston called Austin Texas.

This reminds me of Sesame Street and another cartoon that's unrelated to Sesame Street called something do with connections and connections. It's a cartoon guy that talks about stuff and use and he uses verbs and all kinds of stuff. Which gets back to Johnny bravo which gets back to Arlington Texas.

That's right, Johnny bravo indirectly creates a lasso in Arlington taxes which indirectly makes a secondary lasso at the University of Texas at Dallas which is really in Richardson.

You guys are going to have to start believing the sooner or later.

Of course that would take us to Norman Oklahoma which would take us to a voodoo map in the back of my car that's: 500.

I drive a car: 500 and in the back of that vehicle is a voodoo map. I'm serious. I made a huge movie yesterday and documented the voodoo power of that map in the back of that vehicle.

You know what that vehicle is super voodoo charged right now. I'm talking interplanetary, galactic, voodoo superpower.

Ladies and gentlemen I can prove this, I can document it, I have documented it, I would give it to you but have no place to put it.

Now I could burn it, which gets back to something I did yesterday and that was burn some information.

Some things I have to keep out of the hands of the evildoers. Somewhere there is a word called GUI or goons. So I have to keep the real stuff away from them and push the static because it's a static world.

But I'm not a static person, you unfortunately our static so I could tell you to get off my frequency or I could go to get off my cloud or I could figure on the stick.

Let's talk about that.

You need to get on the stick, I'm a data point this morning when I walked in with an empty jar of peanut butter. I did that at a coffee shop I did it this morning, I went to a coffee shop called Starbucks across from Tom Thumb which is across the street from Bank of America area of unmade movies there before.

I've made movies there before.

Now, I tried to leave a dime on top of the lamp inside of the men's room but the lamp is different there and I think the dime ended up in the sink. Which means it was a cross talk code. If you were the original source code individual you would know that the professor meant to put the dime on top of the lamp.

If you know the professor you'll also know he always has a backup plan because that's his nature.

Simply go to China and look for tobacco!

And if you need some condiments they go to the post.

Which gets back to condiments.

Which gets back to a movie I made yesterday about Russian novelists.

Which gets back to Whataburger and sports teams in Dallas Texas. In truth not all of the teams are in Dallas Texans some are in Arlington Texas which gets back to Johnny bravo in a left-handed way.

You know I like that segue, here's why, Johnny bravo goes to Scooby Doo. And ladies and gentlemen we are in one gigantic stooge we are in one gigantic Scooby Doo syndrome.

I think I need a copyright that term, the Scooby Doo syndrome, I should probably define it, okay, you need a van and in truth, if you have everything I'd image you would have the keys to the Van because I literally have some keys to abandon. Which really is a Scooby Doo moment.

This gets back to shaggy and we need to ask ourselves who is shaggy. This gets back to the two girls and now were back to balance vagina. Now we are back to Allen's vagina. No it's not Alan but you know what let's just say it's Alan matter-of-fact let's call the blonde guy with a weird kind what ever drives the van let's say he has vagina. As a matter-of-fact let's call everyone in the entire cast of Scooby Doo various forms of vaginal cavities.

That's right I'm calling the entire Scooby Doo cartoon one giant vagina.

It makes everything easier if we just look at it as one giant vagina and this helps me move into darts because if I do this pitch were giving me the giant vagina.

It's got to do with all those condiments acclamation point!!!!

Which gets back to Russian novelists which gets back to who really has the biggest poll.

Need we ask this question papers? Need we ask this question, they dress okay it's a Greek name. I think it's got some Hindu Isocrates. I think it's got some Hindu Isocrates but I find it interesting that it's now Hindu which gets back to Mindy.

This gets back to some more Scooby Doo moments I can't get to. I'm supposed to draw line between Mindy, the Big Bang theory, and the new girl. The problem or should I say the point of contention has to do with boners. That's right I said the word boners. Which gets back to a cartoon moment and Garland Texas. Garland taxes doesn't have any problems with boners. Which is part of Garland's problem. You know the professor needs to go out to the driveway and take some pictures. But if I did what was best for the state of taxes we would all have some beef. Because beef is what's for dinner.

That's the problem with the state of Texas and Garland, simply put, the state of taxes is actually a vegetarian state. The state of taxes is a vegetarian state. Basically I'm saying that the doctor who's in kind of a Boehner  should move to taxes because then she can be at home because taxes is a place for vegetarians.

