Tuesday, April 9, 2013

scientific ideology within the construct of cartooning graveyards and magic or hillbilly holy water

April 9, 2013, at Tuesday. Time 4:49 AM Central standard Time.

I'm already 10 min. late, I suppose I do need a title, scientific ideology within the construct of cartooning graveyards and magic or hillbilly holy water. < 6:12AM.

I went to bed very late last night or should I say very early this morning, it was after midnight but before 1 AM. Which means I've had less than 5 hours of sleep.

Normally I would go back to sleep, I've had a dream, but so what, I have a lot of dreams and this dream wasn't that much different than any other dream I might have. With one exception, as I entered a state of semi-consciousness to reflect upon the dream I realized it was a unique kind of dream. One I used to call, but tiedown sequence.

Now let's all pause for a 2nd and let's think about me, the writer and dreamer, and you, the reader of such silly nonsense.

From my perspective I know what the dream tied down and I realize what it was doing, it was taking yesterday's go code, a series of purchases made on the Internet, pertaining to the coded episode of Sunday, April 7, 2013.

Okay let's back up, I got up to make coffee and realized I could do in ABC, 123. And I can do all of this with complete anonymity.

That's right, I can give you an entire breakdown of the code now with complete anonymity, call it a tie down 3.: 8 tiedown dream. Let us call it a tie down dream.

_____ 888

Why not draw line throw out some numbers, I'm about to do that for real, I'm even going to let the dream work its way into the magic numbers. There I go, using network, magic! Not a good number to use if you want to retain anything scientific, unless you follow my magic nomenclature. I use the term magic quite uniquely, in my vocabulary the dynamics of magic is incorporated into the dynamics of science.


The Dragon just imploded and quit. For those of you new to the circuit am using a voice-recognition program related to a company which goes by the name of Dragon. Which opens an entirely different box which I'm not going to get into.

Anyway the program collapsed and the dialogue was created between the operating system and myself. I chose to ignore this dialogue, save the document, and reestablish the Dragon's rain.

So let's talk about magic, the program failed due to some type of processing clinch glitch whether it be within the written code itself or some integration between the code in the hardware. What I'm saying is, don't get me wrong the program quit because of some type of binary malfunction whether it be software or hardware. But I choose to call it magic.

This means Mr. and Mrs. scientist that you shouldn't leave the page just because I start throwing the word magic around. Here, magic has nothing to do with religion or Marlon or magical kingdoms. It's got to do with the way of thinking, not magical thinking like others have written about but a way of magical thinking that lets you sort things uniquely and specifically with a great deal of speed and dexterity.

 I can't believe that I got to use the word, dexterity, though now the Dragon is putting punctuation in different places and jumping around. This could be a problem even if I'm going to ABC in 1 to 3.

I better save and then get back to the Magic and why the program installed. Why the program hesitated or stalled and wouldn't act like a good horse or a good Dragon and giddyup.


Done, let's go back to April 8, 2013, from this reference point we could call that yesterday, who knows what I'm going to finish this document and if I'm going to do anything with it. I suppose we'll have to rely on the evil demons, perhaps though I can't find my Bullwinkle hat.

The program malfunctioned a few moments ago because of a dynamic associated with yesterday's go code. To make the correct static charge for the magic wand cast I needed to allude to geometry, specifically a circle or it a circl yes it's malfunctioning but I'm not going to correct it.

I needed to allude to a circle. Easy enough to do in the rock 'n roll world, the Beach boys, I get around.

I don't want to use the Beach boys, you see to do the go code using classical procedures I have to go into the binary world, the Internet, and do a type of dance. Easily done within various websites, Amazon, perhaps even Walmart, or any other number of sites that allow you to purchase music and downloaded. Download IT.

But I don't want the Beach boys and remember the Beach boys is a small part of the go code sequence.

Let's pause and go back one more day to April 7, 2013, a Sunday, and a day full of magic. Hold on science, it's not the magic you're going to see at a Las Vegas magic show or some type of book or movie, this is actually magic that you can take to a laboratory and apply the scientific method to.

But this means you're going to know something about the theater and something about improvisation. That's something science doesn't like to walk around which is exactly why I use it, remember, the code was developed not as a weapon but is an interesting sideline that developed into a language.

When the disaster 2000 happened, or should I say the election of 2000 in the United States of America and then the tragedy of 9/11 the language became something completely different. That is to say the coded language.

