So we're gonna call these the productions stills for K-01 111713.
Unfortunately you're going to need some explanations.
What made yesterday different was the transition, I was keeping its pretty much silent and then I started getting tired and I realized I didn't wanna do that much talking or explaining. So I just aren't talking as I walked around with that magic wands and brushes. So we left the arena of the silent stage for the soundstage and I wonder was that the jazz singer or something like that. I had it written down and some book because I have all kinds of books concerning history.
Not that that really matters because we don't get the big ball rolling until I changed the mansions.
Speaking of changing dimensions you gonna see some things if I ever get all the footage out there. You really are gonna see john and I kind of high five each other and change dimensions.
I would also imagine you might want to steady the numerology and all of the other stuff I can't give you concerning Meta data.
Basic information for projection:
It's on the glass and this is one of the index sites for a specific female vocalist who gives me issues concerning the dynamics associate with hometowns.
It's in the film but I don't think I've told you this. I was doing many things yesterday one of them was called operation sunshine. I was successful in completing this task however certain dynamics associate with taxes gave me some problems. That would be certain dynamics associate with the state of Texas.
If you had all the films you would know that this animal as unique name it's called a Ronald Reagan bobbed bud. Now you might wanna remove one of the bees and then again why not leave the bee's together there's a whole herd of bees there.
I have to move things to get around things so I have to take the lead of things and I've opened a different kind of barrel.
Now this is a still with a story. In truth I can't say what happened because I didn't see it I just know I was working and something chunk out and tried to hit me. I realized it was this fireplace poker. I'm going to say that was spiritual intervention number one but in truth I couldn't count them all.
I then pick up this book and start looking at it when another dynamic jumps out and tries to cut me. Hence the broken glass and the unmasking of another type of spirit I'm assuming a demonic one.
This is what I was reading.
This is a dead insect of some kind. I met in great difficulty on photographing it with a resolution I want. That's when other spirits come and and the dead object starts moving around. You could call it a number of things and fresh air might be one.
You know where many different hats and this production here we have the finishing dynamics on the pickle jar and the proper headgear to perform such magic. You gonna have to keep up with the sexuality dynamics that you'll find in the picture.
These are two bags of what I call artifacts bag number one I'm not sure what I'm going to do with and bag number two are the firestone's which have properties which have to be used later. And many have article three of three which is the pickle jar.
Now if you run a kosher kitchen you got a clean things a certain way I kind of run a culture a kosher kitchen concerning voodoo dynamics.
Another bug
The starting temperature
The target temperature
Another bug
I've been having problems with parasitic creatures. All discuss this in the picture concerning what will be released concerning Sunday's footage.
Here's what I can't say, Saturday night there were so many mosquitoes outside of my windows it sounded like a buzz saw. I had no idea where all of these creatures were coming from. That's why I discovered that this plastic enclosure was full of water although it had been covered all the time.
Here's the magical dynamics you need to know about this enclosure. 1 it was given to me, 2 a certain place, 3 I gave this place some healing powers concerning issues with the pyramids.
I impede the thing and wanted to show you the water and the valve inside the enclosure.
Now things in objects have meaning, Eileen nothing over so though water will gather and you can see it when the sun bowl for Steven Kang slides on over and hides the valve.
I gave Mr. Cain a severe lecture I gave Mr. Stephen king a severe lecture on interfering with my artwork and he kind of came to pieces.
I had to open this thing because this is where I keep my smoking wood. I decided to use this because it's the appropriate wood for smoking fish. In yesterday's footage you'll hear me talk about cruising my CD collection, that morning, and running across something that I didn't think was pertinent. Only to have its resurface in the dynamics of problems with female vocalists. Now she's got a sister that also vocalist. It's a different kind of dynamic. Anyway I realize what's happening when I'm gonna smoke the pickle jar and I decide to go ahead and dance with it.
Because I'm doing Verdi recipes I'm careful about my measurements. This is a special measuring cup that measures certain dynamics concerning voodoo materials. These are difficult to find. But if you pick up a canary can pick up one of these as well.
Now I go to load the smoker and it's something like a loaded gun. Only the things coming apart. The things on its way hidden up to 180°but I can't get the small component rocking and rolling. So I have to do a Manual a load, within this image you see the wood used from the last smoking which was for conventional cooking. You don't want to use this would when you're smoking of voodoo pickle jar.
In this image you see one saucer holding the wood that can be used for cooking normal food and you see the measurement concerning the dynamics of apple computers and software and below you see the empty voodoo enclosure for smoking fishy products.
You need
That was not a premature release but a devilish little creature associate with voice recognition.
I need some sticks because its operations sunshine
This one will do it has magic properties because it's also a mop
Now the mop has to be rendered. I go to the rendering station only to find a bunch of clutter. I pick up the box and by the box I mean it also Carries the letter Kay. I'm a few noticed so does the mop handle.
