Tuesday, November 12, 2013

All right was talk about something else that pertains to all of this mess

Now some space aliens can live a lot longer than we can. That is to say we as in human beings. Now the long-lasting space aliens have a type of cloaking ability. They can put on other people's skin area.. You can kind of seen this with Arnold. But in real life it's much more sophisticated than that. That's why some people in the various forms of the media tend to appear to be timeless or ageless.

Now I bring up Nicole Kidman quite a bit, I do this because she was one of the first alien spaceship captains to arrive on our planet. This gets back to the tom-tom awareness and the fact that some dynamics of primitive drums have a type of magnetism with aliens. Let's just say if you drift you realize that guy is a magnet for aliens.

This gets back to throwing things and the Mexican brick. This will also walk around lesbians. The story is about to become much more complicated.

We have another problem in the production department. I'm supposed to image in a lot of different places and I'm supposed to do it fairly quickly. Let's get back to reality for second. I'm kind of the opposite of a vampire, given the current state of affairs I don't travel well at night. And people there is another dynamic to that that I don't speak about. Anyway. Where was I. Yes space aliens and their cloaking devices.

Now I can't say Nicole Kidman's craft and her crew were the first arrive on the planet. I just tell you where they parked their spaceship.

Now we can talk about things that float only that dynamics a little different. I wouldn't classify her as an alien. So I guess will hold up for a second and just deal with the aliens.

You know world I'm working on solving a lot of problems. And if I can ever get to the end of this chapter I will have solved some major issues with water and conservation as well as balance out the whole dynamic of interracial tension.

But I have problems with Hollywood as well as many other things. I now understand why. This is going to be hard for you to follow but there's another space alien that kept me out of Hollywood. Now if someone is a space alien you can't call them a native of anything on this planet because they're not native to this planet. They just kind of have a temporary pass to walk around.

It's going to take me a while to get to this. All right, there's this union or perhaps the term I want to use is consortium, is the first time I've ever use that word is the first time I've ever spoken it so I don't know if it did it right. I'm not even sure what it means I just mean a unified body of people only in this case it's a unified body of aliens or group of aliens. They're from different parts of the universe.

This gets back to archer city which gets back to cloaking devices which gets back to one of the aliens that actually interbred with an earthling. That's right, he married an earthling, if you have the archive she came up as a CIA operative she's also a centerfold. And were close to the family man, a real red-blooded American.

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