It's since evolved but this is 2013 and in 2013 I had to recover from October 12, 2012 which means I decided to go back to the original language that I talked to a select few. Remove evolution and get back to the so-called genome. The original genetic pattern.

Which gets back to the opportunity of ABC and 123. I'm going to take that opportunity right now and positivists and walked into life, it's quite dark outside right now so I'm going to need to put on some particular footwear, there's the odd nail and sticker and stone, I don't want to get anything in my foot, and I need a flashlight.

After all, I just experienced a tiedown dream which allows me to tell you a true 18% gray coded story and true actions I've done as of late concerning the code and do it with complete anonymity.

1st let's look at a different kind of Johnny, were going to call this Johnny be good, which is a different Johnny if you look at the one that says here's Johnny. That's a different Johnny.

So we have more than one Johnny and we have more than one Jamie and we have a lot of Amy's a lot of seras a lot of cirrus, and on George, quite a few Jennifer's, not many hey ladies, not many Haley's comments unless you consider the heavenly body that is a comment by its name a comment which would be a bebop.

Yes that's code. Anyway we've got all kinds of names that come back and forth and in and out and I'm trying to reach Johnny be good.

1st the slippers and flashlight, will need to find some Johnny be good, do I have Johnny be good, 1st I think not and then I realize, oh yes I do, I always have that special set of left-handed pitchers.

I need garden party! We need to dial that one up I need the packages say not, don't bother proofreading it, and launch.

Let's see if I can ABC 123 at the same time gather some holy water to throw it all the vampires. This holy water work with vampires? Or is that werewolves, and what about all of the zombies I don't think holy water works with zombies. I do have a lot of wooden sticks and I'm pretty sure that works with vampires, my goodness, I've built many fires and made a lot of types of ash and some of the ash is impregnated with silver. Indeed I have actually melted silver and I've melted glass and I've even incinerated purely on them. Pure aluminum. I mean I've built some pretty hot fires as of late. And I really have melted silver. In a way I could take some of the silver and put it on the end of the sharp stick, you know I've made a lot of sharp sticks and I did it in a magical fashion. I have photographic evidence and I even filmed me doing these things. That's right I filled myself doing magic.

The scientific community would not call it magic they would call it stupid asses stick burning. Ohm little do you know of little scientific knowledge I said oh little do you know little of scientific knowledge and the magic of Bullwinkle's hat.

I am saying is, I'm warning the vampires and werewolves. I have special sharp sticks and it's possible for me to put silver on the end of one of the sticks which will bring the werewolves down and I know the sticks or bring the vampires down and I know if I called Johnny B Goode of get some special magic holy water.

Now let's talk about holy water no it's not the kind you get the Catholic Church. And yes the dragons doing funny things with top with punctuation.,

I use the word and too much and let me add I'm not going to remove the hands because and works for me because and is a kind of thing I like to dance with. I've never really met and and I like to dance with. You know I just said 2 words that are not and and tie them as the word and. Maybe there are more ends in this they need to be because it's not typing correctly.

Oh well. I was trying to talk about magic and 9 distracted but I've got to walk up to Johnny be good and do something. Then find my shoes my flashlight and contemplate the ABC 123.

By the way I'm going to forget because that's my nature, not to forget but to be distracted, remind me to get back to the Rolling Stones and things that tumble as well as a device that I would not call airworthy but did have quite a bit of lift on the charts with a big one concerning escalators.

My goodness, this is turning into quite a rock 'n roll and venture.

I never told you what the glitch was, it's the Canadians, the Canadiens Costa klatch, there in the go code. It's a group I didn't know existed that I discovered when I'm trying to find a left-handed pitcher for the Beach boys. The thing concerning geometry.

It was quite a discovery, I highly recommend following this path!

Insert assorted artwork pushpins and ping-pong. By the way for you code writers there's no static year, there's no static here, which means we could jump back into rock 'n roll and talk about frequency marginalization compared to amplitude. I'm not going to do that because that's not the kind of modified iron molecule that my Irish Danny boy would be dancing with right now. Dancing with right now. Oh my goodness it type it right the 1st time and now I've got redundancy.

Well go figure, how much redundancies in the go code, as I recall with God BB King and Little Miss redhead number 1 which means I had to bring in little Miss redhead number 2 before or should I say within a sandwich of the Windy City before we went down south and I'm a left-handed turn at the doctors office only to dance around geometry and then we met the Canadians who goofed up the program.

