Saturday, November 30, 2013

What do you think they're doing in the basement

That's the question we need to ask ourselves kids.

Yes I am creating visual dynamics to adorn this tapestry but the magic of the spirit is out and about in full force today.  Essentially I want to address Sheryl crow and her backstabbing ability to create tainted love.

In other words I got to use more than my words to correct my issues with women I've got to use my magic wand.  I don't have a choice.  Sometimes the job calls for big guns!  Now what about those pharmaceuticals!  My need to fire up the Chrysler and go to Mexico?

Anyway I'm making what adjustments I can to Walter when the whole concept of the French comes up and I realize the fringe dropped the ball when they moved into the Star Trek arena.  You see if the truth be known he's not that logical and the bones are already dead although Kirk could've told you that but Kirch not really the captain, don't you know who's driving this ship?  I said Kirk is not really the captain.

This gets back to penny

D type

Lost post penny

Looks dark from HERE



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