Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Frustrating yes but as you will see will work through it

The overall concept with this new direction has to do with memorizing the use of words and more of the audiovisual dynamic.

We'll start with a base set of files of what you should be looking for today.

I'm going to try to throw everything your way.  I'm going to work backwards of course starting with today which is really the least important and work backwards to the 15th and then beyond.

I would like to thank the twins and I would like to thank Julia for helping me clean my bathroom.

I still don't know what to think about the Italians and we've got these other influences when you get back to the tracks.

If I can get back to the tracks you gonna see what's on the dial yesterday.  This has nothing to do with the tracks in yesterday's written documents.

But it does have something to do with other dynamics yesterday.

Which gets back to other dynamics and problems I have with women and the problems I have with words and the problems I have with United States government.  As well as the overall atmosphere on both sides the river.  You know you really need the graphics for the interrupted post.

Hopefully we'll get to that you'll understand why my traveling companion wants to go to the ice.

Meanwhile let's get to the Brass tacks.


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