And that was the beginning of the go code, I had more redundancy built into that than you can imagine. I'm one of these guys that wants to cover all the bases in case there's some type of newbie walking around was figured out what in the world, the numbers 111 have in common with the numbers 1 to 3 and what in the world is that keycode cipher.

You know the round thing, looked around thing carefully, it's a circle, it's got a fraction of it that has little to no lines in it and who's got a fraction of it that has a lot of hatch marks. Lived or not that's actually a coded cipher. I said believe it or not that's magic.

This is when the original school would be on page you know exactly what I'm talking about. And we could do the magical coated 18% gray code dance together and they would know what it was I was saying on that little piece of youth.

Everything means something ladies and gentlemen you merely have to open your eyes and realize who the crazy caveman is doing the dance or should I say Jake or should I get up and get my slippers and flashlight, yes I need to get mice and men but specifically I'll leave the rodents behind because I really don't care for those rodents,. I didn't say any of that stuff concerning rodents of son about flashlights and slippers and doing a dance that I called jig when Jake walked in.

The joy of working with speech recognition, which gets back to what I was going to talk about, cartoon graveyards, I was sitting about that yesterday, cartoon graveyards, I was wanting to slap a bunch of people and faces which means of thinking about love line, eves husband, a variation on Japanese motor companies, the dynamics of Rhode Island, it's not really a forest it's more like something that moves so incredibly slow it's developed a type of self defense based upon the retardation of the spark. That's an engine term not a cerebral term but we could use the word as a cerebral term if you want to talk about a slow-moving mammal that climbs trees and someone else from Rhode Island.

Now we have the Wizard of Oz, she singing somewhere over the rainbow.

Which gets back to the cartoon graveyard and the things that were tripping up and other things associated with Bullwinkle. It's Mr. Peabody!

Document has now been saved, you can get up and get your slippers and flashlights, you're going to dial-up Johnny be good and you're going to say, to hell with NASA and to hell with the boys from Colorado am not going to send the actual animal to the moon I'm going to send the manure.

You see I don't believe in hurting animals for the sport of it like everyone else does. I believe in respecting life although I do believe in eating meat so I believe inhumanely killing creatures if you're going to use them for meat. But don't get a south of the border rocket and send one to the moon. Of course I don't eat whale but I do eat beef. And maybe one day I might try some oil some whale, I believe they eat that in Iceland and in other parts of the extreme northern hemisphere. I met someone from Europe, they lived on a small island in extreme northern Europe and 8 whale. Where should I meet those people asked, they were very hesitant to tell me they ate whale because we in America believe in saving the whale and lecturer animators from Colorado.

Anyway I'm not talking about those guys ugly about me and soil conservation and the fact that if I send something to the moon it'll be a type of fertilizer. The type of soil conditioner, because I had a guy that and believes in making an environment a better place than when I came. Which is a left-handed commented David Letterman which gets back to October 12, 2012 which is something I don't really want to do.

After all, if you people were on script and on page you saw me by a new keychain the other day.

That's right about a new keychain, and what exactly would the mileage be on the keychain.

Why the magic numbers would be on the keychain which gets back to the numbers 111 and the numbers 1 to 3 and all the other numbers that are carefully scripted on a random receipt associated with fast food. Then you got my added little touch with Mr. and Mrs. sticky.

And of course the games on, in all of his doing magic when I walked in there, now let's stop there. I was literally doing some magic tricks, this time I mean Las Vegas type of magic tricks. Granted it was pathetic but apparently it worked because no one picked up on it. Which is cool, in fact it makes me feel good, I walked in there and it's a magic tricks and no one noticed. I'm trying to re-create the old-school dynamic of 18% gray language dialogue. I'm pretending like someone who really knows the thing exists somewhere in this following the game.

And realizes what I did on April 7, 2013, a very magical day indeed. That is to say magical in a scientific kind of way.

All right Jeffrey the coffee is ready let us get a cup and get her slippers and flashlight and find the elusive Johnny be good.

You know there other mammals, sea mammals in fact, target name something amenity a managing a C walrus that lives in the Everglades. The joys of voice recognition.

The joys of telemarketing.

The joys of living in the middle of nowhere.

The joys of an environment filled with zombies vampires and werewolves and you're creating a unique kind of holy water with a hillbilly still.

Then again sometimes I feel like I'm shooting at some food only to discover some Texas tea, you people have no idea what that means, but you're about to!

