Tuesday, November 19, 2013

111813_up at taft

No that's not the title I was gonna give it, I was gonna start out by explaining certain dynamics about President Eisenhower and other components with and Texas culture. But we're gonna leave the misfired title alone.

A blender reach for the so called female issues dynamics in yesterday's footage, yesterday being November 17, 2013, a Sunday.

There's a lot of footage your people. Now in some this footage I talk about new discoveries I've made concerning history and the rendering of history. This is when I start juggling my own invisible the two knives. That would be vetted two knives that would be ceremonial knives that if you're reading a book about the third kingdom it would be a type of knife that could kill the RE animated dead. You're gonna have to pass that together. OK in certain parts of the world they use a type of magic called voodoo. Now I call mind that because it upsets people.

In truth the spiritual world actually likes me calling it that because they want those people upset. But last night I had to go Biblical and I had to recall certain dynamics in the old testament in the new testament. And then I began to draw a line and to pull an certain dynamics within the United States in the world. When I started to create a vortex using Biblical fax double polls...

When I started using the bible to pull in certain strings and winds that reach around certain aspects of the world that's when I walked around the family then I walked around the Kennedy and I walked around the nation and I walked around the planet. Why got the point where we had to talk about rewriting history I would've been talking about the badges, the dynamics of military forces, and the so called intellectual component to a certain degree.

That's when Mr. Malfunction walked in.

Let's just stop and let's say I've got one stone to throw. Here I would be throwing a stone at the dynamics associate with the so called secure world, problems with country and western music, problems with the so called taxes heritage, and problems associated with espionage.

Now, I was told, by reliable source, that late in the Eisenhower administration he became somewhat delusional. I've lectured on this and the invisible classroom and if you have the archives he actually find when I talk about eisenhower's delusions. I talked about them in yesterday's footage as well. In a strange way this particular stone that's being thrown goes past Mr. Nelson and into eisenhower's backyard. Although eisenhower's backyard is considerably north of Mr. Nelson's place but Mr. Nelson's place is currently contained within certain aspects of Hawaiian noises.

Anyway Mr. On Eisenhower or President Eisenhower believed that the squirrels in Washington, DC were robotic variations of spine devices developed by what was then the Soviet Union. We would now call this area expanded Russia.

I'm told, I'm not sure this is true, that he would go for walks around Parks in the worst in DC area carrying a sidearm and would shoot squirrels thinking they were either listening to him or they had some type of weapon built into their robotic structure that was going to kill him.

This is before Russia had perfected the art of radioactive assassinations. Things were much more primitives then.

I also want to bring something else up. President Kennedy would not talk about certain things in the oval Office of the White House because he knew that the FBI had buttoned these places. That is to say I put less than devices in the oval office and White House. In fact the FBI was a very wicked organization at one time.

Now if you look at my academic record you'll see eye to the class and journalism law. I had an interesting professor and I have to say I learned a great deal in that class. I don't think he likes me very much because it didn't give me a good grade. I find this interesting because concerning drill ism law I've probably done more than anyone else as from that school. I think it's got something to do with the fact that they made special arrangements for my so called learning disability and he didn't like that.

Let's get back to the point. In that class we talked about certain dynamics that were decided in the U.S. Supreme Court. A while back I took a trip to India, that is to say a to Oklahoma. That is to say Aba, Oklahoma I can't believe it is still a type that. OK it's the birthplace of something that I don't consider to be valuable reality television if you can do a song and dance. I'm not mean to be cruel I'm just saying I don't care for reality television and I really don't care for watching people do a song and dance. Although I did like Fred Astaire and I like that other guy used to sing in the rain. But in that you can pretty much leave your own song and dance to yourself. Although I did like Dean Martin and maybe a handful of others.

Back to the point Jeff, I remember studying the U.S. Supreme Court case where the FBI got in trouble for monitoring behavior in men's bathrooms. They set up cameras and other devices that were hidden and created films concerning certain dynamics within what was then called the homosexual community. Essentially the FBI was producing its own home or Roddick type of the Notre fee to Notre fee... The FBI it was producing polo Roddick....

Gay sexuality, the FBI was producing this type of material, they were making kinds of movies for the and Mr. Hoover had a thing for it. The fact that they did this lee and the dynamics went to the U.S. Supreme Court and they ruled against the FBI making homoerotic movies. You have to say it just right to get it to type it.

Im and a a Tigard high ground because they have free Internet access and all kinds a research. The Internet is working but when I go to do the FBI research the so called free why fight starts to lock up and shutdown. Basically high ground was censoring what I could research. This is pretty common especially for the type of research I do.

This is why I ask I ground for my own containment area so I can do research within the arena of the dynamics of the Internet and it build a team that could do certain types of so called magic. Of course high ground was gonna have no part of that. You see there were concerned about some of the things I was looking at. They would call that pornographic but they didn't understand I was merely creating back doors into certain aspects of what was corporate knowledge and then became surveillance knowledge and then jumped into the arena of military knowledge only to circle around and get back to the so called badges and their knowledge.

You know Russia I'm pretty sure and I'd go ahead and throw in some rubles around the dynamics associated with throwing knives in New York. You come upon the speed dial there. It's gonna put a different spin on understanding what you see as you walk around. I'm actually going to take some so-called to Notre fee and expose the code within it. That you're going to have to correct that on your own.

Meanwhile you have a little footage hear me swatting a so called a wasp and making Willie Nelson watch it. You need all of the footage because I have to swat multiple wasps and the wasps mean different things.

You need the ceremonial footage of me altering spicy pickles beers. It is gonna have to figure that out.

You would think I would cut to the chase and get right to the dynamics associate with my problems with women and specifically female vocalists. But I wince to the movies... I use the word but too much. And it was a malfunction anyway. I use the word and too much.

I went to the movies specifically movie 3522 through 3530 here we see the dynamics of Willie Nelson and may addressing problems with country and western music, to 1° or another, and addressing certain dynamics in the so called oriental world. You also see problems with physics as I start cleaning around the windowsill and I start having all of these problems with strings.

For those of you wondering why have not releasing any audiovisual for this, the so called film and current processing is doing just that. It's gonna take a little while for this one.

To think I was trying to find the canoe and I ended up finding Willie Nelson. What a bummer!


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