Me I'm a dinosaur, I eat meat, I'm not the kind of dinosaur that likes vegetables I like flash and sometimes I like to eat my flesh raw. Which gets back to Alan know I said: no I said this standup comedian who was known as Ellen did generous. While I got something right. Does this mean I have to put Allen's penis in my mouth?. I think that's what Elton John wants. Well I'm sorry Mr. John, I'm simply more of the vagina guy, and I like my vagina raw, perhaps I like sushi, I don't know I've only had it once and that was his cargo, note that was sent to Cisco. While it's misspelling names. I said Chicago and then I said San Francisco which gets back to problems with TV talk show hosts.

I never explained the issues I have with Conan O'Brien and feeling sorry for Jay Leno.

It's a very complicated story. Basically Jay Leno was blackmailed by a variation of Tina Fey, not Tina Fey is a very complex creature, Steve Correll and Tina Fey are actually the same person. I say this because they both had sex with Conan O'Brien. That's right: O'Brien had sex with Steve Correll and Tina Fey at the same time because they're actually the same person. It's inside voodoo map in the trunk of the 500. I'm not kidding!

Basically Steve Correll threatened Jay Leno, he said he was going to take Mr. Leno's children and put them inside of a damn somewhere in Kentucky. Which has to do with Nashville and an unusual way. But remember Nashville is actually a horror story if you read the map correctly. I know this because that's what Marlon Brando told me!

Widgets back to being on the deck and seeing spirits and all kinds of other things which gets back the driveway and driveway moments.

This gets us back to a variation on Amy now we have a lot of Amy's in the, don't again but there's this one Amy who makes a left-handed turn around France. And when she is making a left-handed turn in France she asks for a stick of fire to light a cigarette. Trust me you just had to have been there.

Which gets back to making pooh-pooh at a JCPenney's. Which gets back to the newspaper which gets back to stuff on the coffee table right now. I'm literally looking at a variation of JCPenney's on the coffee table only its Macy's and it's got all kinds of books around. Which gets back to what that page is the page is 3-D. I'm not joking the page is 3-D! Which gets back to something invisible that I have not shown. That I have not shown you.

This gets back to the ring on my finger I had today while I was talking to two lesbians about their canoes only I didn't talk to them about their canoes I talked to them about being an artist. What I should've done was tell them, look, ladies, let's go back to your place and let me work on your canoes.

But this gets back to TV talk show hosts which takes us back to Taylor Swift which takes us back to Georgia satellites which takes us back to Katy Perry and then does a left-handed turn in front of the other girl. What's her name? Lindsay Lohan, that's her name. Now once you're at Lindsay Lohan you can make more turns and end up with the other girl, what's her name? She shaved her head and she has kids, Britney Spears. Yes were now in a bar in Richardson taxes and the bar is called a bar and it is in Richardson taxes and I'm looking at Britney Spears and a variation of a bird called a Raven.

You people think I'm kidding!

When the truth is told you people are going to have the biggest wake-up call you've ever had in your entire life! I'm not a very good liar and I'm not a very good cat or. I'm not a very good comedian or should I say Kidder.

This gets us back to Nicole Kidman, this would be a good thing because Nicole needs a good lashing from a belt I bought today at the thrift store.

But now I'm giving you too much information.

Let me just give you yesterday's post.

042213_846AM G,TX

Today would be 8:23 AM, April 22, 2013 from Garland Texas. I don't know what I've given you and what is out there. I tried to tell your story about a person named Peter Norton. He's one of the fundamental building blocks in personal computers. This gets back to Bill and Melinda only Melinda wasn't around.

It also gets back to the garage and it gets back to a series of Steve's.

You know there's a lot of stuff I've tried to tell you and everything is malfunctioning.

Every time I start this computer the Dragon tells me I'm on a limited time. The Dragon tells me I have two more times to start this program before it collapses.

I would make this clear, this is an activated copy of Dragon using a serial number only assigned to this computer. I have two active copies of Dragon I have two different installs of Dragon 11.5.

I own two copies of Dragon 11.5. One copy is here. Now the phone is trying to distract me because that's the nature that's the nature of Garland Texas.

Which expected coins.

Which expected this morning.

I woke up this morning and realized I had a giant problem that I documented last night.

It's written down on some graph paper. I should probably take a picture of it and post it here so you will, it's going to affect you, it's a big deal, it's about the devil in the details.

Now I need to give you a double lecture, a devil type of lecture.

The world does not understand the devil and the world has a problem understanding certain dynamics associated with God.

I can straighten this stuff out but the world is along the two. But the world does not want me to.

Which gets back to what I realized when I woke up this morning.

It's got to do with Canada and it's got to do with television.

This is a complicated twisting pitch, very sophisticated and very complicated.

Basically I have to talk to the devil himself.

Now you people don't understand the devil, there are various forms of the devil, the real devil, the one I've met in the spiritual world, is actually a very pleasant guy that gets offended when you talk about the devil.

