Friday, April 26, 2013

Normally I would make some attempt

I like that sentence so let me repeat it, normally I would make some attempt to hide who I really am. I just made a post about Jackson Pollock paintings.

 I created some of my own homages to Jackson Pollock which explains some of my artwork I did concerning Marcel Duchamp, recently.

 Basically one of my pieces is an actual shirt with my name on it. I did not put my name on the shirt the cleaners did.

 Which gets back to buying coffee this morning and putting out artwork in front of the cleaners.

 You know what I would go to the airport and I'm going to give them my shirt.

 Essentially I used to work for the Department of Homeland Security and I gave them the shirt off my back.

 You know what I can prove that metaphorically.

 I got a feeling I'm going to do that.

 I took some pictures of all of the stuff on my phone and now I can't find it.

 Now this is a true story and this is going to sound truly unbelievable. I'm going to blame this on taxes when in truth I know for a fact it's Apple's fault.

 You need some type of program to access the phone on an Apple computer. You don't need this if you're using a Windows computer.

 Anyway, I thought to myself, this will allow me to poke fun at a woman I find very attractive, her name is Sheryl Crow. And I thought I can poke fun at Sheryl Crow, then I looked at the images that I could access on the phone and did there with Sheryl Crow standing right in front of me.

 The proofs in the pictures!

 Which gets back to the magazine I'm trying to show you the one with page 100 and had Jimmy Buffett on it.

 Anyway it's got a picture of a girl on the cover and fewer know the truth I can't even pronounce the name of the girl because I have a hard time with names which has to do with Andy Warhol and faces and names.

 This gets back to the lecture I was yelling and screaming last night when my phone or should I say when my nose began to bleed.

 Yes now I'm saying that my phone's bleeding when actually my phone's not doing anything of the sort.

 Anyway I'm going to give the TSA the shirt off my back.

 I would do it for the airport because I'm that kind of man.

 This will give the University of Texas at Dallas the DNA they were looking for some time ago.

 So that's another story and you probably won't believe it.

 Let's just put up the pictures and be on her way.

 Let's just put up the pictures and be on our way which gets back to her way into its back to page 100 and to tie.

 There's a tie with the plans for sailboat on it.

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