Friday, November 1, 2013

There's a lot more but I thought I would give you a glimpse of things that don't quite move or should I say don't quite appear

 yes it's a lock to do or should I say a lot to do about nothing. That's kind of Shakespearean. Which gets back to the movie. You know I didn't post the movie. Which gets back to where is the movie, you know this little puddle of sketch work is starting to turn into a whole other universe. I got a movie and I'm supposed to give you move because I do soundtrack jumps and shifts and that's where I started to insult variations on late-night TV talk show hosts specifically redheaded ones and confusion with Finland.

 I get all kinds of charming things, not that any of you are going to find any of this charming, but there is a shot at redemption, only I'm not running for office.

 By the way I'm flirting with a lot of wives so you'll know that's when I start talking about left-handed Canadians and the fact that they're separated not divorce that again they could be divorced. Anyway they shot the thing in Vancouver I think. Then again what do I know.

 Look it's not his fault and we need to talk about train robbers and the fact that men will be men. So ladies you can have to deal with it, sometimes men have to fish and fishing's was all about if you know anything about birds and eagles. At least if you're on that strange road that I call the big Canyon Road. Or should I say that's what they call. Anyway it's a variation of that and supposedly there's an Indian chief with his horse and now Google song it's got issues. Go figure.

 Anyway here's a glimpse at things that were delivered.

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