Friday, November 8, 2013

A number of directions

I need time to process, this is a weakness.  For the record, if you throw in a live drill and I can make decisions very quickly and precisely.  But it this given state of affairs I'm somewhat overwhelmed.

There's no other way to put it.

I had to vacuum my vehicle today and in so doing discovered something that has to do with the type of energy.  I photographed in all right eye photographed it and lo and behold the energy appeared again today as I marched into the restaurants.  It was a beautiful young woman looking at are cell phone standing underneath an ice cube.  This isn't that unusual, believe you're not, there have been all kinds of beautiful women walking in and of the picture today.  But this was the type of energy very close to the energy when I vacuumed my vehicle out at the scene of an accident.  I'm not kidding.

It was around garland taxes, I had to vacuum out my vehicle and the vacuum was next to a Dumpster and then someone came into the field of view that was carrying energy.  It was the same kind of energy that the beautiful young woman was carrying today.

Now I'm getting off course and am somewhat distracted but that's what women do to me.

All right let's talk about skating a cat that would be scanning.  Well you do need a draft.  I say a snowdrift.

Now, I can follow the scientifically or I can tell you the actual truth and for when the spiritual world.  If I throw in the spiritual world and a loose quite a bit of my audience in terms of mathematics.  However it's the truth so I really should bring these guys into the field of view.  You know what we need to let you see what the real issues are.  This is not a classical heaven and hell story this is a classical hand of manned story.

And we can call it sticks and stones.

By the way I said somewhere that we're dealing with some high octane voodoo.  Let's just say the bricks are getting exponential.  Trust me!

All right what show on the hand of man Seville no where the blue group come from.

This image is numbered 1961.  Here there was a glove here in the dirt next to the railroad tracks when I picked up the spikes and created a little cocktail of sorts. 
Now there's some things I would like to tell you but it will make me sound totally loco.  I'm aware of that which means I'm probably gonna do it sooner or later but not right now. 
Now this was a blue gloves embedded into the earth.  I'm not going to show you something from today which is a type of towel that wasn't in batted in concrete but was simply smashed into the concrete and then dried and became almost invisible.
Kwan assure you this because I'm their rap some elements within the dynamics of high octane voodoo within it.
Within going to talk about bricks theory and we're going to survey various forms of corrugated metal products that kind of make a wave or make kind of a lock or make kind of a Dumpster.
There are number of metallic objects in today's story.
As well as some large bricks.
The glove image above is from November 1, a Friday, 2013, the following images are from November 7 which is a Thursday in the year 2013.
You know girls I'm actually a very reasonable person and I can feel the energy so you'll know the energies about.  Which gets back to the stuff I need to show you concerning vacuuming out mike trunk.  It's the type of energy and it's a type of pink granite and the spiritual world has kinda been circling around it.  I have to dispose of it carefully without documentation.
Don't get me wrong it's just pink granite.
Then again it's pink granite.


You know I have to step back and look at my artwork from a distance.  I create the artwork for purpose and then when I look at it I see it can be read in a number of ways.  For instance I made a piece of artwork called a heart shaped rock and now I look at the ground and I realize I've made a heart shaped image upon the concrete.

If I discuss the obvious like the crack in the image of the hard on the concrete it's gonna get a little too symbolic for my comfort zone.

But then again that's what my magic does especially right now when I have all the spiritual things hovering about.

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