Wednesday, April 24, 2013

this is how it's written, unfortunately I never got back to the compass, that's okay because that man irritates me


It's happened again

I simply wanted to show you something so I made a small movie.

I then began to unravel things and the code began to reveal itself.

Now I'm standing on top of a giant fish.

This gets back to yesterday, something from my past started to haunt me. We'll call it a giant white whale which gets back to Russian novelists and the movie I was making, yesterday.

I called it Carmen I called it Carmen are right the word begins with the letter H Herman Melville are right it did do it correctly that time. Now take the last name and insert the word pole. I'm going to do it manually.

Herman Polelville, now I could add some more letters and make it a Russian like name. Which gets back to what I was saying in yesterday's movie, I'm not for sure that Herman is a Russian name but I can make his last name easily Russian war Ukrainian or anything else. Okay I didn't say the word war. I said I could make it Russian or Ukrainian or all kinds of other types of Slavic variations. Now I don't know if Russian is Slavic, I could look it up but that's against the rules.

Although I can go to a website about the pointer sisters now. You realize I could never ever even get close to the pointer sisters because the pointer sisters are real code for real people. The rule is, you always stay away from what's real because people have a habit of looking into things they shouldn't be in into.

What I'm saying here is, I'm not going to put anything real here because I'm trying to protect what's real. This gets back to another left-handed issue. Someone that Israel has told me, go ahead, show my hand.

I find it amazing that I just typed that. The person I'm thinking of is someone entirely different, yesterday I saw someone else's hand and I now realize, as I am for things, there she is again.

This person has not given me permission to show her hand. So now we have two women that want to show hands which is why they're called the pointer sisters. And yes it's a compass and yes I bought a compass. And my brain needs to be in a museum.

I didn't use the word and, it's true, my brain needs to be in a museum! I have opinion, I photographed the pen yesterday. Let me rephrase that. I have a writing utensil yesterday I photographed the writing utensil, now I need to clarify, yesterday I photographed many writing utensils and there's a writing utensil in the movie I just made her and this movie has a yellow writing utensil and yesterday I had a film with two yellow writing utensils. One writing utensil has the word pilot on it. I'm pretty sure it's in the front seat of the 500.

Okay, in the back of the 500 is a voodoo map and in the back of the 500 is a type of photograph of an original person. You know what, I need to do more than just talk about it I simply need to give you a look at a real person.

This isn't the real person that gave me permission to give you the real person this is somebody else.

I thought about this morning, how would I tell you about this person. This person is not a pointer Sr. is not a pointer Sr. It's somebody entirely different. This person is not a fisherman but this person knows more about fish then you and I will ever acquire and a lifetime.

I remember thinking about this yesterday and that's when I started to think about Marlon Brando and sleeping with the fishes. Let's just say that I would sleep with this little fish any day of the week. Although I haven't seen her lately that again I don't know if you see me. But I have been taking my clothes off lately and walking around the public.

You people think I'm kidding, I have literally been walking around half nude and the day before. Both yesterday and the day before. I probably should take my shirt off now so I can make it three days in a row because three is the magic number.

That has to do with condiments and you know that because you told me that. Which gets back to unraveling things and now I've got a problem.

I need to speak Spanish. I thought I needed to speak German but today I need to speak Spanish. I mean I really need some help, I need someone who can read and write Spanish to start reading to me.

That's when the code jumped in the picture and I started to realize my brain needs to be in a museum. Today I communicated using the 18% gray pass pattern. Now I need to tell you something, I'm using certain channels are certain avenues and once I've used it and I know that you have seen me use it I'm not going to do again. That's part of the rules.

In the old days I could do it all day long because you people were looking at me to the degree you are now. Which gets back to what is text is really telling you. You know that's a different word so now we have taxes taxes and tax. Only it looks like two words when really there are three words there. Three completely different words.

Okay so the team gave me a manual. Seriously, you know what, I'm in of photograph the manual they gave me, the problem is it is in Spanish. Now that I say that I realize it's cold because I'm supposed to go to a Spanish lace and do some shopping and see if I can find a book with the P and a compass and make a drop at a yellow tire.

I was supposed to buy tattoos at the Dairy Queen and I was supposed to make a drop at the Dairy Queen. I could not drop what I was supposed to so I gave you something completely different. It has to do with shoes which has to do with what you gave me in return.

