Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We are locked on target


"HQ,  calibration code is  ready!"

18,  let loose!

" Roger"
No, he died last night,  which gets back to other parts of the Atlas I need to reach to.

 Now kids you didn't have to count some numbers, there some magic you're not being shown and things do add up.

" Do you think that will soften them up enough, or should we send more in before big daddy comes a marching forward."

 let's wait until the smoke clears

 looks pretty clear, let's do it

" deftly, Daphne would you get big daddy on the line were going to Boston and with a look at some hidden language within the code that wasn't supposed to be released. Least of all by that guy, regarding this time."

 Where did you get that footage?

" We had a team inside the library and the incinerator room. This stuff was retrieved from their."

 His big daddy to go through with this, do you think?

" He's committed, if the letter H is come to dance and big daddy's going to be one hell of a hoot and holler!! "

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