Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Before I can begin work on the Bakersfield film I have to twiddle my thumbs

Before I can begin work on the Bakersfield film I have to twiddle my thumbs

It's kind of transfer thing.

This is going to take a while. Did I image my new companions in the automobile? I guess I could look and see, no, just posted again if you already have.

You need supplemental information even with these. The last two images or so deal with Chinese constipation and the fact that I have to cut to the chase when I'm talking to the Chinese which means I reach for the old-timer which means sometimes it locks up and I'm dealing with two locked up things at once so I've got to get out the 123 oil which is different than the magical mystery oil which was involved in the snakebite of the brick.

That all sounds unbelievable but there are people that know for a fact there was magical mystery oil involved in the snake bite brick ritual.

By the way I may have to deal with that stuff, David's not doing a good job on keeping that thing tight and secure the magic or energy within that is starting to move around. Sometimes when you're dealing with energy cannot contain it.

Also the color here is much more vivid than I thought. You have a problem reading this string theory and perhaps the meter but just trust me it's a meter and some string and did something else.
I now remember what else I was supposed to tell you. We had problems in this feature presentation concerning the wardrobe department, we resolve that only to see them close the book on it and now are having problems with the props department. I needed a small piece of chain and all they gave me was a pink net. It's just that I have to do.

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