I have to build a platform to support the voodoo tools. I also have to change the dynamics of the mop handle this is where the whole concept of circumcision enters.
Here the foreskin has been removed, now if I can ever get to all of the footage I'm going to change my whole concept of foreskin and I'm going to call it the head of the peanuts. The head of male genitals. I say that because the queer little thing keeps running away when I try to corner it. Hence john steps and the picture.
I needed paint stars, I found one stir and then I found these, these are called shams. Maybe it is a sham but I would call it a sham a OK I don't think that's correct but if you're doing is that in the motorcycle thing it's an alumna bear can use to adjust German precision engineered products.
Here we have another stick used in operations sunshine
I got things in the processing been so I got up to make myself a sandwich. As I've stated somewhere this is material from Sunday November 17, 2013. This is a day where I decided to start talking. Now in fact you've already seen that I've been talking before this butts now I'm really talking.
So I have to work within the dynamic of male genitalia because that's what I've, quipped with. I'm also trying to address other issues within the media. This is a complicated twist and shake and rattle and roll.
Sometime during the day I said just talked through it and stop trying to write it down. This is me trying the Jane Fonda school of acting technique. That is to say in the above image. Normally I would edit this out but I just want Mrs. Fonda or Miss Fonda to know Ms Fobda that was me trying to do it at hand correctly and I got the intro right but I'm not gonna go back and realign her vehicle. Anyway she said I need to pick up some type of scale concerning acting in some type of ferry and this was a long time ago.
I developed my own style I call it the total BULL SHIT WAY!
Anyway all take anyone's good advice sewed Jane I'm doing a projection of certain dynamics and I just want you know this is more than Jewish autoplay.
I'm smiling at myself at the beautiful malfunction. Jane, there's more to the shadows and meets the eye, so we can dance in the dark but the equipment might be of a different magnitude. So if we keep it in operation sunshine I can cast a full shadow I can do all kinds of tricks within the dimensions of chateau genitalia.
That's a malfunction as well. This is kinda cool. You know there's another angle here that's not really captured in the footage. I was thinking about it as I was moving in and out of consciousness this morning. If I go to the Russian footage and fully explained the art of juggling knives I could definitely put it in a different arena.
Anyway I told you it was detachable for easy cleaning. Here's proof and by the way when I had to recover this would it was in kind of a jam and this is really hard wood so I had to break it. This gets back to Ten Conway and other aspects of male genitalia. This also gets back to space aliens and the intended targets for the mailing of such magical implementation.
All I'm saying is if you look at the media you'll see there are a couple of things rolling around and within those things I can get tricky. Let me just say that Gary wants me to slip something your way. That doesn't mean anything to anybody but when the packages delivered the person that receives it will know exactly what I'm talking about.
This gets back to public media and that's kind of a left handed slap. Dream on! Now for that sandwich.
The circumcision
The foreskin
I was going to throw the foreskins away when I thought about this the power contained within these objects.
The problem has to do with a little pink one, it did the runaway and so john steps in and enters the land it between the bedposts and the ping-pong table. Those are magical bedposts by the way. Not so much for the ping-pong table.
So were used entered superman dynamics where john is on the inside I'm on the outside and then john from the inside tells me what to do from the outside to recover the missing for skin. The dow's made to reach between the gas tank and deep into the other dimension and all recover the foreskin. There's a film of this by the way. Very low angle.
The multi dimensional recovery.
A pair of foreskins.
Calibration in operations sunshine
It's a success
Some might call it intergalactic spy networks because that's gonna come up when we start cleaning the windows but for now I'm not a call it your conventional spying drones within the concept of spying drones within the concept of flying around.
Target objects for posting
Yes I'm gonna post this one and it goes to a magical place.
Now if you have the archives you're going to see me talk about space aliens that leave special messages. I did an entire series or I documented space aliens leading special written materials behind. I think it was at the sleeve but I've done it in a number of places. Here we have a space alien signature on the glass which is why I've decided to get it to public radio. If you ask a public radio for help they will a Jackie late on your windows. That would be the Jackie late that would be a word pertaining to the release of cement. The release of the dynamic of the navy that I call spunk.
I guess these loose screws came up concerning the circling of Kay.
And the old world this place manufactured the two vessels that would be voodoo vassals or other components associate with aspects of Shakespeare. They'll produce the stuff anymore. So you have to find an old one.
Now I'm checking on the cleaning procedures
And now I'm discussing objects that can be used in preparing food this holiday season. Now there are certain aspects and dynamics associate with these types of things. And the film I say something about putting it down the throat or a different orifice if so inclined.
For now we're going to say this concludes the discussions concerning male genitals. What we start discussing female genitals, from my left hand side I hear a muffled a man and realize it's Willie Nelson.
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