Saturday, November 30, 2013

Take care when entry in the valley of Tom little girl

All right this is gonna be a correct live feed correctly on the site and page.  No I would necessarily say is going to be correct but it will be correct.  Now we're having issues with the latter DS and dog which is kind of like the problem I had when I wrote on the index card this morning, I wrote the word debts but instead of using the letter DI accidentally used a letter be which means it would've been pants..

I don't have a problem worldwide per say.

Then again I do have a problem with worldwide.  I was trying to the rock and roll passcode lecturing sequent's yesterday to a set of international students.  If I say they were clueless, it would be an understatement and that might work.  They were clueless.  All right granted that's a little bit in the middle of the road but I couldn't get to the middle of the road so it's in the backyard.

Let's be fair.  You guys are missing a lot of visual information but if you can circle round to the old holiday I've written a postcard and I say ping-pong Easter twice that the team you can track or tackle or something like that 12 that the your mind us the sad thing about me a writing code and a camper of what was.  Then again I can write in the so called normal hand and I can't read it 2 hours later anyway.  Go figure.

But when the valley of Tom.  That's why the yellow who do brush is on the table.  It was a visual prop drags down from the voodoo closet.  A sensually times tracking and on the back of the track package he's sweeping up which is why I put that on the table if you're counting tracks I put that on the table.

Now there's more to this particular Tom then might meet the drum head.  And so it came up.  Times doing a type of cleanup but time is addressing this a certain way.  Yesterday was thanksgiving and yesterday I did go to Dallas.  And I was supposed to do something on Thanksgiving Day and Dallas but things have a way of limiting me.  That's when I saw Julia!  And that changed the entire dynamic of everything and I realized she wasn't in the bathroom to clean the mayor!

Well it was about politics but then again in today's rock and roll passcode the election did come up.  A sensual eight a sensually Julia wasn't in the bathroom to help me do anything but to hinder me.  It's got to do with the spirit of the twins in the dynamics of George and a former spouse who used to be friends.

All right here's the deal I'm going to have to address you guys are more dynamic fashion, that's OK because I used to be a part of the dynamic duo.

Yesterday I was in a land where the hide of innocent children is very valuable.  They use it to make a type of meat product called jerky.  Now we've talked about that and I've told you that the research center is headquartered in fort worth but the production facility is all for more taxes and and Southern Oklahoma.  These people value the hide of innocent life and the younger it is the better.

Let me put it to you this way, if you had a perfect innocent child this scan of that child would be worth at least $1,000,000.  Using today's currency standards.  If you don't believe me you can go to church and ask the Rev.  Smithy.

He's about changing cleaning products as well, which gets back to the valley of Tom which gets back to the mayor and yes I said mayor because that predictor mayor may or may not look into a mirror.

Which gets back to Julia which gets back to variations of George, Angelina, the other guy from Arkansas whose that bad Santa, the other girl and her sister whose father thinks I'm a drunk, and the fact that we couldn't get frank yesterday.

By the way that is on the index card for two days release notes.

Essentially put, if you need a slice and dice you need to cut through the smoke.  If you need something to mark the map you'll find along the fence.  If you're looking for the signature be careful you might get into some hot water and you might wanna take note around the yellow Power Supply.

Let's post and it let me refrigerate this unless breakfast I fixed.  I fixed quite a breakfast in the kosher kitchen of voodoo.  Scramble eggs with exotic mushrooms sausage, it is pork sausage but it has the magic wand approval and has been certified kosher and bacon that two being kosher by the magic wands power.

This gets back to mouthwash and the power of the scope of things.  You know which one thing if one person wants to do it in something entirely different when the entire universe walks into do it.

As I recall the used to drink a case of Budweiser a day then the mat Stephen king and they both decided to throw buckets of so called righteousness at the innocent kids to collect their hides.  This is when he went to the Rev.  And the Rev. said, I'm cleaning and unchanging products so no more of this!

This gets back to how we're going to deal with this world.  You need to take the reverend's advice, you need to go get some syringes and fresh needles and we need to start making friends with various factions within the so called southern regions south of the grand river or the so called Rio Grande and walk into Mexico.

It's about time for us to embrace our true future, it's sex and drugs and rock and roll, I've got the rock and roll and I've got the sacks but you're going to need to obtained the drugs.  That's right Neal, that particular track isn't on the feed yet but I do own it and you know it but I've got to acquire a little more youth before we start rolling down that line.

This gets back to the CIA and the FBI.  It also gets back taxes and he gets back to high ground.  The CIA and the so called arm of the military industrial complex were working with the concept of a man that was both human and robotic only it was kind of a man and a machine.  This predates the six million dollar man because his hide isn't worth much but the skin of his wife at one time was something to look at.

Anyway, the early experiments were done in the capital taxes in the capital of Texas.  They had built this type of mental controlling device about the size of a baseball and had removed that much of brain material from a said given individual and put the controlling device inside of his skull.  It was then given a mission and it was mission control.

Everything worked exactly according to plan and taxes realized they had to limit the coverage and they couldn't let the press know what they had done.  So they terminated the project using traditional taxes patterns.  Then the Dr. said wait there's a controlling unit inside his brain and they said that won't affect him no one could do that this is taxes this is Texas I wish I could see the thing right because it's below the line.

Anyway there's a lot here kids.  And I haven't even addressed the little German girl on the back seat and that big nickel plated tool.  Now if you have the archive you've known I've gotten to this now and again.  I've Gotta get back to it again.

You see it's worth millions of dollars, there are dynamics within the church and vaults, it is about an election, and I embrace my particular brand of cleaning products.

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