Which means you need to find a medium or some type of other individual that can speak to the dead.
You need to find a dead radio announcer, you need to talk to him but the program he was doing wasn't called talk.

Asked Karen Young Karen donations I said tenaciously or Karen D…

I think he died in his sleep it was unexpected and configured out.

Anyway he understood Texas tea and were going to circle back around and pick up some other dead objects and fashion various types of tools and Appleman's and weapons with them.

It's a part of the spiritual magic that's not really spiritual because I'm not in a loop that in because I'm trying to stay original with whoever used to be originals not original anymore that nobody believes in unless you believe in elves and fairies various components of Iceland.

But remember lobsters are not real it's something Stephen King made up and it has something to do with some type of extraction made from used tires and star foam.

That's right the entire economy of Maine is built on lies.

It's merely a ploy for chemical company located in Maine that makes these creatures that are actually robotic, and sell this reconstituted star foam as lobster meat.

It's like radioactive batteries made out of radioactive components that generate a great deal of heat.

You know you guys really need to follow this little closer, if you had all of the pieces of the puzzle that I currently handles that I currently house or should I say have been pulled out of the wall as of late. You would find little Maggie May and you'd realize it's no surprise that some things take a licking and keep on taking while others simply fade away.

Now I'm dreaming of a white Christmas now I'm dreaming of Jeannie and I'm dreaming of a message in a bottle and now I'm thinking about a magic wand at a railroad track now I'm thinking about a painting concerning a miracle of Christ and I'm thinking about a fire wrapped in the financial pages.

My goodness.

But saving post and then find the flashlight and go back to the ABC 123 reality of it.

You still haven't gotten down to the tiedown trade.

The tiedown dream isn't really about sex but it's going to appear to be about sex. It's actually about the code but it's using a very adult theme to walk in and out and around the code which allows me to ABC in 1 to 3 with anonymity.

I would say hopefully you'll say but I probably will never get around to it because I'm very distractible.

Which gets back to me asking for some help which gets back to you and means you're not going to do jack shit, but sit back and enjoy the show.

Which is fine, really, it's fine, just sit back and enjoy the show, I now have the show winds and wind shows over excuse me.

I know how the show ends, that will be a very rare event indeed when we trade places in kind of a magical way.

What I'm saying is, enjoy it while you can in a while you're not going to be able to enjoy much of anything especially if I can gather enough holy water.

Of course women have to set up some scientific experiments to see what affects the holy water have on vampires werewolves booms and GUI material the GUI world of booms. The Devils and goons of the doing world of doing island. Not quite.

I'd rather drive my Ford and truck. But I am going to have to drive the truck anyway, you see Jane Fonda hasn't delivered the goods.


Yes that's a separator bar and it's also a hint. I can't find where I'm supposed to insert the images and now that I'm here to insert the images I realize you need part of the cipher said part of the cipher set. Something outside of conventional geometry. Something associated with the fine art world.

Yes Mr. and Mrs. Sparky scientist you're going to be dancing around areas of scientific knowledge into scientific laboratory you're quite unaccustomed to. 1st let's talk to the chemical engineers, were going to distill something. You need to look at the class notes in the archive, I have all kinds of distill Asian notes within that archive distillation notes within the archive.

You want to pay very close attention to the set of lectures and other documentation addressing the Department of Homeland Security and how to extract spirits in a demonic world.

Now that I write that down I realize I was doing some type of exorcism only I was doing it outside of the Catholic Church and I was doing it like a caveman.

So now we've got Bigfoot, cavemen, hillbillies, and a very unusual type of distilled spirit that I'm calling holy water and I'm calling it magic and then throw it all into the scientific method.

This makes me want to take and create many more pieces of artwork and throw it at you and then you realize, my goodness this guy really does have a portable laboratory. Because I really do have a portable laboratory, NO SHIT!!

Part of its on the deck next to various forms of rock 'n roll and part of its inside because sometimes things don't float on.

That's right Mr. and Mrs. mouse, sometimes things are too heavy and the whole idea of building an airworthy ship concerning the decomposition of uranium becomes irrelevant. Which gets back to mice and men and why I choose winged creatures.

You know I have an entire set of winged creatures have only alluded to.

Oh boy, I can hardly wait, I'm actually walking onto the original genetic genome of the original code and the old Cody boys are out there somewhere. But not the coded girls, they're too scared, I saw one the other day who scared of spiders.

Which gets back to something Catholic and sometimes The girls do way too late. Then again sometimes they don't waited all trust me.

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