It's called the Newport pass.

Now ladies and gentlemen I got to explain to you the part of the language called a cigarette code. I'm going to do this seriously because the cigarette code is a very specialized and unique language that can be applied universally.

This means Mr. demography, will collect pornography we will collect photography. You know what this is important. Let's collect in my six and my seven in my eight and in my 18.

Now let's do this correctly. All do it by hand. Were going to call this “MI – 18!”

If you don't mind I'm going to use the term Great Britain. We can collect all kinds of things we could call in England or Wales or Scotland or Northern Ireland were the British Isles or whatever. I just wonder: Great Britain I just want to collect Great Britain. It helps me get ahead in the old-school game.

The cigarette code is a true honest-to-goodness language. This is one of the few things I talk from the CIA and or retained. The CIA will not acknowledge the cigarette code but it's widely known in all kinds of so-called intelligence apparatus.

I use the cigarette code completely different than they use it. I talked the original team how to use the cigarette code and they do use it. Which gets back to what I did in Sherman taxes a little while ago. In Sherman taxes. You know I really need to show you some art work I made in Sherman taxes. It's important. I tried to do it on the Apple and the computer will not come up because everyone wants to put their thumb in the pie.

People am I going to have to go buy a new computer just because you won't let me compute with what I have?

I don't have very much money people! I spent $51 today on basically a bunch of crap. Now in truth it's not crap in truth it's code. And I can prove it treated!!!

I can prove that what I purchased today is absolute 100% MI – 18 code.

You know what, I can also prove that my magic wand really is magic. This has to do with the God discussion I had which I have not documented or written down. That done for a reason. You people aren't supposed to know what goes on between God and not. Let me just tell you, Mr. Letterman, God explained some things to you in a fashion I can explain to you. In a way God said, if you want to explain it to David Letterman tried this approach tried this approach.

It made incredible sense.

You know what it's so good and so accurate and so godly and share with you right now. It works like this, God made a promise to a man called Abraham and the promise was about Abraham's seed. Abraham's seeds! Much of the world believes this and much of the world follows this and in a strange way it's kind of a rallying point for much of the world. That is to say Abraham's seeds!

What's cool about God using this analogy is the fact that it's so complex. You see there was all kinds of dynamics associated with Abraham's seeds. In fact it's an incredible story. It used to bother me but now I understand. In fact I understand the incredibly which is probably why someone was tickling me to buy that arms towards major movie that I have that's supposedly in the lockup somewhere. The Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. The former governor of California, about a movie, I bought it because it's a type of diptych. Which reminds me I got a triptych but you only have one part of the three pieces. But there are now even more pieces and I don't know what to call. I still see it as a basic triptych with other things flowing out of it. Under what else to call. By the way it's heavily coated with magic code.

And I'm supposed to tell you it's coated with magical sex. It has magical sexual properties. I'm assuming you have discovered that. Then I'll you really can look at that I said you know you really can look at that because it really does have magical sexual properties if you know what it's coated in and went. In and with.

It's magical, just believe me. Okay we got Abraham's seeds and we've got Jeffrey's seeds. To completely different species of plants! Would've completely different promises.

Look, you're not going to see any stars shooting out of the end of my penis. You might see some pennies shooting outside. I like that, that kind of summarizes everything, Abraham was given stars and I was given a little pocket change.

You don't want that works, I'm actually using God's words and my own together and making a true story that actually makes sense, I wonder if David Letterman will understand? I have an idea, who cares!

Where was I, was started about a triptych only yes yes yes yes yes. I have a movie I need to load the bed all of this code on the floor. I really need to give you guys a bunch of artwork. I mean man I am swimming in artwork.

Which gets back to the girl who understands the issues. Who understands fishes. I'm going to call her a fishy and Otto a fishy and Otto. It's not going to type it, I'm not sure I'm even using the word correctly. It's like someone that knows the unique thing. You guys know the word, you can hear the word, so just listen for. She's one of those people only she's not that really.

I want to tell you who she is, actually want to give you her actual name and her, shall we say certificates. Which gets back to artwork I made yesterday. If I can only give it to you. You know that some of my artwork is board-certified!

Enough said!

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