Tuesday, April 9, 2013



HIGHCODE DMRDI (DoomorDie) on Twitter.webarchive

Let's pause and explain yourself to the public. Sometimes I don't keep very good records, it's not because of me and my style or nature, I'm basically a caveman hillbilly scientist. Yes, it's true the hillbilly aspect is new but that has to do with evolution and the fact that I'm a scientist evolving from some variation of one primate to another. After all there's only so much you can do with Bigfoot. And we are in the genetic genome now.

Okay I don't keep good notes and I don't know how to get to this blog. I'm amazed I remember the idea and password to get inside because that's not something I would normally carry within my baggage.

You see this type of knowledge is somewhat pasty.

Anyway I do a series of little drawings to figure out what my name is an other words what's the name of this blog. I usually get a wrong, I did this time, I knew it had to do with dark matter and I knew it had to do with research and development but I didn't know how the letters fit together and I was pretty sure I was missing a letter. So I go to the grid paper and I start writing different letters down and then I Google the thing because I don't know how to get to this blog other than to Google the blog itself.

Remember kids, I'm fighting zombies, werewolves, vampires, devils and demons, and all kinds of things in a masquerade party that appear to be angels and other things somewhat human.

And again I will say, I know how the story ends. So you can choose to believe in the magic of my wand or not Mr. Letterman I have it on good authority that the magic of me in my 1 wins and I wouldn't bet on anything in Indianapolis right now! Or Montana!

Which gets back to, is Canada a figment of someone's imagination, does Europe really exists, and can you get a good Tocco in Germany? A good taco. What does that other word mean, feel free to look it up.

Anyway I trip over this stuff and it kind of concerns me, that's to say the above stuff. So I am going to throw some heavy-duty stuff your way. That's right I'm the reach into my bag of tricks and Gallup poll some of the coded ciphers out.

Let me rephrase that since were going to get scientific and all Cody on your ASP. On your bottom.

I'm going to pull out a type of key, this is the type of key for me to help me remember, what line and what paragraph makes what type of charge if you're going to write some original coded script using old genetic material.

Okay kids, and some parts of the world they would actually call this classified information, they leaving, top-secret, in fact I would say most places if they knew what was would call it something to be handled carefully.

Laser gentlemen you're about to see artwork turn into a flamethrower, I call it a variation of Bullwinkle's hat.

Let's all pause and put on appropriate protective eyewear and body gear.

After all you're about to see art, high fine Art inter the scientific arena which means the laws of physics are turned upside down because this stuff can do anything it wants with light, gravity, or things with matter.

I'll pause here because I have to reach for the Atlas.

That right there is a big enough clue to tell you to fasten your safety belt. I'm reaching for the Atlas and I'm going to pull out something that I'm pretty sure the demons don't have.

It's a set of coordinates.

You see the code I gave you on April 7, 2013 is a complete set.

I said it's a complete set. That means it's got times dates places events and I even named specific individuals.

So for anything that's original within the old genetic genome you need to get your hands on the sonic fast food receipt taped to the inside of the trashcan sleeve outside of the fries retail facility in double world North Texas.

That was double world North Texas. Of course North Texas is going to behave so let's call it the 2nd week…

My goodness, sometimes the FBI dances with the devil even when the Angels walk in. They asked the angel, why'd you call us back, we don't care about Spiderman on license plates, and we really don't care about your 911 call. This sounds like a domestic issue and besides we've got you in the Hemingway Petri dish. It worked once and we believe it will work again. Dick Cheney in the libraries betting the farm on it.

A variation of a form of John that's actually related to me, “Is that right,
look like a square or a round peg, no matter, it's not my page you need to be wearing about Mr. and Mrs. Devil world, it's the manly footwear!”

Which gets back to something I didn't pick up in the go code command line.

I was supposed to go to David Allen Coe and then I was supposed to go to Waylon Jennings. You know there's only so much I can do on this given budget and now the sons coming up and I still haven't said hello to Johnny be good.

Okay I've got to find a little piece of voodoo, that little thing I pulled out day before yesterday, or maybe it was the day before that. I covered it in I predict because it was fully coded and was 100% correct.

That's why I was able to walk out on the 7th and give you peace of full instruction code.

Mets right kids I said that's right kids it's not really a question of what or who you believe it's always been a question of who do you love.

And of course the teachers always at school.

NEED THE [Teacher key code HERE on Atlas!!!]

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