Guidance cost for this because it's basically all true. That is to say God is comfortable with this. Because it's all true.

But the devil's in the details and you ladies and gentlemen are the details and today I have to speak to a devil.

The devil I have to speak to has a name and it's a unique name indeed. The devil I have to speak to today is called Tina Fey.

Now you need some background, I actually find Tina Fey to be one of the most attractive and pleasant and perfect people in the entire world. Which explains why the devil would be wrapped up in her envelope.

It's kind of talking to a wig because a wig would also be that dynamic and from time to time a wig is the devil as well. But the devil and that which is not on the mannequin right now.

The mannequin is Tina Fey.

So now I have to bring in Canada because Canada is a critical part in understanding the devil inside Tina Fey.

This all sounds like something……………..

Yes it does, I have a clock and I have a calendar, unfortunately God has a clock and God has a calendar and God's clock and God's calendar have nothing to do with mine.

God gives me a lot of leeway, sometimes God gives me no leeway, I'm in a kind of no leeway situation right now. I have to follow God's calendar and God's clock.

God does give me leeway and I am given the ability to interpret God's so-called calendar.

I wanted this to start in May, the fifth month of 2013. Ideally it would've started on the fifth day of the fifth month. But God has a calendar and God has a watch which gets back to artwork I can't post because the devil's in the details and the devil will not allow me to post.

But God has given me a magic wand and God has given me a magic key. In fact I have two magic wands and to magic cheese. I was only going to carry one but now I realize I better carry both.

Okay, let's call this, for my benefit please, the fifth month in the fifth day of 2008 13 2013 my goodness it did that completely differently.

Let's imagine him talking to Tina Fey.

Now, Tina Fey, your writer, you're not really an actor but you are a very good actress your primary purpose is in creativity and writing. Which works great, that's one of the reasons why men love with you, now I know you're married and I know you have children and I'm not really coming on to you.

Unless you're interested in that it's a different point. Then it's a different calling!

It's not a type that correctly that's fine. I'm trying to make humor and heaven only knows I can't really do humor very well especially when this wonderful since voice recognition and the fact that it thinks I'm a pirate!

You know Computerworld we have a thing called about. I'm about to ring your bell because we have a thing called about.

A thing called a bell a Liberty Bell.

To Fay, Tina Fey, imagine your character, this shouldn't be too hard, you've actually imagined a dynamic of this character before. You were not the character but today you have to become the character, if at all possible, Tina Fey, the original source code team needs to communicate with you, this is an actual fact that I can prove.

Tina you need to find a portable restroom! You need to go inside a portable restroom and use the bathroom.

I don't know how they're going to do it but they are going to do it. I keep thinking it's in the lead of the seat or perhaps it's in the toilet paper. The original team wants to talk to you and they want you to go to a portable restroom.

Ms. Fey, I know you're in the mix and I know you're in the game and for once you're going to have to trust me. I'm not acting alone despite what the devil may tell you with the devil's details. There's actually quite a large group and NBC has a lot to do with it. You have a relationship with NBC, right now I would call that a very unfortunate event indeed!

So you need to find a portable potty.

The devil's in the details, get only thing about upstate New York, do you know anything about San Francisco, do you know anything about rock 'n roll, do you know anything about country and Western music.

I keep talking about what God has called this on his calendar. But I haven't told you what that is, knowing truth God doesn't write in my script God writes in his own script. I merely translated and personalize.

So let me give you my personalized interpretation of God's:.

Of God's calendar.

I would call this the fifth month, the fifth day of 2013, which is where I would start the ball rolling, this is called crazy talk.

Let me rephrase that directly, it's called crazy talk.

Now we've got a bigger issue, it's on graph paper that I have to implement.

It's a big deal.

So were starting crazy talk, a new dialogue within the dialogue, I now have magic coins and I have magic wands and I have magic hats times infinity.

And now we've got the devil and I'm trying to talk to the devil in a portable potty because Tina Fey is the devil today.

I'm doing the best I can.

Which means I really need to get the vehicle and make a series of rotations.

Which means I need to make a movie because I need to retrieve both magic wands.

Which means I need to post the movie signal what's going on….. Which means I have problems.

And I've got a dragon that's malfunctioning and I've got an Apple that's basically totally broken. The apples not broken it's you putting your fingers in the pie and you're standing in a corner only you're on a chair upside down.

That's the nature of the devil with the devils inside of Tina Fey.

Which gets back to Canada.

Which gets back to Nashville. Ladies and gentlemen this actually ties together and make sense, I'm not kidding, every single thing I'm writing makes absolute sense if I could just show it to you.

