Friday, April 26, 2013

Fair Bif Tx Big but abc wants In TV Talk BS

You just can't trust the funny papers anymore.


By the way those numbers are actually magic code that I started to photograph. I didn't do it because those are pretty deep magic numbers.

It's time for me to tell the truth.

I like pretending that I'm George Washington.

Today I was pretending like I was George Washington and a girl by the name of Amy Adams came in. I think her name is Amy Adams, in truth I don't know, she's the actress that did this movie about being a cartoon person that came to life. I think it Amy Adams. She has a beautiful voice and is a beautiful woman. She also did a movie about a time traveler.

Anyways let's pretend like I'm a time traveling George Washington. If you want we can do it with peanuts. Of course that would change the makeup department but it's only costumes.

Anyway today I pretend like I'm George Washington and Amy Adams comes in with a bunch of birds. It's kind of like yesterday when I was dealing with the Covey. You know I actually drove down the street called Covey and that's where we did the waterworks test.

Now of course I'm joking because I didn't do a waterworks test all yesterday.

But I do look a lot like George Washington!.

Anyway I'm driving my car today and I'm George Washington and I start imagining there's a girl jogging next me on the right-hand side of the road given the fact I was driving down the street that's a lot like a radio talkshow host. Or maybe he's a television talkshow host anyways names Glenn.

You could pretend like were going to the moon because there someone that went to the moon and it's kind of like Glenn as well.

No I don't think he actually made it to the moon but he did make it to the sender's to the Senate or the House of Representatives.

Anyway any Adams comes in and the bird struck telling me, there's a magic lease just ahead so you need to pull over and give George Washington a chance the handshake the girl who's jogging.

Of course the girl immediately started running away from me.

That's the problem with me being George Washington, whenever a magic moment comes in the opportunity arises for me to plot my magic wand all the girls run away.

I'm blaming this on the sausage because the sausage is kind of a winner which gets back the dynamics of Germany and Howard Stern.

That gets back to a lecture I was yelling and screaming about just before the nosebleed and my efforts to be Jackson Pollock.

I just need to learn to live with myself and stop pretending.

It's a good thing I'm making all of this up.

It's like the lady who was watering her yard as I was doing tests with water. Now if there was an original group and if there ever was an original manual she would know that by watering the lawn when I'm on this type of circuit means, come on in you and I are about to have sex!

But that's like listening to Terry Gross and people that are afraid to talk about sex.

Do you guys have any idea that this is all fiction.

That's about another type of Glenn that's really a Mitchell.

That author like to make up things as well because I was in the audience and so the camera did pan.

And I gave my best deadpan appearance.

Now when I'm acting like a deadpan you shouldn't confuse me with George Washington or Amy Adams or Terry Gross.

But this gets back to problems with David and Paul and David do have a lot of problems.

This gets back to Amy Adams and the fact that Amy Adams really wants to be Tina Fey.

But that has to do with Kentucky in when we talk about Kentucky would cut a deal with fried chicken.

This means I need to go to Albertsons and I need to leave the purple Rolex on some shelf somewhere.

Am I ever going to get that purple Rolex back?

And what about my wedding ring, you know the police department has my wedding ring, they think it belongs to that one guy. Some guy that somebody from Rhode Island referenced. I know because I can kind of visualize it, it's like they lifted the photograph from the Dallas newspaper and then put someone's head on it.

I think it's the CIA guy.

Then again it could be an alien, who knows.

Let's pretend together, you and I, let's pretend like I'm an alien in my names George Washington and your Amy Adams and you want the shirt off my back and you're willing to prove it if you'll just become a bird and a feather and we go hang out at the airport trying to find a tower that has the nanny cam in it.

Which is like talking about drinking coffee and what you like with your coffee while you're driving to the airport.

Which is kind of like going to Arlington Texas.

You know someone says there's an opportunity for us to go to Arlington Texas.

But now I need to go to the University of Texas at Dallas which is really in Richardson, I know that keeps coming up.

That's because there's a lot of original things there.

You would never know it because none of the original things existed when I moved there.

But we can talk about my office and when you're talking about my office then you can find someone that used to sit in my office chair that really was a part of the original crew.

Now you can ask her she was a party original crew and shall say no and she will be telling you the truth. That has something to do with some gallery somewhere, I think it's next to the South side. Which gets back to another artist that used to dress up like a porcupine.

This gets back to another individual who I must say is a part of the original crew.

The wonderful thing about this person is she is absolutely invaluable invisible and there's no way any of you all will ever find her.

I will give you a hint because that's my nature.

She probably works at the post office.

You would think so.

Now overlooking the right place we would go to the used bookstore but in truth that unit wouldn't give me the time of day.

Although according to David Ceder S it might have something to do with diabetes.

Even though David would never write about having sex with anything original.

This is why I'll never be on the Terry Gross show.

The heirs just not fresh there.

Which gets back to ponds and other pundits and other talk shows.

Where was I, I was trying to have sex with a woman watering her yard yesterday.

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