Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Preparing For Heavy Artillery

I put it in their little bag it was under a dynamic of pages.


Preparing For Heavy Artillery

it's a title.

888 Late [In Time Line] IMAGES

Kids were going to a coded punch, I'll give you the posted note material after the things made contact. I'm saying this because things are not going to be in sequence. First you've got to view Rudolph and you got to find Santa and then you're going to need to go to the convenience store.

When you see the convenience store surface you will be entering a full coded scripted dialogue. Unless you're willing to step into the ring and dance I devise you to duck and cover. This is called the real McCoy, I have every intention on delivering this particular piece of original source code and you will not need magic wands to interpret.

Just remember, some people are trying to kill the spirits within certain dynamics and I'm more of a spirit keeper. Were going to work with the letter H and so I begin the letter H unconscious research and development and conscious research and development. That's when things started to get duty .... GOONY, SAT 23 NOV. "You sell vegetables?" "No, just cattle." He then says something I couldn't make out but I could make this part out, "commercial cattle?" "Yes, commercial cattle or sale, beef cattle."

The so-called goony engagement isn't over and things begin to become a little more stranger. Now this particular brand of environmental dynamic has nothing whatsoever to do with magic or the spiritual world. It doesn't have anything to do with heaven or hell, precisely, it's more of a hand of man deal. But this particular brand of hands work well in demonic adventures.

Ladies and gentlemen, this gets back to why I invented the language! How many times have I told you that! I had to create a language that they would not understand, this gets back to the Old Testament, I didn't know that at the time I was creating the language but I do now. I did understand that if you worked in certain areas that certain people are I'm able to comprehend what it is you're doing or seeing or talking about.

And when you get good at it, you can say things that they do understand only you can do it in a manner which they will not be able to successfully understand and interpret. What I'm saying here is, sometimes you can speak to them using their own language and a and they will not understand you. Here of course I'm talking about using the language that is to say the 18% gray language to communicate to fellow team members, while you are standing directly under the nose of Mr. and Mrs. goony!

Anyway belated tie-in anyway you will need to tie-in the reindeer's when Santa stops by the convenience store. Trust me, some people already know what's up and coming.

[You need an individual walk through with some of these, I don't have time right now.]

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