That's one of the words are kind of my enemy, artwork is kind of my friend, but I have no place to put my artwork as you told me yesterday when I tried to give you the big picture.

Yesterday, that was Sunday, April 21, 2013, from Garland Texas, I was attempting to coat both to Fort Worth and Dallas and do a type of code dance and reveal the entire source code to you. You would let me do it.

I know that taking my shirt off and undressing in public which is fine because in my artwork it was highly sexual. That is to say the artwork comes going to give you was a true dark. Was a true dark.

Was a true throwing of the dartboard.

Which gets back to the way I talk in the fact that I'm actually left-handed only you would never know it because I'm right-handed.

Which gets back to crazy talk and God's calendar.

Which gets back to Nashville and new coins and new magic wands and a pile of trash.

It only looks like a pile of trash in truth it's not trash it all.

Which gets back to portable parties and Tina Fey.

I really need to explain to you how the dynamics of intelligent works around the world. This has to do with working on the islands, I've been standing on a bunch of islands lately and I've been working with a bunch of intelligence the classic kind of intelligence.

Basically we have a problem with country and Western music.

Let's just say we have a world of problems and I'm trying to solve all of them at once. That's my nature, I kind of have a major defect, I can't solve one problem I have to solve all the problems together at the same time. I'm not a very good juggler.

Which gets back to the three of clubs and the fact that I have to give you some artwork.

But ladies and gentlemen what I learned last night is the artwork has to disappear.

I'm afraid all that has to disappear. I wasn't really about driving things off a cliff because I knew God didn't want me to drive anything off a cliff.

God I have an unusual relationship in this artwork needs to stand because it serves God's purpose. But today the devils in the details and today the devil is in a portable potty that Tina Fey is supposed to walk into.

In truth Tina Fey is not going to walk into a portable potty, you and I know that, therefore I see a cliff.

That's not what God wants.

Canada can save the day if I can only reach Canada.

Maybe I can try to reach Canada.

You know it's got to do with the 1959 Lincoln!

That's not a joke and that's a lie.


the line is do I dare, and the Q.

I'm typing directly into this which is not a good thing, history has taught me many things but history now teaches me you need to go indirectly and feed the site directly. The dragons telling you it's going to turn off despite the legal issues and the fact that you own a legal copy.

It really is into it and the Peter Norton's syndrome. That is to say the company who started Quicken.

It really is the evil monsters and it really is an evil binary world. And I really do have the answers and solutions because I'm looking in God's calendar.

But the devils in the details and the saviors in the artwork and that's the truth if you could only see the artwork correctly.

Now mankind is more of a devil the devil himself. Which is an odd thing when you think about hands and the laying on of hands.

This is really about me trying to start the Apple Computer and retrieving artwork.

Now I always have a backup plan and I have backup artwork. I have a way of retrieving the artwork without starting the Apple.

But the Apple has the artwork peeled and the Apple has the artwork juiced could so the Apple has the artwork peeled and juiced and the Apple has a platter or trade for you to eat the peeled apples and a glass for you to drink the juice.

The problem is, the Apple, has pickle juice all over it.

Which gets back to Fort Worth and really explains all the problems I've had, yesterday.

When you think about it everything began to come apart when I was trying to go to Fort Worth. I do not want to go to Fort Worth and I did not give, really, are rats asked about the big picture.

The big picture is your deal not mine.

Unfortunately there was the original team and the original team wanted me to make an appearance in Fort Worth and walk down some alleyways.

It's okay because I was able to walk down my own alleyway and take off my shirt and make some new artwork.

Which gets back to the artwork and the fact that Tina Fey is not going to go into a portable toilet today.

Which is a very bad thing for country-western music!

It's a bad thing for rock 'n roll!

You guys surely realize I can tie this together with quite a lasso I already have the artwork!

I just have no place to put it.

So you could, shall we, thieves but the problem is the seeds are covered with blood.

When you talk about blood.

We need to talk about blood, you got some blood problems.

Then again this is crazy talk and it's a God calendar and if it were up to me it would be made already and approximately the fifth.

But it's April  and the Dragon does a little jumpy jump jump hop hop. Maybe the dragons really a bunny which gets back to Polaroids which gets back to Polaroids and gets back to magic wands and magic coins and the fact I got a watch and I've got a bunny I've got a catch. It's 9 AM I have to post and run.

I have to go to a train track.


They know where the train track is the thing they don't know is what the train track does. That's the problems with Nebraska which gets back to the problems with the cotton bowl which gets back to the problems with water which gets backed up an order fee and a left-handed way in my artwork.

