Monday, November 18, 2013

Click click click time a type of movie associated with apple called QuickTime

I'm moving a different direction one called full disclosure.  Eight total download or let's call it a type of confession.  A total download any type of confession.  I start making artwork and the brushes start malfunctioning at certain points.

.  I've now entered another malfunction.  The malfunctions are adding up especially when I say there was a giant peach and there was something on my mind.  Maybe I can get through this so called filters and the dynamics of the kiss and terry gross.

I had several mile functions one was at the giant peach.  And then we entered the super malfunctions concerning the club.  Club crackers.  Ice said club crackers and made a movie around club crackers.  Then I moved the peanut butter, Jeff peanut butter, and we saw the bear.  And there was the bear around the bread and the crackers and the peanut butter.  And there was the club.

And I was filming and telling 100% truth and talking about the bear and the club and all of the dynamics within the club.

Essentially I was naming names and telling the truth and giving you a timeline.

One where you could tag the real bear and the real club and the real events.  And everything's started to malfunction according to a wasp theory.

True stories.  True malfunctions.  Trying to move into this arena is gonna be difficult, if the world wants to know the truth the world's gonna have to make some space and retransmit.  The United States of America does not want this transmission.  I am talking the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  It would be a bad day for team USA.

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