I can draw pictures of ghosts and I can draw pitchers openhearted. Pornography.

The ghost work and social topography and limited oppositions if you were here.

And believe it or not there's a sense of humor here.

It's hard to find but that's okay I have to retrieve to magic wands and I'm going to go ahead and load the briefcases.

If really do this thing, and if I'm going to go to the road tracks, I need my magic wands.

Which gets back to eBay and paintings and the dynamics of Ireland and the dynamics of England.

Which gets back to being a pop star, the rock show, putting your wig on straight, don't be late, we have a very important date!

This crazy talk actually makes sense if you can only decipher.

I have the keys and I have the code which reminds me I really need to take all of the briefcases.

I have a very unique Canadian key, this is not a joke and this is not a test this is the absolute truth.

Which gets back to rock 'n roll and the researcher have to do.

Which gets back to the University of Texas at Dallas which is ruling rejection and something the world would let me post last night.

By the way, I carry with me, as of late, a small blue pad. The last entry on the pad is from the malfunction last night. John Malkovich has lightly touched things as of late and wasn't last night's post.

No we could talk about John Malkovich and we talk about little doors and little doorways were we talk about John. Or maybe it's not just, maybe it's not junk, were we could talk about junk and candlesticks and bicycles built for two.

Yes it is John John Cusack.

Okay I got to say something about John Chu sack, yes yes yes yes yes, John Cusack, he was a movie with Dan Aykroyd and I spoke about this at length with some thanks.

Dan Freud was trying to form a union and that actually has to do with NBC and Tina Fey.

So I'm trying to form a union, I believe in unions and I believe in workers rights so I'm trying to create a union for workers rights.

It's the union of the lunatic fringe and psycho killers.  Kiss, kiss, yesterday I had peanut butter in the front seat.

When you see. Better in the front seat it would be called a duck and cover.

You know I like that idea, uncategorized grocery store I have to go to the grocery store and buy some magic fuel for my magic wands.

A lot of people don't know this but magic wands actually do run on fuel.

Anyway I better refuel my magic wands and it takes a unique type of fuel.

Which gets back to peanut butter, I need enough for couple of days.

Which gets back to college in night school notebooks and lectures I was trying to give you last night that you would let me post.

Which gets back to artwork, people you need my artwork and you need this information.

I know this is crazy talk, it has to be crazy talk, because Canada won't have it any other way, now Canada, we have an election now and again. What's in my pocket is important. Which gets back to Mr. Peabody.

All right Canada I'm calling you into the arena.

Mr. Peabody was who and Mr. Peabody did what!

What was Mr. Peabody doing.

Who is on the railroad tracks!

Yes I know it needs different punctuation but that has to do with issues with Mr. whiplash.

I think his name is snidely whiplash and I think he's got someone called the Tauscher with him.

Which gets back to Natasha. You know Natasha you play a big picture if you could only paint yourself in. Which gets back to helicopters and peace signs and the University of Texas at Dallas.

Which takes us back to the portable potty and back to Tina Fey and will Tina Fey please find the original sequence passcode.

You know I have a Canadian key in the have to carry that with me.

Now both briefcases have to go the train track and for up to me I would type.

The Dragon wouldn't type that. The Dragon tales may only have two more times courtrooms off which means I better leave this computer on and I better leave it up.

You people are broken the Apple.

I really don't have a lot of stuff, and then again I've got too much stuff and I've got a lot of too much stuff.

But the things that work is what I need and things don't really seem to be working so much for me. Sometimes I'm a poet and I just don't know it. If I had only look at my shoes I'd realize, my God these things are coming apart.

So much for poetry.

It gets back to little blue notebook.

Let's form a union forthe thing is jumping around, and now the thing is putting words together let's collect foreshadowing. You know I don't like that ever use that word before in my entire life. Foreshadowing! I'm only using it now because it through two words together that aren't supposed to be together and I had the opportunity to use the word foreshadowing.

Maybe I used it correctly, strangely I believe I did, but that's crazy talk.

Where was I, I was in poetry somewhere, what good are notebooks, actually they're very good and I believe you should stay in college and go to night school, let's be different this time.

Let's be well educated psycho killers and loot lunatic fringe components.

Kiss, kiss, kiss.

You know there is going to be a portable potty there.

You know this is a NASA issue.

You do realize I'm making a lasso here.

You do realize that's were flying over the North Pole!

I'm trying to recover a lost body!

Yes I'm not always the evil guy you might think sometimes I go to the airport trying to save human lives.

That's why I was a good fit at the airport when I was there.

But this gets back to the nature of the airport and somebody had tried to tell you yesterday but couldn't get around to.

It has to do with the Postal Service, seriously, a problem in American dynamics. This was also a problem in Norway not so long ago.

Did I tell you in building a lasso but I'm building a rope made of human hair. It looks like a net and if you could walk into the cave and you could walk back in time and look at the caveman you'd realize it actually is and that made out of human care.

Human hair.

It's for catching fish if you only knew how to fish. Which is about bears which is about parasites which is about a wheelbarrow which is about artwork.

Yes ladies and gentlemen I do need a website where I can dump all my artwork and you people can unravel this.

This actually makes sense and go somewhere and just telling you the past present and future.

Meanwhile we've got the train tracks Canadians and me building a laugh so trying to recover frozen bodies lost somewhere over the North Pole.

That's because I'm reaching for perfection.

At one time things were perfect when you cross the river moving north from south. And then perfection left this place and moved west and the West didn't like the perfection.

Now the West would build a tower and the West would build a road. The road would be in taxes but the towers in the West but both the road and the tower played to perfection and what's lost somewhere in the North Pole.

Which gets back to artwork that I made yesterday.

I really need to give this to you because important.

I would call it a towering issue!

But that's crazy talk.

Which gets back to: O'Brien and problems with late-night television. You guys realize without a lot of enemies of course the enemy on the front burner right now is Peter Norton, he has always been an enemy. It's just something as of late.

We also have voodoo and within voodoo we can drive to Plano Texas. We've got all kinds of food, it's in the briefcases.

Don't stand by the window.

It's Monday, do you have a compass? I do so only the way so why don't you!

We've got voodoo and we've got artwork and we've got bloated briefcases.

Okay maybe our bloated but I don't see it.

They're loaded.

I have to get to Canada and I've got to get to train tracks. And I've got to do it in a wink because a wink is what one would do.

Which is packed Vanna White and Pat Sajak. You know Vanna White and Pat Sajak have no idea there on the radar, they're literally on the radar!

The Oprah Winfrey know she's on the radar and so does all of Chicago.

That's right Oprah Winfrey and Chicago is on the radar. It's a complicated story that sounds crazy but explains why God has penciled into his calendar.

You really need some artwork.


yes I have to do it again

Typing directly into this application.

This has to do with country and Western music trapped in rock 'n roll. This would allude to Jimmy Buffett but in truth it's not Jimmy Buffett. It's Greenpeace. It's Greenpeace.

It's I don't have a garage you can call home and asked my wife.

The joys of voice recognition.

And I wonder why I lose my place? I'm here for a reason and what is that reason.

Yes yes yes I remember.

One time at the trip and I left the farm. I had it done and I was shooting for some food.

And up through the ground came a bubbling brew.

So off to California I did go to see the hillbillies and their rock 'n roll.

So we did rock and we did role because that is California dreaming.

And within that I matter which and the witch who had a husband named Dick. NASDAQ was a good guy, unfortunately he hurt his back but Samantha loved him nevertheless.

And Samantha had a child.

And Fred Flintstone had a child and the child was named Pebbles.

Now Pebbles like a little caveman boy named Bam Bam.

Now we get to Bam Bam thank you ma'am.

now we get back to the point because at long last our member the point.

I took a trip, will: Omaha. There's another rock 'n roll thing that's better but I can't remember.

For now we'll just call it Omaha.

and the things jumping around, I better get to the point. Sorting the trip, this was last year in 2012. There were things on various burners and we went to the city with the bridge. And if you understood, we built this city.

And that's something Ms. Lek is going to have to deal with because that is the greatest song the slick ever dead. The slick ever dead. The slick ever finished. It's actually a word that begins with the letter D that is and don't but dead. No it still won't type it. So would you do that I did! And so I did and so I did make it type.

Where am I, yes I'm on my way to California. I've had to take the Rent-A-Car away and I've driven to a target store. That's right a retail store names target, it should capitalize that and I think target has something to do with Minnesota. Or perhaps it's something else, I know that somehow target and Albertsons are interrelated and it has something to do with not understanding how you spice things up to and something tells me that has something to do with Minneapolis-St. Paul which is something entirely different.

And again it's not so different.

I wonder, did have a drink a racetrack there?

Anyway I'm in a parking lot in target and it's raining and there's a lightning storm. Now God has done a lot of stuff on this day and especially in this vehicle and I'm trying to recorded on film. I haven't given you that film because it's not supposed to be given to you yet. I'm not sure it's ever supposed to be given to you but the devils in the details and if you understand Thanksgiving you realize we've got a problem in the family.

So we've got family problems and we've got Thanksgiving.

Here's the deal, this is a true story, I'm in a Rent-A-Car, I think it's in Arizona, I'm almost for certain it is in Arizona, it's raining, God has just done all kinds of miracles around me and I'm trying to record them for you with the camera and a voice recorder. And I'm doing this on my way to California in a Rent-A-Car parked an asphalt parking lot at a target store somewhere and Arizona.

And I start talking about products and using products because God wanted me to convey meaning in messages through products.

Which gets back to something God told me to do today.

Which gets back to problems Indians have.

You know sometimes Indians don't have it together and sometimes a chief comes along that has a together and tries to explain it to the Indians, but the Indians want to stand under a flag on a pole in the poll is about to turn into a bat and club them to death.

So the Indians turned into a caveman and says look at my club and look at my magic beans.

Which gets back to one of my time and things I tried to tell you last night but couldn't get to.

Which gets back to something I've got to do, I really should film it but I'm hoping somehow you'll capture the meaning.

Essentially God wants me to use brands to tell you something.

Now we have a staircase at this facility in the staircases magic and I've made many movies around the staircase.

I've yelled and screamed about these movies especially yesterday.

This has to do with country and Western music and to people in tissue mango. Two people in tissue mango which has everything to do with the Indians. Two people and tissue mango Oklahoma which has everything to do with Indians. In fact it's got everything to do with the capital of the brother.

You know it's not going to type the word tissue mango.

There's a Dairy Queen there and they have a stoplight and there's a college there as well.

Okay I'm yelling and screaming at country Western music, I'm not really yelling and screaming at anything in Oklahoma but Oklahoma is around what I'm yelling and screaming at concerning country-western music.

So I decided to do something different and make a peace offering and I cut a flower and put it into balls. And put the flour in a vase.

The flour is on the staircase now on a thing called a landing.

It's in front of a print by Salvador Dali. Now you need to go to whites broke Texas and you need to look at my artwork I created in whites broke Texas. Did you know there's a Dairy Queen in whites broke Texas and there's a library but it's not going to talk tissue mango and is not going to type the town in Texas.

Which gets back to water and believe it or not yesterday's story and yesterday's an order fee is about water.

Okay I'm doing something it's about a bubbling brew.

Yes yes yes it's about Arizona and brand names.

NPR was on NPR was getting a direct feed from the capture unit within the console of the Rent-A-Car.

I explained to them that it's not what they seemed in a regurgitated that information to me.

Okay, NPR, it's Steely Dan, I know you have a problem understanding rock 'n roll so I'm going to explain it to you, you could call it an aspect of Asia and the guinea pig called something different. An aspect of Asia and it has nothing to do with the guinea pig but since you're going to put a guinea pig in it let's make it a Vietnamese peg.

You know Vietnam has a type of pig that's very cute.

Which gets back to Asia and all kinds of problems I'm having with Asia.

Which gets back to a piece of artwork of supposed you yesterday and couldn't because everything jumped into the Apple.

You know I meant to give you a triptych.

Let me repeat that precisely.

I have created a triptych, a piece of hard work comprising three components, now it comprises many more components than three and has all kinds of condiments.

This is a fact and it is the absolute truth.

You know what I'm going to prove it, I'm going to take some of the condiments to the train track will call to Fort Worth condiments.

The condiments are divided into two groups, the Fort Worth group and the Dallas and midcity screw. Now these condiments have to do with the triptych.

The triptych has to do with the truth and the truth is in the details. Which has everything to do with Asia but maybe not so much with Steely Dan but then again who knows.

Okay I need to get a match and I need to light a cigarette.

It's a special match and I hold the special match in my hand because I have pictured.

I have procured it. I don't use that word very often, I'm not sure I've ever use that word the word is to obtain or picture or picture...

Let me obtain that someone call the procured department...

That's not exactly right but it's damn close.

Okay so I go light a cigarette because I'm doing it for Jesus not doing it for Arizona.

I'm not really doing it for MPR because NPR makes me angry and then again so does Arizona.

But none of this makes me as angry as she stood. Chest and makes me very angry.

It's not going to type that, I said Houston! We might as well put a John Mayer and call it John Houston. Then we can talk about cowboys and I can get even more angry.

Then we can talk about a white entrain and we can talk about Gunsmoke. A wagon train.

None of this is typing correctly.

Let's just get the match and like a cigarette and get on her way it's now almost 10 o'clock.

All for the sake of name brands! Don't ask me, it's God's calendar, it looks to me like crazy talk!

888888  start 12:43 PM

I want to do the artwork, to do that I need to fire the Apple up, that's not a good idea, according to what I saw yesterday.

Which gets back to repeat lectures. I never wanted to do another repeat lecture but it seems that with every single teaching of this course I have to review fundamentals.

So we're going to review some basic fundamentals in kind of a lopsided way.

First we need to look at nomenclature or terminology.

In this part of the world there is a common term, (to shake a stick at.)  Seeing that they are written on the page makes it look goofy. Essentially I'm going to be doing some stick shaking. Now the entire things completely changed its context. Maybe I should pick up some rocks. Now laterally to pick up rocks at from plenty of bricks.

I don't think it's a good idea to throw bracts but I don't think it's a good idea to throw sticks and stones. But sometimes you do better rattle the cage and if you're going to rattle the cage of a gorilla I would recommend a large stick.

And take note if the gorilla grabs the stick run.

Did I tell you I'm feeling quite devilish. I am, so I'm putting on my holy shirt, don't believe in, let me take a picture of my holy shirt. I'm putting the holy shirt on because I've been board-certified to be a devilish person, not again. So I am a board certified double at times. Hence the holy shirt. You realize theirs upon just staring me in the face there, I'm going to leave it alone but surely you can follow the draft and when I get devilish you're going to realize, this guy scaring some magnitude in his board certification.

Which gets back to an image I gave you a while back, it should still be up there somewhere, when I'm giving you a board-certified thing. I think some dude with a toolbox, by the way, which gets back to family tools, which gets back to the CIA. Which gets back to Bernard Murphy and we can jump ship and we can go all around the world.

Benard sees everywhere. I sent banal graffiti is everywhere. I said we have graphical images of sexually explicit images everywhere or banal graffiti is universal.

It's not going to type it.

This is making me feel quite devilish, a better photograph the shirt and put it on if I'm going to be board-certified devilish. Excuse me while I get up and get the camera. That reminds me, the Samsung needs a new battery, I filled up to memory cards and exhausted the battery twice in less than 24 hours.

I don't know why I'm wasting my time, I'm intending to give you all of this material, but the Devils will leave well enough alone and let me do my work in peace. Which gets back to the University of Texas at Dallas.

I never know which part of this document I've been able to launch in which part I haven't been able to watch.

There's quite a bit I meant to launch whichever got launched.

Which gets back to being devilish and not watching the clock. On the other hand if I have opened the door and didn't have a barrage of excrement flying around me in circles I would've made time for an appropriate meal.

Instead I had to look at various forms of something called the Louisville. That's not correct let's see if it will type the word goon I can't see because it's below the line yes now I can it appears it did type it. So now let's see if it will type GUI, no it won't.

You know what let's get devilish. I'm going to put on the holy shirt and turn into a devil.

Like I say I have a whole pass and I'm board-certified, solution not really anything you can do about it, just follow that guy from Texas that was running for governor, you remember, he was running against Ann Richards, and he made the statement, sometimes you just have to roll over and take it.

It's kind of a variation on that only I'm guessing it up only I am dishing it out for you on this platter.

Which gets back to all kinds of platters and the different types of wheelbarrows. Which gets back to Taylor Swift, now I hadn't meant to discuss Taylor Swift but she came up in the cold because she had to do a little Shakespearean dance. That's what's amazing, sometimes people walk directly into the line of code and don't even know what.

Taylor Swift has no idea that her line of code is actually for a Georgia satellite. I can explain this in great detail and you will all understand. On the other hand I can say just look at Shakespeare, that's the better way to approach it to….

While you're there you'll find yourself in Georgia and to the South Florida and your next Alabama not too far away from Mississippi, Louisiana, now you're working away to Texas, there's Arkansas, there's north of the river, that's cold Oklahoma, which gets back to joke when you smell, newer. Calc maneuver…. Bovine excrement. The joys of voice recognition.

 44444  let us imagine a small line of Ford's

Above that was just today and now were at today. Which brings us to a different point in space and time.

I walked to the Ford and I thought to myself I need to throw a Barak. I need to throw a brick. Which gets back to Barak and brick and bric-a-brac and another cartoon with a ghost. He was kind of the spaceship ghost and he had this kind of strange alien creature that was like a praying mantis. You just have to believe me.

Anyway I would afford it I thought about throwing a brick because you guys are going to speed I can tell that because Granny will not get her gun. Which gets back to the weapon in my right hand. It's quite a weapon indeed and the wonderful thing is it's invisible. So I decided to pick up a brick so you'll know there's a real weapon in the right hand.

Then God said, don't do that Jeffrey, unlocked the door and go upstairs and go ahead and open the pack and finish the last smoke. Let's call it an a list, you know Jeffrey is not the type that right if you quote me so go ahead and call it an a list, we'll let the misquote stand, pretend like you're in Arizona.

You know what this means don't you,

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